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  • in reply to: a fat little stone dragon? (sketch page2) #820902

    That’s so cool mmloda!! What book is it from?

    in reply to: Tea aficionados #821027

    I’ve always found chamomile tea to be very comforting. :yes:

    in reply to: WHINE is served #820218

    Jennifer wrote:

    Whine: My bosom is a different size on each side due to a past surgery and so no bra I’ve ever had fits properly!

    Me too!! (Though not for reasons related to surgery) 😳

    in reply to: a fat little stone dragon? (sketch page2) #820890

    @ grayfire artz
    You must be thrilled to know that they’re actually in development — I’m so happy for you! 😀

    in reply to: WHINE is served #820191

    These whines are exceptional. 😉

    in reply to: WHINE is served #820186

    Dragon Master wrote:

    I want Vampire Dragons for my Drag Cave scroll but can’t get any whine whine whine

    *Teehee* 😀

    Aww, don’t worry you’ll get some; there are are more released into the abandoned area than you might expect. You just have to be persistent as well as quick, and then it’s just a matter of luck. I thought I’d never acquire any, but then I found that one of the tricks is to find the right computer mouse, one which enables you to respond as rapidly as possible.

    in reply to: WHINE is served #820179

    Rusti wrote:

    *whine* Took the dog outside to brush her out.

    The mosquitoes bit my toes. And only my toes. And now my toes itch.

    That reminds me of the time I petted a neighbor’s outdoor cat when I was little. The cat must of had poison oak residue on it’s fur, because the next day, I had these very itchy blisters in between all of my fingers. Ick! :shout:

    in reply to: Windstone Ebay Auctions CLOSED!~ July 28 #792098

    LadyFirebird wrote:

    Well I got my ‘Fern’ kitty–paid a pretty price for her too! Hey, she had my name and I had to get her! Someone at the last minute really wanted her and tried to snipe but I still won! Now if they named her anything else, I probably wouldn’t have bothered–but how often do you have Melody come up with something with your name on it? Darn you Melody!!! 🙄 Looking at the pictures she is pretty with those green eyes and smoke grey body.

    So I won’t be buying Windstones for a while [sigh] except for when the phoenix pyos come out. [Really needs an icon pulling out pockets and moths coming out!]

    in reply to: WHINE is served #820177

    You know, I think I’m going to stop whining .. I realize I’m blessed. I have air conditioning.

    LadyFirebird wrote:

    I have a big mess in my house [whine] and no energy to clean it [whine, whine, whine].

    Ditto. Currently, my room is a “hot mess.” 😳

    Jennifer wrote:

    I am really sick and I have too much work to do. Whine whine whine.

    in reply to: Creatures/Petz/Sims/Video Games #816316

    LadyFirebird wrote:

    That Ecco the Dolphin looks interesting. I don’t play games that often [older computer] but I enjoy the ones with beautiful scenery.

    You’d probably love the Ecco series then, though those games are mad hard!
    I can’t get over how much the video game console has advanced technologically since I was young. Online capabilities, wireless controllers, stellar graphics — I should start playing again. 🙂

    @ Jennifer
    Fascinating! Thank you so much for sharing!!
    Both story and design-wise, each game within the Ecco series was an amalgam of various artistic influences.
    I always got the impression while viewing backgrounds and image sprites from both Ecco 1 and 2 that the artists that worked on these games were definitely inspired to some degree by the work of Swiss surrealist H.R. Giger, the designer behind the 1979 film Alien.

    (Ecco 1)

    (Ecco 2: The Tides of Time)

    in reply to: Welcome casbo! #820635

    casbo wrote:

    Thanks Zephyr!!!

    in reply to: WHINE is served #820172

    bayoudragon wrote:

    Summer camp! I whine, the kids whine, it’s hot, there’s poison ivy, fire ants, etc… 😆

    The biggest whine about camp though would be the endless red bug bites.
    I’m glad I never went to camp. 😛
    In all seriousness, I feel for you. I’m really not the outdoorsy type — but you must have fun otherwise you wouldn’t go, right?

    in reply to: WHINE is served #820171

    Melody wrote:

    My air conditioner in my upstairs office broke!*whine* It’s over 90 degrees in here, so this is it for doing anything on my computer today!I am outa here!

    I’m so sorry. 🙁 That must have been heinous.

    drag0nfeathers wrote:

    I actually WANT to go to work just for the amazing air conditioning! 😆

    Do you have air conditioning at home? 😮

    Guess what happened to me today? —> The ceiling in my room starting leaking just as Regina (our veterinarian’s assistant) was arriving to clean the turtle tank.
    ARRRRRRRGGGGHHHH!!!! :shout:
    Earlier in the week I had a terrible stomach flu. :puke:
    Then my cat was ill again! (He’s on a new laxative though and he should be okay) No more dry food for my cats.

    Lokie wrote:

    I have no air conditioning and I haven’t been able to paint for a week because I’m drenched in sweat.

    Oh you poor thing!

    Lokie wrote:

    Hey, can I have cheese with my whine? =P

    I was waiting for someone to say that. 😆
    Here you go —>

    Update: The problem with my ceiling has been fixed…for now.

    in reply to: Welcome casbo! #820632

    Welcome casbo!

    in reply to: Creatures/Petz/Sims/Video Games #816313

    Oh, and who can forget Ecco: Defender of the Future.

    I used to visit the fansite Caverns of Hope a lot — I was such an Ecco geek as a kid. 😀
    I don’t think that I can choose a favorite game; they’re all so different. Spyro the Dragon maybe…

    Learn how Stewart Copeland composed the music for Spyro —> Click here!

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