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  • in reply to: Horse training progress….and hay! #724511

    The only problem I seemed to run into with problem horses was the problem owner that created the problem horses to begin with. A good majority of the owners really had no clue that they indeed were the root of the cause, not the animal.

    It used to be a frustrating subject for me.

    I got over it. 😎


    in reply to: for fun #710005

    Rutger Hauer as Navarre in Ladyhawk

    Keanu Reeves sooo many good roles!

    Eric Stoltz as Eric Stoltz

    Vin Diesel as Vin Diesel

    Brendan Frasier as Brendan Frasier

    Hugh Jackman as Van Helsing

    Kevin Sorbo in the TV Series Hercules: The Legendary Journies

    Richard Dean Anderson as McGyver and Jack O’Neil.

    Ewan McGregor as Obi Wan Kenobi

    Julian McMahon as Julian McMahon (Charmed & Nip/Tuck)

    Josh Hartnett as Josh Hartnett (Lucky Number Slevens Sleven)

    Mathew McConoughey as Mathew McConoughey

    Scott Speedman as Scott Speedman (Underworlds Michael Corvin)

    Yes, my tastes are quite varied and this list is the tip of the iceburg. 😎


    in reply to: Thank you!!! #723880

    How sweet! What kinda goodies were in the basket? Inquiring minds wanna know. Admission: I’m looking for baby shower ideas, I have one coming up very soon. πŸ˜‰


    in reply to: My debut! (Tiger Griffins going to ebay!!! more pg 18) #703870

    Arlla wrote:

    Hoofer wrote:


    “Is this thing on?”

    Eh hem …

    You soooo should do a Pegasus family or two or ten. πŸ˜›


    πŸ˜€ Well, I’ve got a mare to work on…so maybe you’ll see a few. πŸ˜‰ Not sure yet how good I am at the horses’ coats, so wish me luck!

    Not enough, we equiners need more equine love. πŸ˜€

    And as with any artist out there, you’re selling yourself short. πŸ˜‰

    Considering the two large cat paterns that you just did, horse coats would be a drop in the bucket for you I would think. 😎

    I would be willing to bet that you’d be fantastic at Duns, Buckskins and Dapples; I’m not a big flea bitten fan or I’d include that in the list.

    Of note, who said it had to be a realistic coat?

    It’s your wing work that I’m floored by. If you’ll notice, the feathers on the special released Pegasi get overlooked.

    Because of the above, you could quite literally get away with a basic coat color and seriously fancy wing work and it would be unique.

    Just my equine enthusiast, .02 cents worth πŸ˜‰


    Post Script I feel the need to state: Not knocking ya Jen aka Nam, your wing work is also spectacular and yes, YOU need to do some SE Pegasi. As I see it, the more equine love the better. πŸ˜€

    Post Post Script Yes I am aware that no molds are currently being produced. I believe in early starts. πŸ˜†

    Insert gratuitous mouse noises:

    :squeak: :squeak: :squeak: :squeak: :squeak: :squeak: :squeak:

    in reply to: My debut! (Tiger Griffins going to ebay!!! more pg 18) #703868


    “Is this thing on?”

    Eh hem …

    You soooo should do a Pegasus family or two or ten. πŸ˜›


    in reply to: Should I ? – I did , I did !!!!!!!! #723712

    Jennifer wrote:

    You are in Scotland? I would love to visit someday. And you could totally kick all of our butts.

    I’d take a mild arse whoppin’ from a man clad in a kilt for a wee visit meeself. πŸ˜‰


    Post Script Somehow I have managed to use the word kilt twice today on these here forums. Interesting … 😎

    in reply to: Let's talk fitness #723667

    The Castle [Dave wrote:


    dragonmedley wrote:

    He looked at me going and said: “I go to the gym, so I don’t need to take the stairs.”

    Firstly, that’s a non-sequitur. He takes the elevator so he doesn’t need to take the stairs; if the elevator was not working, he could go to the gym 5 times a day and it wouldn’t help him any.

    But to the point, my answer, if not yours, would have been: “I take the stairs so I don’t have to go to the gym. I hate going to the gym. You pay all that money to be allowed to exercise in public without the normal embarrassment of being seen doing your exercises in public. Sheesh!”

    My retort would have been simply, ‘stairs are free.’ I’m so frugal minded. πŸ™‚

    Dragonmedley, he was probably trying to justify why his lazy arse wasn’t taking the stairs. πŸ˜‰

    I used to get the, “Do you go to a gym?” question often when I was an active member of Cubical World. “Nawp, I have horses, that’s all the gym I need”, was my typical response.

    ~Hoofer, “Milk? Blech! Got Horses?”

    in reply to: Fail again for 2009 πŸ˜€ #723264

    Rusti wrote:

    The Airconditioning in the car was pretty innovative if you ask me!

    The rest, HA!

