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*drools @ shasta ow & lap* ;0;
Well I went digging through ebay last night and the night before and didn’t find anything… not that I expected to. I did find a bunch of Sandicast wolves though. I want the really big one, too bad I can’t afford it. I saw it at a store in the mall a few months ago. It was huuuuuge. O__O
The hatchers are a LOT bigger than I thought they were… the OW and emp are huge too. I remember the first time I saw them in a store I was like O__O wow. XD;
Not so great for me… my parents and I have all been sick for the past two weeks. *hoards Zicam*
Plus I’ve had a killer headache for about a month. Doesn’t feel like it’s gonna go away any time soon; it’s actually gotten worse since last night.
My fathers birthday is tomorrow. :0
I’m terrified of needles too. When I got my first blood test when I was… 12? I was screaming and flailing around, and they had this HUGE guy standing in the doorway in case I tried to run away. x.x In the end they gave up and cut my finger instead. XD
But now I have to have like 200 blood tests a year so I don’t completely freak out any more. I do still get horribly sick and feel like throwing up the entire night before, and I can’t look at the needle or I’ll pass out.. ugh.
But tattoo needles don’t bother me at all. I have thirteen so far and want a bunch more eventually. 8D;
Ooh, cool, I wish I could see the factory just once. *flails*
Well she thinks I’m making up the allergies so I’ll have something else to complain about. Blah, whatever. I just ignore her now. x.x
Yep, it’s Feline Infectious Peritonitis. They don’t seem to be in pain, but the other cats know they’re sick and attack them, chase them away from the food/litterbox, hiss & spit, etc. The two that died, Panda and Maya, were obviously in pain though. It was Panda that started it. We got her as a stray when she was a couple months old and didn’t know she was sick at all til she was a year old. The symptoms just suddenly showed up out of nowhere and she was clearly suffering by then so we had to put her down. The Maya ended up the same way about a year later, and now Tsing and Kali are getting sick too, but they’re not so far yet that they’re in any pain. At least I don’t think so…
As for hating cats, I dunno why exactly. They just piss me off SO BAD, always running around all hyper, breaking things, etc. Plus I’m allergic (not that my mother cares). x.x
I was thinking of getting a Windstone tattoo sometime, but I have no idea what I’d get. I already have two dragons (one of them takes up my entire right upper arm, shoulder to elbow). Maybe a kirin?
khat7 wrote:Is Kari extremely affectionate and doesn’t know when to quit?
Yep, exactly. She follows you around and shrieks at you to pet her, but all my parents do is swear at her and chase her away. I mostly just ignore her. XD; *horrible I know but I really don’t like cats* We have six mow, used to be ten. Two of them died from FIP (look it up on wikipedia), and at least two more of them have it and will die probably this year…
lol really? I didn’t know they stopped making them. XD Well it wouldn’t hurt to ask anyways. If I remember that is. 😳
Cool. maybe next time I go to one of the dealers around here I’ll ask if they have any extra ones. I know one place had one, but it was kinda old. It had I think the peacock dragons and I forget what else.
lol, I didn’t know Windstone was ever called anything other than Windstone. Hmm, well maybe if I get really bored I’ll dig through ebay, but I doubt I’d find anything. Thanks for the help anyways. ^__^
…okay I just looked at the bug pictures in the other thread. *shudders, itches all over* I feel like I need a shower now. If only I wasn’t terrified of getting wet. *flails*
Khat, Picasso looks almost exactly like I cat I used to have about seven years ago named Mandy. We had to find her and five of our other cats new homes cause we couldn’t take them all when we moved. We only kept one, Kari (see my post a few pages back). I wish we’d kept Mandy instead of Kari cause Kari annoys the crap out of me and everybody else. XD;
Those are cool! I always wondered where people were getting them from. At first I thought they were included with the bigger pieces in their boxes. 😳