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  • in reply to: Welcome Xothia! #706309

    Lots of new people lately!


    in reply to: The TRAVELLING Ki-Rin…Next Stop…HOME SWEET HOME. #702804

    mmloda wrote:

    Leigha wrote:

    Dragon87 wrote:

    *Goes into hiding to see what she can come up with to do drybrushing*

    Looks good, but you made my job a bit difficult. 😈

    I’ll see once the rest of the stuff is done probably, I want it to look good with everything else…. I’m glad I’m second last now!!!

    OOO! Maybe I will try making look almost ticked… we’ll see…

    aww, it shouldn’t be too difficult at all! I can think of a bunch of things you can dry brush over it to make it look just fine! Do Pink! lol just kidding, marzena would kill me @.@ PM me for ideas if you need them.

    LOL…Oh NOOOOOOOO….. you had to mention PINK… 😯 LOL

    … No worries, I’m not the biggest fan of pink. I’ll think of something! … although, pink would be a potential good color choice but it’s… pink! 😆

    in reply to: That was the worst movie ever. Update page 4 #704417

    Jasmine wrote:

    And why is Colin hitting you when he knows it hurts?? Do I have to come over and kick his butt?? 😈

    Accidentally!!! He tries to hold my hand or something, and then I go OW and he lets go and apologizes for 5 mins. If he weren’t poorer then me then I’d tell him he owes me a Windstone for all of that accidental hitting! But my birthday is coming up… 😈

    Snapdragon wrote:

    Well since you’re screwed for work, why don’t you come visit me aka help me move the Windstone servers .. I might put you in charge of the camcorder 😆

    As long as it’s not a big camcorder…

    If it blows up then you can’t blame me!

    in reply to: It's Caturday….again! 🙂 #700619

    Lol Fit perfectly!!!! I can see my cat doing that…

    in reply to: oy….?? #706174

    Poor doggy!!!

    He needs extra belly rubs!

    My childhood dog (Pixie), she would growl at us if me and my brother started to fight (even if it was playfully)…. she was a protective one. The cats on the other hand, I don’t think they cared what happened to us, they just sorta stared with a smug look on their face, like they were saying…

    “Look, the people are trying to kill each other again! Let’s watch to see if they actually succeed this time!”

    If you don’t like the hatchlings, I will gladly take them off you’re hands…. 😈

    As for the griffin family…. PRETTY!!!! WANT!!!!!!

    That about describes my first and second reactions…

    in reply to: Welcome Dino Lover ! #706391

    Oh Noes we have another future windstonian addict!!!

    😆 Quick, run before you can’t leave!!!

    HI! But I already said hi, so I’m going to say HELLO! Instead.

    in reply to: New Collector. Just wondering about this board. #706343

    HI!!! And welcome! New people are great!

    I think you should just find ones you like and collect those! There’s lots of good threads on here to start looking on.

    Personally I like the Peacocks, the Black Golds, and the Rainbows (so far I have one of each, :lol:).

    We’re nice people, really…. well, at least when we aren’t being growlly but thankfully that’s not very often!

    in reply to: blah #705924

    Feeling depressed all the time over what people may see as worthless things is something I can relate too…

    I battled depression for a long time Draco, it saddens me to see someone else going through the same (or at least similar). You should talk to a doctor or therapist – they can be alot of help! They aren’t judgmental like family and friends can be.

    *hugs* I wish I could do more (I don’t really know you but I know how you’re feeling right now)… if you need to talk I’m sure we are all here for you!

    in reply to: Who loves StarWars #706364

    I liked episodes 4,5 and 6 (the first three to come out).

    I HATED episodes 1,2, and 3 and if there’s a CGI coming out I won’t touch it with a 5 ft pole. Make that a 12 ft pole.

    in reply to: People make me sick! – Pictures of Roxie! pg 3 #706438

    I can’t imagine anyone giving away a loved pet unless they REALLY had to (dire circumstance, etc) but this doesn’t count.

    I remember a cat came into the SPCA when I worked there that was given to us by family members when the owner died. He was scared, and would cry if we took away his favorite blanket (probably smelled like the owner). Needless to say this cat never got adopted. 😥

    People think that if they just deposit the animal there that they will always find a good home, but (especially in shelters that aren’t no-kill – and ours certainly didn’t have the funds) it rarely happens.

    People make me mad. 👿

    in reply to: Windstones' new auctions thread CLOSED #696696

    OOOH! Lap in my favorite color! *Wishes that I had money…*


    in reply to: Extra Rainbow Curlie #706404

    Can you enter me too??? You’re being really nice about this I like it (I never complained I didn’t get one because I didn’t know they were there till they were gone – my interweb was being weird)!!!

    *crosses fingers*

    in reply to: That was the worst movie ever. Update page 4 #704414

    Better… Doesn’t hurt as much to use a mouse, but someone (ie Colin, usually) hitting it does…

    Will probably be out of painting commission until next weekend. Bleh.

    But means I can see my friend and my Grandparents who are coming up soon…

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