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  • in reply to: Wolf griffin chicks for sale + non-Windstone things. #654607

    I know… my mother wants me to sell it cause of some problems we’re having. We might not be able to pay the bills this month cause the people renting our other house are three weeks late with the check. Every week/day they call with a new excuse to why they can’t pay yet and it’s killing us. Ugh. I wish it was May already so we could have a garage sale. x.x

    in reply to: Wolf griffin chicks for sale + non-Windstone things. #654605


    I also have a Rick Cain sculpture called “Wolf Jumped Over The Moon” that I need to sell (bills, urgh.) It’s this one: No trading for this, I need to sell it. PM me with offers. 🙂

    in reply to: Will there be any more Black Pegasus? #666783

    *waves flag for more* :3

    in reply to: collection in new display case! #667757

    Holy crap. Can I come live with you? O___O

    in reply to: Knight Rider Movie #666543

    I did! *squee*

    in reply to: Broken sun dragon- Makeover in progress #648825

    You’re right about that. She doesn’t even take care of herself half the time. She makes my father drive her everywhere cause she refuses to (though she does have a licence). But yeah, our cats are horrible, not trained at all. I wouldn’t know how to even attempt to train them. They don’t listen to a word anyone says, and treats don’t work at all. They just do what they want…

    in reply to: Broken sun dragon- Makeover in progress #648823

    Well. My mothers cats ARE evil, I don’t care what anyone says. You would have to live with them to understand. These cats actually LOOK for things to break. My father agrees with me 100%.

    *shuts up before she gets any more upset than she already is*


    in reply to: Broken sun dragon- Makeover in progress #648821

    Holy crap. If my mothers cats broke any of my Windstones they would either be taking a trip to the pound, or dead. Blargh. There’s no excuse for that. Cats are evil. *twitch*

    Not trying to get in a fight with anyone, that’s just my opinion. My mothers cats love to destroy things too, but they’re not allowed in my room so they can’t get to my Windstones thankfully. They’ve broken SO many things in the house it’s not even funny. It’s true that you can’t have nice things in a house with cats.

    Those dragons look great now that they’re fixed though. Kyrin does an amazing job. :3

    in reply to: *sigh* Another copyright infringement. #666375

    I’ve seen those before… I saw a different one from the same line at a thrift store. I forget which Windstone it looked like, but I think it had a little clock with it… blah. Those things are ugly. x.x

    in reply to: Windstone Display/Cabinets #666322

    This is mine; I got it from Alco for $100. I’m starting to run out of room though and then some of them will end up being moved to the bookcase I guess. ^^;

    in reply to: Enchantica or Dragonsite dragons? (Andrew Bill) #666199

    I think it was the Komodo one. Yeah, most of my stuff got sold before we moved last year. 😥 I really miss my two Dragonsite dragons. My parents sold them for $5 each. *should’ve taken them back, dies*

    in reply to: Enchantica or Dragonsite dragons? (Andrew Bill) #666197

    I used to have one of the McFarlane dragons, but it was one of the things my parents sold in one of our garage sales. Blargh. I forget which one it was, but he was dark red.. from the second series I think…

    in reply to: Enchantica or Dragonsite dragons? (Andrew Bill) #666193

    Skylover, Windows of Wonder was sold in the US. I got mine from but they aren’t around any more, which sucks cause they used to sell Windstones too. ;-;

    in reply to: pebble cats #666161

    I don’t like cats, but I would totally buy those. ^__^ (well I do have Tiger, Cat’s Cradle, and the big Happy Cat gargoyle too, but yeah XD)

    in reply to: Enchantica or Dragonsite dragons? (Andrew Bill) #666186

    I used to have that one but one of my mothers cats somehow got into my room one day; I guess she went in there for something and left the door open; anyways the cat jumped up on the shelf and knocked half my dragons off (I didn’t have any Windstones then thankfully). That one of course was up there and broke in a million pieces. ;__; I used to have Moonstruck too, but my mom sold it in a garage sale last year. I wish I still had them both, especially Moonstruck. They were the only two Dragonsite pieces I had. I got them from Dancing Dragon, but they don’t exist any more apparently. 😥

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