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$210,000 sounds about right for Edmonton. Geez I can wait until me and Colin get a new place… right now I can’t afford it. Hell I can barely afford my rent!!!!
Very random…. I’m entertained to know that I live so close to someone else on this forum.
Snapdragon wrote:Dragon87 wrote:I’m in Alberta, if you can get him to ship to me, then I could ship to you (for alot cheaper, however, I will probably not help pay for shipping, and tell him to ship UPS or something, and then I could ship to you).
I think he’s trying to rip you off, though.
Edmonton eh? When did that happen? 😀
What side of town?I’m in the Abbotsfield area, it’s on the east side. Literally I’m right behind the mall… lol why? Are you in Edmonton????
And I’ve been in Edmonton for about 2 years now, going to the UofA… since long before I joined this forum… hehe 😛
pegasi1978 wrote:He’s peacock. No “lime” green on him at all. Here’s what the EmPea young looks like. Another way to tell them apart is jewel color. Peacocks had light blue jewels and EmPeas have purple jewels.
Oh Thankshya!!!!!! I know so little about these guys, other then they are beautiful. Maybe I can learn a bunch from you people. And I can’t see really light blue well, it looks blue sometimes to me, and white, otherwise, but, then again, Those green distance signs looks blue to me. Very weird vision.
Happy Birthday!
Welcome!!!! Now I don’t feel so new! 😛
I’m in Alberta, if you can get him to ship to me, then I could ship to you (for alot cheaper, however, I will probably not help pay for shipping, and tell him to ship UPS or something, and then I could ship to you).
I think he’s trying to rip you off, though.
I just got my peacock!!!!!
Please forgive my horrendous picture taking! I’m just really happy he showed up finally!
I wanted one of the tabby kitties for my roomies birthday, but then gave up due to super expensiveness.
I refuse to spend that much on a birthday present for someone who isn’t my fiancee… lol Even if he is my fiancee, I’m seriously iffy about spending a months rent on something!
gryphondreamer wrote:I know what you are saying about the price, khat. That is a months rent and utilities for me.
That’s almost 2 months rent, utilities AND food!
But then again, I’m living with 3 other people so my rent is like, $300. And utilities are about $75. And food comes up to maybe $100/month. Maybe. So, about 2 months of rent, food, and utilities. Windstones will make me poor….
Quote:It is never okay to repaint a Windstone in a way that makes it look like a different official Windstone color or in a way that makes it look like it could be an official Windstone paint scheme.
I’m sorry but this still confuses me a bit… so if you paint something that Windstone HASN’T done, but it looks like they could have done it, that is infringing on copyright? I mean, it doesn’t look like any of the production colors, it’s a different color that you haven’t done, say… ah…. I don’t know what you have and haven’t done so I won’t give an example, but if the shading, detailing, etc, looks like something Windstone *MIGHT* have done, then it’s infringing?
If that’s the case, then alot of these pieces I saw in the gallery should be removed for “infringing on copyright”.
Not to sound rude, but that particular statement really confused me.
Randomly saw this – I’m June 19th but I joined after this… lol entertains me.
Dragon Master wrote:I’m VERY sorry fo your loss!
It brings up a good point though. You should NOT leave cats and dogs in their colors in the house. They can catch them on something and hang themselves too
I never thought of that, but then again, Kimi’s collar is really loose enough that she *could* get out of it if she could. It’s not breakaway though, and made of leather, so.. I don’t know.
She’s kind of an escaper and I don’t want her to get lost, she is microchipped but not all the shelters check for that (case in point, my hometown – if someone didn’t claim in 72 hours, euthanization, and I don’t think they checked microchips.)
Really late, but sorry for your loss, Phoenix, it’s tough losing any family member (animals are family too…).
I caught them both, though it didn’t register as a “Moonwalking bear”… Just as a – “Hey there wasn’t any random fuzzy things when they started WTF???”
I feel intellergent 😛
These are both of my cat Kimi…. she’s as evil as I say she is in the pics….. like waking us up at 3 in the morning, purposefully, just to wake us up…
I lubs cat pics!