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  • in reply to: Congrats Angel #766338

    purpledragonclaw wrote:

    Congratulations! When did it go down?

    I never had the internet at my house. I would go to friends houses or the library to surf the web. Now I can surf the web in the comforts of my own home.

    in reply to: I must be unlucky… #764998

    Hey Kyrin, I have those pictures of the white wizard if you want to take a look at it. I dont know how to put the pictures on the forum so I would have to email them to you. Pm me to let me know if you want them. Still no luck getting anything out of the deal. Taking the next step.

    in reply to: Are you going "green?" #763399

    I have veggies on the way… 😀 I tried my radishes and had to pull them.. Bad packaging I think. They were awful. My cucumbers are flowering already and so are my Butternuts. 🙂 My Gardenea’s took off this year. I have a picture when I “thought” they were beautiful and I have one of them so congested with white flowers they looked like a huge qtip.

    in reply to: Are you going "green?" #763398

    purpledragonclaw wrote:

    Our sentinel has two blooms coming; yay! Picture time! Geraniums are blooming, epiphyllum’s blooming, pirocantha just finished blooming! Arum’s about to bloom, orchids are blooming, calla lilies have finished blooming, and the nasturtium is running wild over everything! And the madeira are still blooming, along with the birds of paradise! Our garden is a very pretty picture right now!

    how is my information going for you? 8)

    in reply to: Congrats Angel #766335

    bodine6127 wrote:

    Congrats out to Angelwitnoeyes.She has her internet up and running 😉

    Thanks there… 😀

    in reply to: how times have changed #763433

    😀 Have another one for y’all 😀
    Matresses… I remember when they were only a couple of hundred dollars and they last for 10 years. The last mattress I bought 5 years I had to replace a couple of months ago. It looked like I had it 10 years. Already the new mattress looks beaten and old. I also had to spend alot of money for it. About 3 times as much as my last one.

    in reply to: how times have changed #763430

    purpledragonclaw wrote:

    Hey, back when video games were made to be more challenging, kids got plenty of exercise! Remember the original Zelda and Metroids? I would die so much I would take a break. How? Fresh air! But now video games were made to be beaten in 13 hours (like Jak & Daxter) and the challenge level isn’t there anymore. Tomb Raider 2, I think, was so hard fans complained, so Eidos made Tomb Raider 3 easier. What a difference 20 years makes.

    I agree with you there. I remember when you can get a group of 4 to 6 kids together and entertain them for 4 or 5 months on one game (mario- yoshi land,for example). I still get games now and my room mate and I can have one beat in 1 weekend if we are lucky. Then they want to charge you 40 to 70 bucks for those couple of hours of play.

    in reply to: I must be unlucky… #764995

    Kyrin wrote:

    Yeah, don’t throw those Windstones out yet. Hang on to all the bits and pieces, and send me pictures of the damage, I may be able to do something with them.


    I know you can do some things with windstones. I have seen some pictures. He is completely crushed from the hip up. I won’t throw him away. I will put pics up when I get them downloaded and put them on this forum for you all to see. Let me know if you can do something with him.

    in reply to: I must be unlucky… #764994

    skigod377 wrote:

    Sorry about your losses. It seems to be hit and miss when going thru Ebay. I like getting from the forum better cuz most folks here know how to pack. What did you pay for the white wizard, if you dont mind my asking?

    I don’t mind you asking about the price. I was actually very happy about the price. I spent all together 75.00 for him. Wow, I know. The person that had him did not know what they had. He was packed pretty good. He didn’t have a box but he was wrapped and wrapped and wrapped in bubble wrap and the box was filled with wrap paper and bubble wrap. I think if we have to pay for their paycheck with our tax dollars, they could do their darn job right.

    in reply to: I must be unlucky… #764993

    mmloda wrote:

    Ohh I am so sorry, I have had that happen so many times….how did you pay for them? and did the seller have insurance?
    You might be bale to get your money back and I am sure that Kyrin could help you get them back to their original condition.. 🙂


    I asked for insurance but he conviently forgot to get it when he shipped it out. I have seen what kyrin can do to a broken piece but I think she cant do anything for this one. I will have some pics of him when I get them downloaded to the computer if anyone wants to cry…

    in reply to: I must be unlucky… #764984

    😡 I cannot believe this!!!! I have bought 2 Windstones from the internet. They both have been sent USPS. Both of them have come to me shattered to pieces 😥 Why?? They were both very retired peices. The last one was the white Large Wizard with the brown dragon and Amethyst ring… 😥 OMG!!! Why???? 😮 Why?? :shout: I am so so sad right now.. I want Windstones and the Post Office don’t want me to have them. It is even harder to get over when the actions are out of your hands. Well, people there are one less Emerald Male Dragon and one less White Large Wizard.. I am so mad!!! 😡 👿 😥 Word to the wise pack your boxes really good with bubble wrap and peanuts. You never know when your Postal Server is having a bad day. 😥

    in reply to: Are you going "green?" #763388

    purpledragonclaw wrote:

    Angel, would you mind going into more detail about how those items can be used as fertilizer?

