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  • in reply to: A Little Help From My Friends #709255

    Sending a prayer for the family right now. I’ll keep them in my thoughts and prayers. Sending hugs to you since it can’t be easy for you either.

    (It’s a helpless feeling, I know since my best friend lost hers in the sixth month.)

    in reply to: Knightwish update pic #709132

    Handsome boy. He filled out very nicely.

    You should nick name him Diablo, it sounds like it fits him so well.

    in reply to: patience….i need more of it… #709159

    You are so like my mother. She has a heart condition. She shouldn’t be moving heavy things. (Like that’s going to stop her….) She moved a dresser (large, heavy, with a mirror and shelves attached to the back) She broke her shoulder!

    Now she can’t move heavy things even if she wanted to. The physiotherapist wouldn’t give her exercises for strengthening the shoulder again. Since my mom was unrepentant, and would do it again in an instant.

    I hope you haven’t done too much damage.

    in reply to: Will there be more after the move? #709045

    I missed the males….. I cried for hours over it. Please, please, please make more.

    I would love chicks as well….

    in reply to: Does anyone collect Swarovski Crystal? #708341

    I’ve seen it in person and it’s bigger than the ones you are thinking of. It’s beautiful. Just passing along a great deal.

    in reply to: Does anyone collect Swarovski Crystal? #708336

    I’ve found an add for one not to far from where I live. It’s for the Heron. New in box for $100! I can pick it up for someone and ship it to them….


    Here is the add.

    in reply to: Happy Birthday Blackdesertwind #707705

    Happy Belated Birthday! 😀

    I’m so sorry it wasn’t better. Do you like brie? If you do sending brie and melba toast, and hugs your way.

    in reply to: search for a better life/ update page 18 #707771

    I’m so sorry to hear that BDW…. I’m surprised that there’s nothing that the government can do. I hope you can find someone that can help.

    What if you hire someone to do the cleaning for you commission wise. They do the cleaning and get whatever % cut that is agreeable for you both. A 40/60 split? That’s how it works in Dog Grooming at least….

    My parents used to clean a bank at night. We kids used to be dragged along. I loved that place. The trash compactor was sooo cool. (Now I won’t go near a trash compactor….. 😆 , but, when you are 5 they are just the coolest things)

    in reply to: DRAGON NURSERY #673687

    That’s interesting, I did abandon her but, she was still showing on my scroll. So, I ended up abandoning her again. (I’m such a mean mommy…)

    in reply to: Are horses really worth having! #707196

    purpledragonclaw wrote:

    skigod377 wrote:

    Kyrin wrote:

    I worked for almost three years at a vets, the ones you had to look out for were the little dogs, and unfortunately the Rotts, most were hostile to anyone not their owner. Rotts are kinda funny like that, they are pretty much one family/person dogs.

    My two Rotts are not like this at all. They look at everyone as if they were put on this Earth to pet them. Some people may have hostile Rotts, but not all are like this, nor is it a trait stronger in Rotts than any other dog. Sorry, but with all the bad publicity Rotts get, I feel compelled to defend the good ones and not generalize a breed. 🙂 Im thinking Tristans owner will feel the same way about the Chow comment.

    On another note, I am glad you got your horse to trust you. That is very cool.

    Skigod, I know not all Rotts are bad. It’s just mine was mean to the bone, and unlike the Rotts you describe, he didn’t even care for his owners (us) much. He would growl at the vet (even with the muzzle on) when she tried to give him his shots, until she finally shot him up with a tranquilizer to knock him out. She had to give him ten shots before she could approach him, and he still wasn’t knocked out! 😯 He just didn’t give her any trouble. The only reason she didn’t give him more was because she was worried about ODing him. She gave him enough to knock out a horse! He didn’t actually pass out until he was at home 15 minutes later. It was only after we had him destroyed that our vet admitted to us she was afraid of him. She had written “Caution” on his chart and everything.

    Kyrin, as a vet I can only imagine the types of animals you must have seen. Stories for another day. 🙂 And I’m so glad you teach your children to never pet a stranger’s dog! That is indeed a good lesson to learn!

    Most rotts I’ve met were like big lap dogs. Sweet temperments. (I’ve never been afraid of rotties. Even the aggresive rotties…. I really like the breed, but, I’d never own one. I know that I wouldn’t make a good rottie owner.)

    But, saddly I lump chows with the german shepherds. I’m not afraid of them, but, I don’t trust them. They are hard for me to read. If I can’t read a dog then I just don’t trust them. I turned away chows from my grooming buisness just because I’m so nervous around them. I didn’t want the dog to stress just because I was stressing.

    But, I’ve only been bitten by cocker spaniels, lhasa’s, shih tzus, maltese….. Except for the spaniels (spazzy, spazzy spaniels…. I used to own cockers, not all of them are spazzy but, it tends to be in the breed…) all of the dogs were small. Well except a golden retriever and a huskey corgie mix…

    The vet I used to work for marked the agressive dogs with AAA on the chart so we knew what we were getting into.

    in reply to: DRAGON NURSERY #673685

    My bred egg… I don’t need another purple. I think I’ll abandon her.

    in reply to: DRAGON NURSERY #673678

    Yay! Now that’s all of the ones in trouble. (From this guy at least…..)

    in reply to: All lead guitarists are evil….. #707005

    Well, I hope it works out. I do know some people that would work…. If you were in Ontario……

    in reply to: DRAGON NURSERY #673677

    Yay! The black one hatched. Now for the split….

    in reply to: It's Caturday….again! 🙂 #700637

    They all are funny. But, I have to say the polar bear one is great. (Just ignore the fact that polar bears are deadly. I wouldn’t want to be in his shoes…)

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