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  • in reply to: Looking for Emerald Male… #760175

    :hi: there,
    Sorry to hear about your Emerald Dragon… I do hate people that lie, period… πŸ™„ I hate it worse when there is money envolved… πŸ‘Ώ I am just about a perfectionist as you are.. My Windstones are precious to me. It is pretty bad when someone has to lie to make a buck… It is very bad business to lie about the product you are selling, sell it for an outragous price, and not care how it comes to the person that bought it… GRRRR!!! I am very P’Oed for you. Not just because I wanted one.. 8) Maybe Kyrin can fix it if you… πŸ˜₯

    in reply to: 100 #761702

    I looked.. I am very antisocial.. Need to start chatting more.. Guess bodine has a lot of time on her hands 😈 Don’t you have yard work πŸ˜‰

    in reply to: 100 #761701


    in reply to: 100 #761700

    Better get started… πŸ˜€

    in reply to: 100 #761699

    I have a very long way to go… 8)

    in reply to: 100 #761698


    in reply to: Looking for Emerald Male… #760165

    :hi: I am looking for an Emerald Male Dragon with red eyes and stones… I absolutely love him in that color. If any one out there is willing to trade let me know what I can do. I don’t have many Windstones to trade with. The Emerald Male will only be my 2nd or 3rd peice. I seen the one on ebay, but I want to have a second choice… Incase I am too late.. Thanks..

    in reply to: Welcome angelwitnoeyes! #759651

    Dragon87 wrote:

    8) Hello from my little corner of the world! Nice to see another addict (I had 3 Windstones when I joined this forum, now it’s more like…. 18? And that was me trying to curb my spending)!

    Well, the person that got me interested in the windstones started only about a week before I did and they have 18 already.. I do “plan” on collecting all of the windstone statures… I figured that the statues will make me laugh and it is some thing I can give to my grandkids one day…. cigarettes cant.. so I stopped smoking and what money I would have spent on cigarettes I am spending on windstones. I am not missing the money, and I feel better…

    in reply to: Obsessed much… *hehehe* #759664

    drag0nfeathers wrote:

    HAHA! You both made me laugh! πŸ˜€

    i just had a question for you windstone enthusiests…. has melody ever painted a citrine or a gold topaz type of dragon? if so can you pm me to let me know if she did and if i could get one… thanks

    in reply to: Bought myself a birthday present…… #759361

    2Huberts wrote:

    ok, figured I’d better update on my little rescue. πŸ˜‰
    She? is doing so much better. She’s calmed down and well rested. She looks 100% better. She’s playing more and comes up to me to give her attention. She isn’t screeching, but she does have a loud chirp she uses to call me. I woke her up yesterday with “Hi little girl” and she yawned and stretched just like a person when we wake up. It was so cute. ( Yeah, things are going well and i like her.) My hubby’s even taken to whistling at her when she chirps and he said he didn’t want to have anything to do with her. XD She’s eating and drinking well but I still need to get her on vegies and fruit. 😳
    The only thing that was bothering me was a raw spot on her back, but even that looks to be healing now that she’s not as nervous and exhausted. :yes:

    :hi: i have found that men are like that… they dont want to have anything to do with it at first, then when it comes down to it he is the one crying when they leaves.. not saying you are getting rid of your bird, but i rescue dogs and my hubby wines when i bring one home and cries when i find a good home for them.. lol.. i worked at a pet store and we had love birds… they are a trip when they warm up to you.. they say you should have a mate for them so they can have a play mate.. but if you pay lots of attention to them then you dont really need another mate.. sometimes that can spread diseases.. i am glad to hear that “she” is doing good.. thank you for helping our feathered friends… 8)

    in reply to: Welcome angelwitnoeyes! #759649

    bodine6127 wrote:

    :hi: Welcome my friend! glad to see you here Another Windstone junkie is BORN 😈 XD

    😈 its all your fault.. this is the person that got me started….. πŸ˜€

    in reply to: Welcome angelwitnoeyes! #759648

    Blackdesertwind wrote:


    Here are two stickies that help you find Important links with lots of interesting stuff for all new members:

    Tell us a little about yourself and your passion for Windstones. πŸ˜€
    Oh! Almost forgot….Welcome to the Windstoneholics Anonymous… just kidding around!


    hiya, XD
    well, i live in south mississippi. i live for the passion of helping our furry and feathered friends in need. right now i have 3 maybe 4 dogs of my own, a cat “dog”, and 2 more dogs i am fostering… i volunteer for a rescue and rehab. it was for special needs canines, but unfortunately, turned into a pit bull rescue. i also paint ceramic sculptures for a hobby… i am 24 years old and loving life…
    well, i am not a windstoneholic just yet.. i was introduced to windstones only about a month ago.. i am a artist myself and seen the beauty in the windstones and fell in love… my first windstone didnt make it to my house.. πŸ˜₯ but i have another one on the way… πŸ˜€ my first peice was going to be a emerald male dragon… now it will be the emerald-peacock old warrior… but i am not stopping there… πŸ˜‰ thank you for your warm welcomes.. 😳

    in reply to: PUT YOUR "WISH LIST" IN HERE #596744

    PhoenixTears wrote:

    I search out Windstones a lot, mostly just to look to see who has what even though for the most part, I cant afford to buy. But now and then I come across sites or stores that have pieces that Ive seen mentioned here as wanted. But I cant always remember who wants what.

    What Id like you guys to do is come in here and list what pieces you are most looking for- specifically retired pieces but you can add in pieces still in production but hard to find. If you’re so inclined, add a price at which you’d be able to pay for your retired wish list pieces (but thats not totally necessary).

    I will come back to this thread and check it often (printing it out after a week, or each week if there are new posts). If I come across coveted pieces (which has already happened as some of you know), I’ll PM you telling you where your desired piece is. Could be a store, an online store, eBay or a hidden eBay auction, a friend thats selling, a yard sale or estate sale. There is NO catch. Im just trying to help. Hopefully I can be useful and make some matches for you guys.

    i just started with the windstone collection.. how do you guys figure out which one you want.. they are all so BEAUTIFUL and MYSTIQUE. my wish list would be too long to write.. πŸ˜‰

Viewing 13 posts - 46 through 58 (of 58 total)