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  • in reply to: Can you say "city person"? #890099

    It’s the E.Coli-tainted cow sh*t that got on it. And the E.Coli wouldn’t be in the manure if industrial meat producers were REMOTELY responsible for the heath of the animals they produce, and the people who eat the animals.

    I’m sorry, but I would like to correct you on this one statement.

    E.coli, including the STEC varieties (Shiga-Toxin producing, which includes the infamous 0157:H7), are found naturally in the gut and intestines of cattle, and it has no effect on their health. Contamination of meat with these bacterium is not because it was on the flesh itself, but that the flesh was contaminated, at some point, with fecal matter. Cattle muscle tissue does NOT contain E.coli bacterium on it’s own.

    Also, cattle that are not tested as healthy DO NOT enter the food system.

    The fact that 0157:H7 and other Shiga Toxin producing E.coli bacterium is naturally present in the intestines and fecal matter of cattle, is the whole reason why there are specific controls to prevent the contamination of the healthy meat by the parts of the cow known to carry the bacterium, including, whole removal of internal organs, pasteurization, and multiple visual and microbial tests to check for these toxins. Sometimes these checks fail. Sometimes in a spectacular fashion (XL Foods recall comes to mind). When they fail, the industry has to step up it’s game to try and prevent recurrence, not just to satisfy the government bodies (CFIA here, or FDA in the US), but to also satisfy the customers that sell YOU the products that they are safe (sometimes that’s harder then the government, trust me). The only advantage to a failure is that it provides the opportunity for the entire industry to improve how they operate.

    I work in this industry, I worked in quality control, and the years of experience in that sector are my reference.

    in reply to: Neighbor won the lotto #889965

    Good for them!

    I don’t think I’ve seen you around much, Kuj, how ya been??

    in reply to: Connecticut Tragedy #889964

    I too am at loss for words… I always start thinking … If we could do some random mass kindness that would equal, inversely, this sort of mass horror- What would it be?

    Is there even a mass kindness that would be equal to this tragedy? I just can’t think of anything right now.

    I just can’t… I don’t know what he must have been thinking to do that.

    in reply to: beautiful dragon animation #889962

    That was beautiful, thank you for sharing!

    in reply to: Happy Holidays,Merry Christmas,etc… #889698

    Merry Christmas folks! My tree went up last weekend, it looks awful but it’s a Christmas tree.

    Still need to get our pineapple ‘tree’. It’s not Christmas without it.

    Loving the dino decorations!

    in reply to: The "Heck Yeah!" Thread… #889579

    And he has an interview to go on the city sub-list (he has to be on the sub-list to get hired by any of the public schools)!!!

    He feels so wanted, it’s such a nice change from a month ago (he was getting a bit depressed about the lack of job prospects).

    in reply to: new family members #889578

    Remember, don’t feed them after midnight!

    This reply made my day.

    You must post pictures of the mice! It is an unwritten rule!

    in reply to: Figured it out! Don't read. #889447

    I couldn’t resist either…. *reading*

    in reply to: The "Heck Yeah!" Thread… #889329

    My husband has an interview for a teaching position here in town! Not just a sub, an actual full-time teaching contract!

    I’m so excited!

    in reply to: WHINE is served #889245

    Been to the hospital emergency twice this week for this concussion. Once when I got it, and once last night when I started throwing up uncontrollably, lost my balance, headache got insane, etc.

    They did a ct scan this time which came out clean, and the doc Rx’d some really good anti-nauseants, but they’re almost $200/20pills. Since I’m not on insurance, I can’t afford that. I hope the gravol eventually kicks in, which isn’t looking promising so far.

    I like the Baza one and the Philippine eagle the best.

    I’m an Edmontonian (there’s a lot of us from Alberta!) – so welcome!!!

    in reply to: Can you say "city person"? #888775




    I’ve seen that before but STILL…. some people amaze me.

    in reply to: Just Letting Everyone Know #888574

    Take care of yourself! If that means Thanksgiving by yourself, then do it.

    Your own health and well-being is much more important than any family gathering.

    Keep us updated!

    in reply to: Dragon Jewelry #888475

    I have one I purchased from ThinkGeek a while back… I do love it, but it’s extremely painful to wear (it pinches at the top of the earlobe).

    But I think I just have really sensitive ears… so that might just be me. I can’t even really wear regular earrings for long…

    in reply to: Just Letting Everyone Know #888474

    I hope you get this figured out soon!

    I remember having the bronchial spasms last year (I had a throat infection)… they are seriously unpleasant. I’m glad your work was able to put you on light-duty.

    I do hope you get to see that specialist ASAP, I knew a bit about what those words meant (they were nicely explained to you above), and that’s never good news, especially if it’s not triggered by asthma, or allergies. I hope it turns out to be something minor, or at least easily treatable.


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