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thanks guys/gals the party turned out well only one person didnt make it because of weather and 1 no-show.cant believe its been a year since my “new life” birthday
We are supposed to get hit by Gutov Friday night and all day Saturday , so my p[arty is screwed …stupid weather. From the way the pictures of how it will track look its goona come up right through the Chesapeake Bay as either a cat 1 hurricane or a nasty tropical storm . either way the last time Isabell went up the bay the whole coast got flooded out and a lot of neighborhoods were destroyed .. we still had people in trailer till about 2 years ago down in Wilson point and carrol island hope it doesnt do that again . Luckly we are on high ground in Belcamp but we know a lot of people in Baltimore who will be up a creek or bay if this thing does hit
keschete wrote:We are self sufficient so the news has no “horrible tragedy” to cover. If we were like New Orleans…and begging for help the news media would be all over us.
go on a looting spree and scream about how the country hates you , then you might get some coverage 😈
here is the first fail i have ever made up
twindragonsmum wrote:I’m afraid the cold would escape the box (I’m not that good at packing 😳 😆 😆 ) but and the family could move up here… Nice thing about here is even though it gets cold early there are LOTS of hotsprings here that are great for soaking in. Really pretty surrounded by snow… Lot’s of wide open spaces, not a lot of people, hunting and fishing if you’re into that and the archery and blackpowder clubs… Come on up. There’s a home for sale just down the street from us! 😀
twindragonsmum 😀
i have tried to get PD to move out of this crap hole state for years…. but umbilical cords aren’t long enough 😕
ship some of that nice cold weather down here , i hate the heat and humidity . i’ll take a brisk 30 degree day over this 90 degree and 90% humidity any day
looks like the neighborhood made out pretty well from the hurricane . as for the brick i would go after that contractor unless something smashed into it the bricks shouldnt have fallen from wind alone
i got on this morning and was told by the little flashing box that i had 2 messages but when i got in there it was empty , is it just me or is anyone else having problems with new mail. If you sent one and i didnt respond sorry but they never showed up 😕
its been a year today since all this unfolded , i really cant believe it ; its just been so fast . I feel like i just got out of the hospital yesterday .
honestly i was ready to kick off , anything would have been better than the tubes all over me before TX. This year has been great thus far i saw my daughter being born , i can run and do everything i want to do and need to do for my wife and daughter . I now look forward to a future .
I want to thank every one who gave their heart felt wishes over my trying time . If you can all make it to Baltimore your all welcome to my one year anniversary this weekend . I look forward to many more anniversaries to come
what a long strange trip its been ( take it any way you like 😛 )
congratz on getting the insurance . I used to be afraid of the dentist till i got a good one … i bet this guy would love to be able to visit a dentist
WOOT 600 posts , man i need a life 😛