    Sure…. 😀 The dawn soap- helps with topical and rootal bugs. Take a spray bottle, fill it up with water first (tried the other way.. it makes a mess) put only 3 drops of dawn ( original is the only one that will work. if you use the antibacterial you will kill your plants). in the evening when it is cooler you can spray the leaves and stems with this solution. it changes the taste of the plant for the bugs eating it so they don’t want it. :yum: For the roots you take 2 cups of water to 2 drops of dawn, put some in the ground before you put the plant in and the rest of it around the root system. works well with pots too. Vinager- take another spray bottle. fill it up with water, add 1 drop of white vinager. Spray the leaves and stems in the evening. That will take care of catipilars.. When you first put a plant down, you have to fix the dirt first, right? when you do, you can use your regular dirt and add about 1/2 cup of used coffee grounds and 1/2 can of coke cola. cokacola has been the only one i found to work. I guess it has a larger content of citric acid than the rest. put more dirt on that. put the plant in and add the rest of the dirt. it is also good to put your dead grass clippings in the dirt to when you are planting. it acts like a long term compost. That is all I can think of off the top of my head. When I go home I will pull my book out and take down more of the recipes for you. This can start you off… 😀 ooh, used tea bags can be used as well with the cola.. 8) if your plant has a fungus on it. you can also put the vinager solution in the ground around your plant it should rid the fungus.

    in reply to: Are you going "green?" #763386

    sunhawk wrote:

    dark_zorse wrote:

    Example 2. Pesticides. Here’s a biggie most green organizations don’t want you to know. Most pesticides and chemicals – including DDT – (oh! End of the world! DDT!) are safe so long as you use them as they are SUPPOSED to be used. In other words… you do not go out and DUMP millions upon MILLIONS of gallons into fields, lakes, and streams. Few folks know DDT was the sole reason why malaria never became a problem in the United States.

    This is true to a degree, but it’s also true that even if people use pesticides to the amounts they are supposed to, they still end up in waterways and they still build up in the fatty tissue of animals. It takes longer if people use less, but it’ll still kill animals, including people on rare occasion. It’s a poison, that’s what it’s meant to do. That’s why it affects birds so badly, because of the exponential leveling up of poisoning amounts due to the insects and other small animals they eat that already have their own dose of poison, as if the prey were little storage boxes of pesticide. So yeah it won’t poison you, the person putting it on your plants, but it’s still dangerous because of how it persists in the natural world. That’s my problem with it, more so than the harm to me personally. I can be aware of the risk and take precautions to protect myself, but animals can’t.

    They also don’t want you to know that everyday stuff at your house can be used as a pesticide and as a fertilizer as well.. I do not use any store bought fertilizer and pesticides. I use things like dawn soap, vinager, baking soda, and cola.. other things as well.. I always have beautiful plants and tasty veggies… 🙂

    in reply to: Are you going "green?" #763372

    :hi: It is good to hear all you going green… There is always someone out there trying to make money on the newest trend, yes; but,this needs to be a state of mind, not money. If you are worried that the “organic” farmers just trying to make money… Go green by planting your own garden. It saves money, too. It might be hard work in the beginning 🙄 , this is my first year trying it, but when you can eat what you grew it makes you feel so “big”. 😀 I wish that we had a place we can take our hazards to. They aren’t so big about the recycling thing down here. We just recieved recycling privledges. 😆 They say it is a privledge… I hold on to my hazards until I get wind of a organization finally making their way down here to help. The recycling pick up we have right now still won’t pick anything up they can’t make money on either.. They only take aluminum and tin cans, milk and water jugs only, and glass.. All fluid containers are recyclable, why can’t they take those too… I thank all of you trying to help our Mother, Nature, out. She needs help. There are to many of us out there that don’t care… :bye:

    in reply to: Are you going "green?" #763358

    I go green… 😀 I recycle everything from glass to plastic to metal.. and every thing in between. I feel better healthwise helping “mother earth”. 8) You help her and she will help you… Love your world and your possessions…. 🙂 I drive only when I have to. When I do I go to my neighbors to see if they need something in town while I am out and we make plans around to carpool with each other… If you take 3 people not including yourself in your car to go 100 miles that is 3 less vehicles on the road going 100 miles each. 🙂

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