

Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 76 through 90 (of 292 total)
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  • in reply to: Seeking Guru; Inquire Within #835013

    My family had a little New Years’ powwow/get together last night and it was cool (snacks, Wii, concert watching, copious amounts of Martinelli’s Apple Cider) and then after a hug from my mom, she said,”You have until June to do something with yourself.” (she said the same thing about my 18th b-day, but you know..). This morning we watched Eat, Pray, Love for the first time and there was the traveling, and the “jumping into a completely different culture” (a secret dream of mine), and the whole “finding yourself” thing, and pretty soon my imagination is running with ideas of studying abroad and trying to figure out what to do. So now i’m on a mission to find a guru. Someone who can tell me to cleanse my chakras, meditate on a remote mountain, or drink snake sake for the rest of my life. Someone like Yoda. Or Guru Pathik. Perferrably with an indian or ancient chinese accent that can tell my mom to suck it up and deal with me leaving someplace awesome. Any takers??

    in reply to: DragCave Eggs #834840

    I thought since DM was having issues with dragon codes, I started this thread for people to post them individually. Just post your eggs and if you get more or if they’ve grown, click the edit button on your post and remove/add. The only rule is that if you have any comments, PLEASE post in the DragCave thread! I really just want to keep the thread short for bored clickers so that there isn’t pages and pages and…. 🙄 Just return click favors! 🙂

    in reply to: Pebbles #834374

    (A little behind… 😳 ) I LOVE the fox!!! *happy squee* 😀 A Sand Cat would be amazingly cute, or an angel kitty! 😮 Can’t wait!!

    in reply to: just in case you missed it in the food thread… #833912

    😆 XD XD You just made my day! I had to stop reading halfway though. The screen got too blurry to read. 😀

    in reply to: Forum birthday? #833595

    Lol… Page 5 of 36. XD

    in reply to: Thanks Melody! #833685

    THANK YOU!! 😀 😀 I got mine today and you were right, I did greatly appreciate it! I now have the warm fuzzies. 😳 Your generosity is amazing! 🙂

    in reply to: Christmas Wish #833015

    A tiger curlie :squeak:, a flapcat (any wing style as long as its silver or white) painted to look like a grey tabby tuxedo, or… well, anything actually. 😳

    in reply to: Saying Goodbye to a Dear Friend #832540

    Awww… 🙁 *offers shoulder and cup of something warm*

    in reply to: Spamspamspam #832797

    😆 Maybe they suffered from search overload? *snicker* Bun in the oven… XD

    in reply to: Yeral's Plush Monsters #831190

    Zombie bunny is sooo cute & funny! 😀 Maybe creepy/cute black kitty? 😳

    in reply to: What do you want for Christmas? #833062

    I would ask for a windstone item too, if my family knew what they were and how to buy stuff online. 🙄 Maybe I’ll settle for a little luck in actually finding a new one that isn’t double the Store price next year.

    in reply to: It's Caturday….again! 🙂 #702026

    I think I had cuteness overload from the video… ROFL And ‘discussion’ made my day!

    in reply to: What do you want for Christmas? #833051

    Lol. That’s good enough for me. 😀

    I would like to know also. 🙂

    in reply to: December raffle? #832675

    Bwahahaha! 😆 That WAS a surprise! You rock my dragon-scale-covered socks, Melody. 😀 :snappy:

    Are we allowed to send you Christmas cards? I would love to send some thank you’s (if you couldn’t already tell by reading my Happy Thoughts thread… hehe)

    in reply to: Look who's coming back home!! 😀 #832853

    :happy squee: I wouldn’t want to part with him either! He’s one of my faves so far. Congratz! :snappy:

Viewing 15 posts - 76 through 90 (of 292 total)