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  • in reply to: PCApothecary, and where I've been #850973

    Just got the sampler pack today, as well as the Blue Willow perfume! Even Colin likes the perfume, and he’ll avoid the perfume section of a department store like it’s on fire! I think that’s because it’s a more subtle scent, more then nothing, but not overpowering. 🙂

    I think my favorite scents from the body butters are the Blue Willow, Twilight Gypsy, Moonlight Mojito and the Nearly Naked is perfect for work (where I’m not allowed scented stuff – was using nivea cream but it’s gross feeling). These leave my hands soft and not greasy, I love them.

    And now I know what everyone’s raving about! Yay!!! 😀

    in reply to: lioness trying to eat baby at zoo… #850251

    I think I was more freaked out that the parents were encouraging the kid to stand so close – glass or not, it’s usually a good thing to instill at least a healthy respect for things that might find you tasty at a young age.

    I do agree that a baby would be tasty easy prey for a lion. And that the lion would naturally go for the baby over say, their parents. Though, without weapons, we’re all tasty easy prey…..

    in reply to: lioness trying to eat baby at zoo… #850077

    O.o I didn’t know whether to laugh or not… I still don’t. Where she’s opening her mouth to try and put it around the baby’s head is kinda freaky.

    in reply to: PCApothecary, and where I've been #849664

    Hahaha totally hijacked this thread! LOL Sorry PC!

    And I thought about eloping, but I’d really rather have a party where the people I WANT to come actually can – and those people can’t afford an elopment ceremony. Maybe I should’ve only invited 15 people… lol. 65 isn’t bad though. I should be able to spend time with most if not all of my guests that way, without feeling overwhelmed.

    Maybe we can get back to poor PCs topic? I feel bad for hijacking this one! 😉

    in reply to: Random act of kindness #849501

    Did you get my PM? I think I sent it on the 16th, but never got a reply or anything, so I’m curious.

    OMG Im so sorry! Just sent a message 🙂

    Got it! Also my first message on the new forum… cool! 🙂

    in reply to: Random act of kindness #849470

    Did you get my PM? I think I sent it on the 16th, but never got a reply or anything, so I’m curious.

    in reply to: PCApothecary, and where I've been #849469

    Awwww! A huge congrats to you Dragon87 on your wedding! I really hope your package arrives in time! I heard that they’re going back to work on shipping things today, (at least the lockout here has ended) and I’d think they should arrive any day now.

    If they do run over it with a truck just let me know and I’ll send you more, and we’ll call it a wedding gift (wink).

    I’m really introverted too…..Chris and I simply eloped and were married at the courthouse. I figured it’s really the marriage that counts, so I was happy not to deal with the stress of being the center of attention.

    However, as a cake decorator I truly loved being a part of the weddings that I did cakes for. Weddings can truly be a wonderful celebration for the beginning of a joined life. I’d really love seeing pictures of yours if you’d enjoy sharing them after!

    My grandmother would kill me if I didn’t have a wedding. There’s only 60 or so people though – so I should be okay. I know all of them too, which is even better.

    And I’ll probably have a *W00t I’m Married* thread come up when it happens. 🙂

    in reply to: PCApothecary, and where I've been #849414

    Aww, Dragon I hope that you get it in time for your wedding!! May I ask when the date is? My brother is getting married tomorrow – it’s been a crazy year, culminating in (for me) a lot of baking, and a lot of opinion-giving to my soon-to-be sister in law 🙂 I’m excited and a little nervous and I’m not even in the wedding!

    It’s August 6, but I’d need to receive the package before the last day of July (I’ll be driving up to my fiance’s hometown then). Although they did pass “Back to work” legislation last week, we should begin to receive mail again tomorrow! Hopefully they don’t decide to run it over with a truck because they’re mad at the legislation. O.o And I still don’t know if I’m excited or terrified – I’m terribly introverted so being the center of attention, so not my thing.

    in reply to: Canada Post #848928

    There was a strike in 1998? Huh. Guess I wasn’t paying that much attention when I was 11, lol.

    Still not that often…

    But I have stuff I’m waiting for! They should fix it already! *whine*

    in reply to: PCApothecary, and where I've been #848927

    So you shipped right before the lockout – they were already striking, but it wasn’t affecting much, only one city at a time. I didn’t actually check the ship date on etsy (I forget it’s there, honestly).

    Hopefully this resolves soon… I was kinda hoping that I could use that perfume on my wedding (assuming it’s not too strong for my fiance – he’s more picky then me). It’s making me impatient seeing all of the “I LOVE THIS STUFF” posts… haha.

    in reply to: PCApothecary, and where I've been #848844

    On the topic of this thread… I hate you Canada Post…

    I’m assuming the order I made shipped, of course the entire freaking country is in lockout! So it’ll probably be a while before I get anything… they won’t go bad if they’re in transit for a massive time, will they?

    in reply to: Canada Post #848700

    This is the first time I know of that there’s been a major nationwide strike like this, but I could be mistaken. So saying they go on strike “so often” is incorrect.

    On that note… I still have to get one of my bridesmaid dresses for the wedding (I thought she was going to order months ago!) now it’s going to have to come via fedex or UPS because CanadaPost won’t get it here in time. Not to mention I have to find a place to make a similar one before August. *headdesk*

    in reply to: PCApothecary, and where I've been #848297

    Well, it’s way less entertaining if you bring the LD50 into it. Sheesh, you kill all my fun! *tsk tsk*

    And yes, everything is chemistry! That’s why I’m a chem nerd I guess. It kinda applies to almost everything! Haha.

    ANYHOO – since I just tried to hijack a marvelous thread about PC’s apothecary fun and awesomeness…. back to that!

    in reply to: A little about me as of late. Personal type stuff. #848250

    Honestly, I’ve been feeling the same thing with the Windstones. I have them, but don’t really want more (not that I could afford them, anyway). Same with the forum. While I do post, I usually only go into the community forum, and check out the first page: anything past that escapes my notice.

    Then again, I’ve been getting all isolationist lately in more then one aspect, so this is no different, in my opinion.

    And yes, money stress is the worst kind… I wish I didn’t have it, either. Somehow I don’t think $17/hour is going to pay all of mine and my future hubby’s bills once he looses his teaching job (which he will, and is unlikely to get another).

    I’m very sorry you’ve had a rough time of it! I wish I could help. ((hugs))

    in reply to: PCApothecary, and where I've been #848231

    And for the record, many substances that ARE safe have an MSDS. It’s a requirement for any chemical that is produced, or used in production (natural or not) to have an MSDS, even if it just says – ALL GOOD! It’s a cover your butt move. Heck, WATER has an MSDS.

    Although, you think that’s bad, you should see the MSDS for salt. It’s fantastic.

    Keep locked up.. Do not ingest. Do not breathe dust. Avoid contact with eyes. Wear suitable protective clothing. If ingested,
    seek medical advice immediately and show the container or the label. Keep away from incompatibles such as oxidizing
    agents, acids” From

    But yes, again, natural usually does not mean safe. PC said it very well! But then again, neither does artificial. As always, research into the particular chemical being used, is ESSENTIAL.

    (and I still love salt on my popcorn)

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