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  • in reply to: Happy Birthday Necron99! #821716

    Happy Birthday Necron99!

    (Heard you’re a zombie fan — I hope I didn’t scare anyone with this) 😆

    in reply to: Forum's 'official' birthday June 30 #821649


    (Thanks everyone — I felt welcome here from day #1 and I’m so glad I joined!!!)

    in reply to: Happy Belated Birthday vapordragon! #821626

    in reply to: Tea aficionados #821043

    daydreamer wrote:

    Zephyr wrote:

    Unrelated question: I used to own a Siamese cat that hated the smell of coffee; he would often try to bury it. 😆
    Does anyone else have a cat that does that?

    Wow! what a crazy cat! 😈
    Yes I know! He also used to try and bury my mom’s ginseng pills. 😆

    in reply to: WHINE is served #820236

    Lupin wrote:

    So My Poor Old Puppy Dog isn’t having trouble with the stairs from her joints, it’s ’cause the Lens in her Left Eye has actually fallen out of place. $350 for her basic Yearly, thanks to her allergies/ears & need for more Meds.
    Oh & it’ll be between $850-$2000 to take her Eye out. Want a Second opinion on that, ‘since if they can just pull out the Lens it may be better for her. But again Cost, do the do that with Dogs, or will she be better off with out the eye & any vision than just the Limited amount that a Lens-less eye should give her.

    That’s awful!! They’re going to take out her… her… eye?!! 😮
    I’m so sorry. 😥

    Lokie wrote:

    Oh man, do I need to whine again. My freezer is broken! I’m sitting here, drinking warmish soda with no ice, wishing I had ice. Why couldn’t it have been the microwave, or even the stove? How I miss you, ice.

    Oh man! I remember when my freezer broke — all of these homemade frozen popsicles melted and leaked everywhere! :shout:

    Leigha wrote:

    I just got off a full shift at work, and my feet are so sore and I don’t have a man to rub my feet.

    (Though I can’t say that I like my feet touched) :nea:

    Nirvanacat13 wrote:

    My best friend since high school got married last year and didn’t even bother to call me or write me a note/invitation, I found out from an old news paper announcement….We’ve been on and off again communicating, but with our history she should have at least called my phone number, e-mail, AND cell number haven’t changed in over 15 years…. *whine*

    Wow… that’s just cold. 😮

    LadyFirebird wrote:

    My butt is getting bigger and I can’t stop eating!!!!

    XD XD XD
    Just wait until I update my chocolate thread! 👿

    … Which should be today actually.

    in reply to: Happy Birthday azurielle! #821377

    Happy Birthday azurielle!

    in reply to: Happy Birthday, dragonfriend! #820984


    in reply to: Tea aficionados #821041

    etruscan wrote:

    Day after day I drink plain unsweetened Twinings black tea – English Breakfast, Irish Breakfast, English Afternoon, or Prince of Wales, usually from tea bags (oh, no). From time to time I buy some flavored tea, but I quickly get tired of it.
    That said, Evolution’s Lavender Earl Gray is very good. So is Orange Blossom White from the Republic of Tea. The Republic of Tea website has many fruit/tea combinations, including blueberry, but it isn’t inexpensive. Their Blackberry Sage Decaf is also pretty good, which is a compliment because I don’t usually like decaffeinated tea. It always tastes incomplete, or watered down, or something. 🙁

    I love Twinings too — great stuff!
    Yes, I know, caffeine does have it’s own distinct flavor. Though I’ll drink herbal tea, I don’t care for caffeine-free soda at all.

    Unrelated question: I used to own a Siamese cat that hated the smell of coffee; he would often try to bury it. 😆
    Does anyone else have a cat that does that?

    in reply to: Tea aficionados #821038

    bayoudragon wrote:

    Probably not a big difference between pre and post-digested. 😈 lol

    I apologize if that term did not make sense; I was tired last night. (I edited the post to make it more logical and changed “larva” to “larvae”) I wasn’t sure how to describe the scent, as it doesn’t smell like excrement; it just smells sort of musty. Acai berry juice has that same odor — does anyone here drink acai?

    bayoudragon wrote:

    But yes, I can see it (um, smell it)… I raised a few myself. 8)

    That’s incredible! — I’m not the only one to raise moths and find that the scent of their droppings evokes that of green tea. See people, I’m not crazy! 😆

    I’m not a huge fan of hot lemon tea; I prefer to drink it as iced tea. (I love lemonade as well) I tried some Mandarin Orange Spice tea (Celestial Seasonings) at a diner and I remember enjoying it at the time. Hmph, not very sophisticated… but that’s what’s great about sharing on a forum —> Now I have a list of exciting new teas to try. 🙂

    Great topic daydreamer!!

    in reply to: Tea aficionados #821034

    Let’s see:
    Chamomile Tea (sometimes with apple)
    English Breakfast Tea
    Sleepy Time Tea (Celestial Seasonings)
    Chinese Tea (the kind I get from a local Chinese restaurant)
    Green Tea
    Peach Iced Tea

    I know, bor-ing…

    I really need to try some new teas. I haven’t had hot tea in awhile, and now that it’s summer, all I want is diet iced tea. However, I’ll drink hot chocolate in the summer — *hee hee* I make no sense… 😆

    I tried to drink both peppermint and fennel tea for my stomach, but they tasted nasty.
    Fennel is…well…fennel. (It’s in italian sausage)
    As for peppermint tea, it sort of tastes like menthol-infused pond scum. At least that’s how I remember it. :puke:

    I probably shouldn’t say this, but you know what the smell of green tea reminds me of? — Caterpillar poop. 😈
    No, I’m serious! I used to capture and raise moth larvae as a child. Their poop smelled of digested leaves. (Or green tea)

    From The Hollywood Reporter:


    July 13, 2010
    Peter Jackson meeting with ‘Hobbit’ actors (exclusive)
    By Borys Kit and Matthew Belloni

    “The Hobbit” still has not been officially greenlighted, but director Peter Jackson is in Los Angeles this week quietly meeting with actors. The casting trip, which also included stops in New York and the U.K., underscores the progress being made on a complex series of deals to bring J.R.R. Tolkien’s epic fantasy novel to the big screen.

    Sources say Jackson’s pact with Warner Bros. to direct the two-part “Hobbit” adaptation is close to done, but the sticking point continues to be the dire financial situation at MGM, which holds half the rights to the property.

    Warners, which is acting as the lead studio on the co-production, is furiously negotiating with MGM, which is being steered by a committee of creditors and financial stakeholders. Even if Warners wanted to fund the
    films itself, that would require a sign-off from the somewhat rudderless MGM.

    Jackson, who has been in L.A. since Saturday, is working with casting director Victoria Burrows on assembling what will likely be a large, international cast for the project.

    “The Hobbit” has so far taken a bumpy road to the screen. Director Guillermo del Toro abruptly left the project in May, citing scheduling delays. Peter Jackson, who directed the megahit “Lord of the Rings” trilogy and was to serve as a producer on “Hobbit,” was then recruited to direct the films. But Jackson has expressed his own concerns about timing, privately telling the studios he would not commit to the project unless the films could be fast-tracked and into theaters in 2012 and 2013.

    Jackson’s directing deal has not been signed but it is close, and he is proceeding like he’s going to make the films. But the fate of “The Hobbit” remains very much uncertain.

    in reply to: Happy Belated Birthday DROGO! #821317

    in reply to: Happy Birthday, daydreamer! #821020

    in reply to: Happy Birthday, Karyoubinga! #820967

    in reply to: a fat little stone dragon? (sketch page2) #820905

    It’ sort of part gremlin and part Cheshire cat. 😀

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