    Except that I’d be to paranoid that someone would try and teef my generator. πŸ˜₯

    The Epic Failures were that indeed. 😎


    in reply to: Who's good at siggies? #720827

    pegasi1978 wrote:

    How do I do it? I use photoshop and then windstones photos for the most part. I decide what size to do the signature (mostly 400 pixels wide by 100-150 pixels tall). Then I reduce the size of the windstone that will be featured, remove the background if needed, add text, then upload it. There’s no set limit for the signatures, but Jennifer did have some recommendations once upon a time and I do try to stick to them…just can’t remember them right now. πŸ˜†

    There are set limits for avatars. Only one image can be displayed at a time, its width can be no greater than 80 pixels, the height no greater than 80 pixels, and the file size no more than 8 KB. I’ve found GIFs are typically the way to go for those.


    <—- Points to her Avatar.

    Thanks Pegasi1978, perfect instructions. 😎

    The signature banner thing will have to wait.

    Maybe Jen will pipe in with the signature recommendations by then.

    ~Hoofer and her Avatar of, ‘Astartes New Moon’ aka Moonie

    in reply to: When Receiving a Gift… #723539

    Geeze, tough one Ski!

    There are reasons to give either.

    If I know the person well enough, they pop into my head when I see an item.

    If it’s a person that is hard to find something for, then yes, a gift card is the perfect item.

    Personally speaking, I’m a practical person.

    Doodads collect dust and make more work. Given as a gift, an easy thing to overlook. Course, I too have some fugly doodads, but they were given with love, so are cherished.

    If given a gift card, I might end up using it for practical items and not a special frill item as intended.

    Unless it’s one I can use at Bath & Body Works, which would be frill and practical!

    I <3 that store. 😎

    So in essence, either or is fine for me personally and I have specific reasons why I would choose a gift card/certificate as a gift for someone.


    Post Script:

    The Castle [Dave wrote:

    “](I was really hoping to find a pair of women’s bright red trousers, but they didn’t have any that fitted me. Men’s trousers are so boring. Oh well.)

    Huh? I take it you’re not really joking.

    I can’t imagine finding nor wearing bright red trousers, let alone a man trying to fit his shape(s) into womens trousers. That can’t be comfortable.

    My vote is for kilts to make a fashion return. πŸ˜‰

    in reply to: What determines this? #721374

    The funny thing about this topic is that anyone could organize this sort of thing, for any type of reason. There are just some people who are way more capable/organized. And then you have people like Ski, who just wing it and it still turns out well. πŸ˜›

    On the flip side, it was my choice, with no pressure at all, to donate for some and to not donate towards others. That is a benefit to this sort of RAoK (See below.)

    I definately believe in Random Acts of Kindness (RAoK) and that what you send out returns 10 fold. No, I don’t mean monetarily or specific to the act itself. It’s just my belief system and it’s worked for me very well so far! Considering this is the net we’re referring to, monetarily really is the only way to send out that Random Act of Kindness with someone organizing the rest of it.

    To know I brought a smile to someone is my thanks.

    Now, if I later find that they’re an ungrateful whelp! j/k

    Actually, now that I think about it, I’m not really joking. I don’t like finding out later that my generosity was received by someone who was unappreciative. I know plenty of people myself (not referring to the WE BBS, though I’m sure it could be a possibility) who deliberately will take advantage of the kindness of others. When I have discovered this about someone, I carried no grudge/ill will towards them, I simply refrained the next time the opportunity presented itself.

    As for me, my dirty laundry belongs in the wash, with the rest of my personal items! I might rant and ramble one day, but chances are, I wouldn’t be saying anything specific or personal and if I did, it’d be like Ski said, it would be long after it was over with, handled, emotionally dealt with, etc. It’s just me, I rarely tell my Mother things. 😎

    in reply to: Identify these clothes please πŸ˜€ #721585

    Dragon87 wrote:

    They do that with everything though, shrinking sizes. I swear my size 10 jeans fit just as well as my 12s. The only difference is time of purchase. The companies WANT me to think I’m fat? That doesn’t make me want to purchase clothing πŸ™„

    I KNOW they do this! Except unlike you, it worked in complete reverse for me. πŸ˜• I’m waiting another decade to see if my new size will be negative something. πŸ˜€

    That red and black dress is definately the dress for photo posting. Very sweet of you Kyrin.

    in reply to: What determines this? #721373

    skigod377 wrote:

    I dont know who sent you those clothes. Sorry all!!! Group gift was for Purple.. *Hides face in shame…*

    I just wanted to let you know Ski, I get some of the best laughs when you goof-up, mess something up, apologize for something (whether founded or unfounded :D.)


    in reply to: pony pics? #721505


    And its tongue is even out, how cute is that?

    Nice blobby πŸ˜› I can’t wait to see your progress.

    ~Hoofer … resident Pegasus fan

    in reply to: MySpace #720991

    Dragon87 wrote:

    Is me for whomever wants it. Yes, I was getting frustrated with the computer telling me “This URL is in use”. I don’t check very often though.

    Your URL is hysterical. I’m guilty of being fed-up with account, user name choices being rejected.

    I no longer wonder about multiple personality disorders. User name requirements for everything, has forced me to have duality issues. We have become! πŸ˜›

    ~Hoofer here, ❓ elsewhere. 😎

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