

Forum Replies Created

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  • in reply to: What are your squeaks? Tell Melody here!! #690950

    Tyrrlin wrote:


    I’d like to see what you can come up with for more fantasy-colored griffins. Nothing eye-blinding, mind you, but something not found in nature. 🙂

    What about some bright colors found IN nature (pardon if others thought of this already)?

    I’d love, no wait, *adore* a blue jay female gryphon… or a hyacinth macaw gryphon… or a cardinal gryphon family…

    But DIBS on the first female bluejay gryphon ;D

    daydreamer wrote:

    machineguts wrote:

    Little Butter now has her new forever home! Yay! 🙂 *Big hugs*


    and I am sitting eagerly waiting for her to get here ::mentally threatening the postal system::

    That wee face just trapped me 🙂

    ::getting strawberry jam and nutella ready::

    in reply to: Copper Cowry dragons coming soon to an Ebay near you #808198

    wow, I adore the blue– looks like a bluejay to me, one of my all time favorite birds… and I agree with whomever said they’d buy it, pinholes and all!

    in reply to: Am I Too Late? #796992

    Kalandra wrote:

    Ohhhhhh How pretty! My cats are just gray! XD 😆

    I adore gray cats– they always look so elegant! Fuzzy walking shadows 😉

    The neat thing about Brini is something that doesn’t photograph well — her fur really is *gold*, not just tan; it has a metallic sheen to it; in the sunlight it sparkles.

    in reply to: Am I Too Late? #796990

    WolfenMachine wrote:

    Oooh Nyte Tyger, you have a REAL Bengal kitty? Can we get some pics? 😀 My Chloe LOOKS like a Bengal, sort of, but she’s just an average American Short-hair. Although we think she’s part raccoon because she likes putting random things she finds in water.

    ::grin:: But of course! I admit freely to being so proud of my pretty little girl. 😀 Sometime in the future, when I win the lottery, I’ll add a bengal Windstone so she has a friend ::grin::

    This is Behari Sabrina the Teenage Wytch (called most of the time BRINI! STOP OPENING THE DARN CLOSET DOOR! -g-)

    in reply to: Am I Too Late? #796984

    ddvm wrote:

    Pam Thompson wrote:

    Ooh! I just found another Bengal crouching chick! What color eyes should I give him?

    If it is a brown bengal– green! Trust me, they look good with green eyes ::looking fondly at my real bengal curled on the arm of the sofa::

    in reply to: Your most favorite eBay piece EVER! #796792

    The black and tan dragon family from a few years back– I just wanted the male, but they went as a family and hopped out of my price range. I regret that I didn’t try harder to find a way to put in a last, higher bid to this day.

    in reply to: Trading white unicorn family for Breyer horses (more added) #789087

    Dracomancer wrote:

    random bumpage

    Do you have a preferred size? I have an unopened JCPenny set of SM from a bunch of years ago, almost 100 trads, and some others — I can take pix, but need a bit of steering; are you looking for bodies to remake, pretties to look at, specific molds and colors for showing?

    PM me if you have any specifics you’re looking for, or post here of course 😀

    in reply to: Does Anyone Have a Picture of the Wizard Print? #793223

    ::pondering:: it reminds me of the background of a Robin Wood print I have (packed away, but still mine somewhere -g-) of a thief sneaking in and stealing a phoenix… wish I knew the title, so I could look it up to be sure, as her web site doesn’t list it. (then again, it IS a rather old print bought more than 9 years ago -g-)

    in reply to: Bengal poads #780683

    Serenity wrote:

    Dragons4Life wrote:

    I really, really REFUSE to buy a Poad™™ because I want to save up for dragons and I simply will NOT be tempted!!
    XD XD

    Show me a Bengal dragon and I might just faint…

    OH that would be COOL! Bengal dragons!

    Trust me… all Bengals think that they already ARE dragons….

    I live with one and her hoard 😀

    in reply to: Bengal poads #780676

    How adorable!

