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  • in reply to: Purplecat sculpts.. new moonshells pg 51 #610465

    OOh Pretty! I like…

    in reply to: The Windstone Server Move #698432

    Take over the world?? Can I come too? 😀 😀 😀

    in reply to: Rainbow Sitting Spectrals #705281

    No more new ones till after the move?

    I swear my bank account just starting sighing in relief….. 🙄

    EDIT: I wrote news instead of new ones as sort of shorthand and realized it could be taking really badly.

    in reply to: Jennifer's art book #704819


    I can’t work for a week so I can’t pay…

    But I want one, but no money and no artwork make me something something…

    in reply to: Taking the plunge…… #704723

    purpledragonclaw wrote:

    See Dragon87’s first PYO thread about their attempt on a dragon:

    I wouldn’t much call it an attempt… hey the wolf worked!

    (If you need to clean paint off – WAIT TILL IT DRIES)

    That’s probably the one major thing I learned from that, and I should have known it before…

    At least it didn’t cost $100 or I might have been upset or something…


    in reply to: Before anyone asks… #705002

    Poad Poad Poad…..

    YAY Automatic inserts!!!

    in reply to: Kids in the Hall #704624

    I’m very entertained now – at least I haven’t done stupid things to end up on youtube….

    Yet…. 🙄

    Everyone here at the apartment is certain it’s going to happen someday.

    in reply to: The Windstone Server Move #698426

    I was at home most of the weekend you can’t pin this one on me!!!

    Well except when someone was asking me for a dollar and a smoke outside of Abbotsfield mall. Neither of which I had. He was quite persistent for something I didn’t even have…. 😆

    in reply to: ZOMG Where do I start??? #704579

    Dragon Master wrote:

    *covers eyes and runs, realized you need to see to run after tripping, maybe I need to rething my plan!!

    Welcome back thanks for the PM!!

    Yes, you do need to see to run! I seem to always find that one out the hard way 😆

    in reply to: Thanks Johns Hopkins >:( for the exposure (rant) #700081

    That’s great news!

    in reply to: The TRAVELLING Ki-Rin…Next Stop…HOME SWEET HOME. #702771

    YAY Thanksha!!! 😀

    in reply to: New Baby! Picture Heavy! #704534

    So pretty!!!!!!!!

    Daschounds are so cute (I *know* I spelled that wrong) – he looks like a puppy in my hometown that the owners called Reece’s Peanut Butter Cup (Reece for short I think, :lol:)

    I wanna pet him….

    in reply to: What About Big Flap Cats #704451

    Melody wrote:

    I know! I will do more! I love the flapcats too. I have a paint your own flapcat in the works, (There is a pic of the rough sculpt in my gallery somewhere) I fully intend to do a large bat winged one, and I’d love to do lots more…I can picture a whole mantle piece full of winged cats! All of my sculpting projects ( dozens of them!) have been shelved while our lives get put into a blender (boxes on moving trucks) and poured out again in Corvallis.

    Paint your own flapcats? I don’t remember hearing about this… 😯

    Yay for more fur and feathers, I suck at scales (at least from me early attempts).

    I would buy production ones too… I like cats! 😀

    in reply to: New Fledglings? #704685

    CHEAP STUFF!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!

    For I am a poor and starving university student…

    Though, depending what I get from the cinema’s insurance I might be able to afford something…. is it bad that I might be getting “Please don’t tell” money and all I can think about are 1: Windstones and 2: University fees? In that order?

    in reply to: ZOMG Where do I start??? #704560

    It would appear more people want to hug you then beat you up…

    Must mean people like you one here!

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