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I’m NarakusGirl there, though I mostly stick to the breedables section. I have over 200 pets and 25000 posts. XD; I pretty much live there. =P
Happy birthday~ 😀
Happy birthday~!!
Thanks XD she’s clingy and likes being hugged. o.o I thought dogs hated that? *blinks*
Got some new videos today! XD But first a picture of Echo~
Whisper & Echo (watch the last few seconds of this one, this big like pterodactyl thing flies over the yard. O__O There’s sound in these by the way, though not much. XD
Cats playing with a feather toy.
And again. XDAh, I see. Sorry you had to go through all that. *hugs*
H…holy CRAP. 87??? *dies* I would just leave before they got that far. After about the 15th time I would just be like “DONOTWANT” and leave. Ugh. 😯 How did you… get through all that and not rip someones throat out or something? O_____O
I never print anything and never noticed that problem… O.o
It’s normal to get your thyroid tested every few months if you have either hyper- or hypo-thyroidism to make sure the pills are keeping it under control. :3
Thanks :3
I’m doing better with being left alone for a couple hours now. My parents just left to go to Walmart and I didn’t even get nervous. 8D Last time about a week ago too. Yays~
Yep that happened to me once too. made me really nervous having three girls poking my arms all at the same time looking for a vein. I was like O____O;; Good thing I was laying down or I would’ve passed out for sure. XD;
Eww my mother just came in my room and bitched at me again. Plus now it stinks to high heaven in here from all the perfume she wears. *hates that crap* 🙄
Yep, same here. Last time I went the guy said “You have HORRIBLE veins! Why would you come to me with veins like this?” Joking of course. :3 But he was good, only had to stick me once. And then he nearly did a dance cause it took him like ten minutes to find the vein. XD;
*flailspaz* neeeeed~ :0
Okay so I finally did the urine test. Took me like a month to get it done cause I was too scared. So I started, and of course freaked out and was having panic attacks all night. 🙄 The second day was a little better I guess.
So my doctor called today and told me the corisol level is still high, well DUH if I was that scared to do the stupid thing of course it’s gonna be high. XD; I told her that and she just goes “…Oh. well, okay…” and says she’s not convinced that I have Cushings, but she wants to do the test again in six months. *dies* So at this point I’m shaking like a leaf just cause I’m terrified of phones and forget to mention Hey, it won’t make a difference, you can test me a million times and it’s still gonna be high cause of my anxiety issues. 🙄 Whatever. So then she wants me to get my thyroid checked again in three months, not a problem since blood tests don’t bother me nearly as much as they did… guess I’m just getting used to them or something. As long as they don’t have to stick me seven times when they can’t find my veins. x.x And then after the blood test I have to make an appointment to go see the her for a check up. If I remember I’ll just tell her then about the cortisol tests being pointless. I think I’m gonna ask her if she can write a prescription for some sedatives to take before doctors appointments and such so I get get some sleep that night and not be awake all night/morning throwing up. 😳
I already canceled my dentist appt. for March 5th cause I don’t have dental insurance and can’t afford the cleaning OR the surgery to get my last wisdom tooth yanked, and fillings for the five hundred cavities I probably have. Whatever. They’re not bothering me anyways so they can wait. The less crap I have to deal with the better, right?
I really hope my mother finds a job soon…
*stares at picture* HOLY CRAP. *almost fell out of her chair* NEEEEEEEEEED. *passes out*