    But.. you really need some golden brown ones with bright green eyes; then I can explain to my Brini that she is not the only thing out there with rosettes to make her less… erm… vain. ;D

    in reply to: June Raffle 09 #767413

    oooo MUST enter

    I’ve a living one to match him — see?


    in reply to: Discussion on trading Windstones #758314

    Jennifer wrote:

    I’m leaving this up for discussion as long as things don’t get ugly. This has come up time and time again…. and I truly do sympathize with those that missed out and understand your frustration (I can very very rarely get the pieces I want either), but I have to agree with Dave here.

    Nytetyger and Misato, I didn’t delete or hide your posts because I want you to know that we are listening and you shouldn’t be afraid to post your thoughts, but please do be careful not to be judgemental.

    No one should be ‘flamed’ and if anyone is feeling that way, please come to me. The problem with reading text is that we tend to put our own emotions into it… and sometimes that’s not the emotion that the original poster wanted to convey. That said, if someone feels anyone is being outwardly nasty or ugly to them, please do let me know so I can try and resolve it.

    As I said, I was trying NOT to inject any anger into it– I even wished the OP well on their search for a trade. 😀 And yes, I do get it– these are COLLECTIBLES, as I was reminded, and thus its a free market; I do know they’re not food, or shelter ::grin::. Thank you for setting up the thread, Nam. 🙂

    All I had hoped to impart is that this was a KNOWN limited FIRST release– there would be MORE of them out later for a person who was “meh” on the curlie, but really into a purring cat. It wasn’t a hidden conceit here– Melody herself realized these would be mega popular, as did Windstone– hence the ‘one per customer’ thing for this first release. And heck, I even said I understood, had the OP *gotten* said curlie and went “um.. liked the picture a LOT better” and posted it *then*; the reason I made the post I did was that this was RIGHT AFTER the selling out, and heck, the *same* post looking for a trade was used in the “got one!” thread, which yeah, did kinda feel like a “neener neener”.

    I’ve all sorts of collectibles; I like dust collectors, I’ve been told, and I’ve been lucky in finds and duped in others. I just rather hoped that someone who was a part of the forum, who knew that there were folks really eager for these might have chosen to wait to buy one for trade until batch two was released. Hey, but that’s just my thoughts on it, everyone’s mileage may vary. ::shrug::

    in reply to: Discussion on trading Windstones #758304

    Thunderwing wrote:

    I got my order in for one of the first run of Amethyst Curled Dragons. But what I would rather have is one of the purring cats that I missed out on. Any color will do, but I’d really like a grey tabby one. Even trade, one for one? Pwease? (I don’t have it in hand yet, but will be able to ship once it arrives).

    See, *this* is the sort of post I was dreading to see. Sadly, due to a medical appointment, I missed out on the Amethyst curlies, a color I really *really* liked (it’s my birthstone) and one I had hoped to get. I thought to myself that for once, it was going to be fair– everyone who really *wanted* one would get a fair chance since it was ‘one per customer’… but again, those lucky enough to sit either in the forum, in the store, or have friends who would haunt said places for them got the curlies even if they really didn’t want it for themselves.

    Yes, I get it… this is CAPITALISM, and I should take my whining elsewhere… but it is disheartening that there are folks who wanted one of these dragons for their own collection have to wait for a time in the future when more can be released while people who didn’t even want one (sorry, but no one has one in hand, so how can you have wanted it, but when you got it you were less than enchanted?) can now look for ‘better things in trade’.

    Everyone can commence rolling eyes at my thoughts, or flaming me… sorry if my thoughts bother others, but when I left, it was as if the curlies would be out some day coming up and then POOF all gone in under 3 hours. I think I’m giving up on limited items from here on; its not worth the upset. ::shrug::

    That said, I truly do hope you get the item you most want that really *will* make you happy in trade. My thoughts aren’t those of the universe, just my own. 🙂


    in reply to: February Raffle. And the winner is Silverdragon!!! #750801

    Congrats on the win 🙂

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