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  • in reply to: PYO Griffin: Fun Finish! UPDATED 2/10 #535719

    That’s some pretty precise and elaborate detailing for airbrush work. Very nice job, it’s so smooth and realistic-looking!

    in reply to: WIP Dragon Koi Hybrid. #534414

    whippetluv wrote:

    Only paint it if its damaged! I would hate to think of a good one being painted just cause!
    Not sure if I will sell yet. I am awfully attached.

    Ohh no no no, I would never paint over any of them if they were in good shape. Mine’s lightly damaged, but I still wouldn’t REALLY want to paint him (I can feel wistful). Makes me want to find a more damaged one though. 😉

    in reply to: WIP Dragon Koi Hybrid. #534411

    whippetluv wrote:

    One side painted..ha!

    He is turning out EVER so bootifully. Makes me want to paint mine…

    in reply to: Rainbow Dragon! #535268

    Oh my but that’s uniquely beautiful! I like it a lot.

    in reply to: Should people expect a cost of living increase annually?? #527069

    I think it’s partly a fear of being caught and fired for looking elsewhere… but also, it is a detriment to one’s resumé to be seen as having jumped ship too often, having short stints everywhere when one leaves because things are not ideal. It can harm one’s chances of getting into another job, possibly one you’re really interested in staying at, because they can’t trust that you’ll stay on with them. Having been an interviewer many, many times for potential employees at my last job, I can attest that we questioned the applicant about that issue every time it arose when their resumés showed signs of ‘unrest’ or lack of commitment, no matter the reason (save for layoffs, downsizing or closures, etc)—and let’s just say it’s a sure way to be turned down if one explains the reason and complains about the conditions of a previous place of employment or your employer/manager during an interview.

    I can’t do the regular employment thing anymore either. Having been on both sides of the table at interviews, I just can’t fathom doing THAT process alone, never mind working for people who don’t appreciate you and treat you like cattle (not the hard workers you are who make their business thrive).

    in reply to: Should people expect a cost of living increase annually?? #527067

    mimitrek wrote:

    Aren’t employers legally obligated to provide sick leave?

    It really sounds like it would be a good idea for you to discreetly look for another job while you keep working at this one.

    Not really, no. If it’s not a government nor unionized job, there are no rules it seems.

    Same place I worked at as mentioned above allowed us 3 days of paid sick leave per year. That’s it. If you needed more, you either accepted that you wouldn’t be paid, come in and do overtime to make up the time to get paid (and therefore futher exhaust yourself), or would have to eat into your 15 days of vacation time per year to take more days off.

    Most people there would come into work sick, making others sick, or work themselves so hard that they were actually indebted a ridiculous number of hours to the company in order to be paid for it. And given the lousy pay and poor (previously ‘no’) medical benefits, we needed all the money we could get.

    Even one day per month would have been more generous of them. Heck, have that day ‘expire’ after the month if not used… that way they aren’t out the money, since that’s what they were so worried about.

    in reply to: Should people expect a cost of living increase annually?? #527066

    Ssthisto wrote:

    So unless I wanted to leave a couple thousand dollars worth of stock sitting outside in the boss’s rock garden… *I* had to shift it.

    Now… what I was hired to do is web design.

    I thought it was also illegal to expect someone to do heavy physical labour when it was not in their job description to begin with, and especially if they have a physical limitation? If you were to be further injured by doing the work, they could have a worker’s compensation claim on their hands… or perhaps the law works differently in different places, not sure.

    I had that happen once though. The big boss man himself even said “Would you pick those boxes up and carry them back with you?” They were very heavy, and awkward, and I couldn’t believe his audacity to make such a request just because he couldn’t be bothered to have someone appointed to that task to do it. We also had to move our own computers, chairs, etc from one building to another, and no one would help. The second group of people who had to do it were offered a moving company by management to help them. 🙄

    in reply to: Ready to have kids? #531975

    Sorry to hear that, whippet. I have friends who are a lesbian couple who also wanted to adopt a little girl from China. I think they might have decided against it for the difficulties you suggest that might present. They’re going to try for their own soon (in vitro most likely, or artifical insemination… all I can say is I am looking forward to having a kid who’s not my own that I can spoil *grin*). The one who’s going to carry it has had Hodgkins and radiation treatment in the past, so hopefully she’s still intact and fertile in there… I hope she doesn’t suffer the same unfortunate dilemma you’ve experienced.

    I wish you and your partner the best of luck.

    in reply to: Little Flame Dragon Complete #534785

    Oooh, he’s positively lurvely! I like the horns and claws; they blend in well with the rest of him, they don’t stand out sorely.

    Nice job!

    in reply to: Star's New Dragon #534743

    Oh, it’s like… moss almost. I’m likin’ that lichen! *har har har*

    Seriously, I really like the colour scheme, it’s a neat idea. Also looks like ‘icy mint.’

    in reply to: Ravenwing Wolf Photo Update #534002

    Reminds me of a winter wolf with the blue accents in there! I really like this one, even if the photo doesn’t necessarily do it justice (I can still make out the overall coat pattern and colouration).

    in reply to: Little Flame WIP #534351

    Yeah, there you go, copper! I was trying to think of another metallic colour that was deeper or more reddish, and would still look like ‘horn’ material. Do you think I could remember ‘copper’? Pfft! 😆

    in reply to: WIP Dragon Koi Hybrid. #534382

    That’s beautiful….

    Yeah like Water said, just some more depth and shading to add to it, but otherwise it’s perfect!

    in reply to: The Dark Crystal 2 #534355

    Oooh, no, hadn’t heard of that myself. That’s exciting! If it’s done well… ¬_¬

    in reply to: Happy Belated Birthday GB. #534047

    Happy Birthday, GB!

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