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  • in reply to: OMG why??? #742463

      It’s kind of interesting though to play ‘what if’… 😈

      Pretend for a minute, that at least half of what she says is valid, that there’s a dragonish spirit in the purple amulet.

      Then… that would be the sale of a sentient being over the internet. Or at least the sale of the sentient being’s ‘apartment’ Which is a bit iffy however you look at it. 😯

      Also presuming there’s a dragon spirit in the amulet that’s even half as powerful as she says, comes the assumption that it took a whole lot of highly talented metaphysical fancy footwork to house the dragon in there. And that immense effort and labor comes at a price of… $35. Which is about as logical as Melody custom painting a Secret Keeper for $100.

      Continuing on that line, seeing as the ‘metaphysical fancy footwork’ appears so underpriced, costs could be cut in quality control.

      And of all the issues that that could lead to, the one that stands out, is the possibility of a shaky screening process where some dragons may not be enlightened beings wanting to serve the amulet holders out of the goodness of their great hearts, but simply looking for a nice little snack… Our Windstone dragons may be sweeties, but in some circles, humans are rumored to be crunchy and good with ketchup… 😈

      And this, is what happens when I have too much sugar in too little time…

      in reply to: People Suck. – now with news Article and video! #742502

        That royally stinks.

        The sad thing is, even with all the good people out there, it only takes one slimebag to pee in the pool. 😕

        in reply to: November Raffle? #739080

          He’s exceptionally handsome, but I’m skipping this one. In order to give the more fierce hoofer fans a better shot at him, and get me a better shot at potential griffins or dragons. 😉

          But man, he looks nice in that color.

          in reply to: New Stuff!!!! #742329

            They’re very handsome little guys. That color scheme suits them nicely.

            in reply to: So, did a forum member win this? #741104

              Well, I received word that apparently it’s old, known and handled. So that’s good.

              in reply to: So, did a forum member win this? #741099

                Yup, I sent him the info.

                It’s a bit of a shame. Whoever made that, clearly had enough technical skill that they could have come up with something very nice by themselves. Or have learned to. 😕

                in reply to: So, did a forum member win this? #741097

                  I would say the pose and the babies taken alone could be coincidence, just as every curled up western dragon isn’t a Mother. But the scale pattern and wing shape is extremely close.

                  in reply to: So, did a forum member win this? #741095

                    Of course.

                    I thought it was a nicer than average design when I bought it, now I know why… 😛

                    in reply to: Dragon Hatchery!! #678221

                      Oh, right. 😳

                      Shall drop you a PM soon. 🙂

                      in reply to: So, did a forum member win this? #741092

                        Holy flying mackerel, I have a beltbuckle that looks just like that print. 😯

                        Off to report to John I guess.

                        in reply to: Dragon Hatchery!! #678219

                          Eeee! I just started. 🙂

                          in reply to: I got my swap! #739639

                            Edit: Just realized this post seems a bit redundant. So pardon the rambling, guys.

                            Yep. Figuring out a good request seems difficult.

                            On one hand, something super specific could be tricky for the artist if it doesn’t play to their strengths. For example, I could paint decent hawk markings, but couldn’t pull off a graceful, consistent blending of colors to save my life. Another painter might have the exact opposite problem.

                            On the other hand, absolute free rein lets the artist play to their technical strengths, but adds the ‘Eeek! What would they like?’ angle for painters. Even if the requester simply and sincerely just wants a PYO that the artist had free rein with.

                            Something kind of between the two is probably a good way to go.

                            Edit: And this concludes my rambling.

                            in reply to: Maplecarver's PYOs Wolfey Page 2 #732967

                              Thanks guys, and you’re very welcome.

                              I read that painting interference on the back of fake eyes makes them light up more, (Floyd Schulz, Birds of Prey book) so that’s why I tried it for a primer. Even with a clear acrylic medium the gypsum soaks it up unevenly causing the sparkly bits on the surface to (initially) have an odd texture, but it seems very well worth it. I am very glad you like her so much.

                              I sent Tilden’s message to Griffykins and he squeaked, blushed, preened, then mumbled something about ‘give her my kindly regards’ and ‘permitting’ me to work on his wings now. So I guess we’re back in business! 😀

                              in reply to: I got my swap! #739630

                                Ahh, now those pics do him justice!

                                It’s really cool seeing what everyone sent and is getting! Some very handsome pieces in here. 😀

                                in reply to: Looking for an instant collection? #741071

                                  She might do well to at least sell them in lots by the maker.

                                  Twenty grand = a new(ish) car, a kids college fund, or the start of a business. With 200ish items being mentioned, that averages to around $100 an item which seems a wee bit steep, even in good times. 😕

                                  But it’s probably worth keeping an eye on, just in case something changes. She mentioned more pics and a complete list becoming available. And if they change their mind and decide to break it into smaller more specific lots with far lower starting bids, that could become interesting.

                                Viewing 15 posts - 451 through 465 (of 517 total)