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  • in reply to: PYO Dragons on Ebay #532478

    Oooh, I wonder if that means my special-order one has been produced with this lot? I can’t bloody wait to get him… I will hug him and pet him and squeeze him and LOVE him, George!! 😀

    in reply to: Ready to have kids? #531942

    Yeah, sorry about that guys, my bad. I’d let you give me the whip as punishment for careening out of control, but I might enjoy that too much. j/k !! *cackles as the TMI-beast strikes again!*

    Gotta say that’s one thing I love about this place… unlike just about every other forum I’ve been to, you guys are completely tolerant (if not encouraging! naughty!) of posts going off-topic! I think it’s great fun.

    And no Ski, haven’t seen the cereal aisle sketch… or then again, maybe I have. Refresh my memory?

    in reply to: I have an envelope full of hair… #532535

    Yes, hair.


    Because I got my nearly-3-foot long tresses cut back today at the Aveda school. So in addition to the cheap haircut and free massage treatment (great for the depression I was feeling today, which might explain my emotional responses to stuff today… sorry), I got to keep the pieces that were trimmed.

    Neat part though is it was the hairdresser who suggested keeping it as a donation to Locks of Love or the Canadian Cancer Society for their efforts in producing natural-hair wigs, for children suffering from cancer. That’s so cool! I had forgotten one could do this, and have never had a hairstylist suggest it before (then again, been a LONG time since I lopped off enough hair before… you need more than 8″ cut).

    So now I just need to send the stuff off. Good thing it doesn’t have to cross the border so I don’t have to fill out a customs form. *LOL* “Um yeah.. it’s my HAIR ok? I’m sending someone hair….. what’s that look for? Why are you carting me away in this white jacket?”

    Oh another note: if ever you plan on having a haircut that might take 2 hrs, make sure you eat (but don’t drink!!) first… thank goodness I didn’t do the drinking part… 😯

    in reply to: The Koi Dragon #532404

    That dragon paint job is pretty neat, and the koi dragon is absolutely perfect, especially for what you were wanting. Nice.

    in reply to: Ready to have kids? #531934

    Nice to meet you too. 😉 Feels funny saying that seeing as how I already ‘met’ you without your knowing (commenting on your lovely PYO work first as Guest_Lurker, and just catching your posts when I would occasionally read the forum), but I suppose this is a more formal understanding of each other. 😉

    in reply to: Ready to have kids? #531932

    skigod377 wrote:

    I just felt like my words were being twisted.

    I know you did now, and I’m very sorry you felt that way and totally understand. I think the ‘net just sucks for communication, as I’m sure we all know. I know a lot of people do twist words to attack though, and I assure you I was not, and would not. I don’t like the catty approach, and would not use it on people. I am a more direct person, or at least more inclined to say how their words make me feel, not try and insist on what they actually said with my opinions.

    in reply to: Ready to have kids? #531930

    I’m not sure… I guess because of the response I’ve gotten in the past for feeling the way I do. I guess I’ve encountered so much resistance to what I feel, that my response to it was to think everyone feels it ‘must be wrong’, you know? I don’t honestly strongly feel that I am terrible for it, I just mean to say I do give thought to the notion that I am wrong, rather than just spout my own opinions all the time.

    Anyway, like I said, big mistake for me to post here like this since I don’t always say the right thing. Certainly didn’t want to ruin it for others with a big mess.

    Edit: which I might clarify is what I am more really feeling I am terrible for right now, having upset people or hurt their feelings.

    in reply to: Ready to have kids? #531928

    skigod377 wrote:

    DigitalDragon wrote:

    My attitude? I’m sorry… I honestly don’t know where you’re coming from and need to figure out what’s gone awry. I’m not sure what it was that I said in my last post that was offensive, and would like to at least have the opportunity to apologise if I did something wrong… I really do feel bad about what I’ve already said, and now I am getting confused further… I feel terrible at this point.

    Perhaps I took your last post wrong. There are people that dont want to have kids… they may not even like kids… and THAT is common. I have met plenty of them. What I understood from your post was that even if you had a kid, you would not like it, and THAT is rare. I have never met a person who believed that before. I am not saying it is wrong, nor do I think people who dont want kids should have kids so they can “change their minds.” I already feel like there are too many people out there having kids who have no buisness having them. I felt the Demon statement was just being patronizing and set a tone for the post that felt catty. I was also not making judgements about you. I think this may be the first conversation we have had… what a way to break the ice… 😕

    No, you are right. I honestly thought you would see my demon comment the way I truthfully meant it, that I may very well be completely rare and some kind of awful person. I really don’t think I am totally rare, but I think the way my feelings on it are perceived might make it seem unusual… it’s too hard to convey exactly how I feel. I might very well change somewhat, but… yeah. I don’t know anymore.

    I’m just not at all feeling well right now for what I’ve inadvertantly made people feel about me.

    in reply to: Ready to have kids? #531927

    No Cheryl, you’re absolutely right, and that’s why I made sure to apologise in case my personal comments offended those who like children (because I realised that it might, as happens to me when someone proclaims they don’t like something I do).

    As for the rest of what I’ve said that’s gone misunderstood, I can only sincerely say that all I was trying to do was calmly (unemotionally) explain how my mind interprets things that are said, often misinterpreting them in the process. I in no way wished to accuse anyone of actually having said certain things to me; I only wanted to explain why I might have sounded offended, to someone who doesn’t interpret what I heard the same way. I honestly did not mean to sound angry or… whatever it is that’s offending Ski. I am probably not using the right words at all, and not explaining myself clearly enough. I wasn’t at all feeling any kind of attitude, and I am afraid of what I must sound like on the other end.

    I really do feel terrible and lost as to what more I can do to explain myself and apologise for how I sounded. I thought I had said some potentially very wrong things originally, and tried to show how I feel I may really be an awful person for what I think (a demon), and now am being told I have upset someone for thinking this of myself. I really, really didn’t mean to be sounding like someone else thought this about me. I meant it about myself because I do wonder sometimes about whether what I believe is very wrong…

    So again, I can only just apologise and hope my words don’t continue to come out wrong…

    in reply to: Ready to have kids? #531922

    My attitude? I’m sorry… I honestly don’t know where you’re coming from and need to figure out what’s gone awry. I’m not sure what it was that I said in my last post that was offensive, and would like to at least have the opportunity to apologise if I did something wrong… I really do feel bad about what I’ve already said, and now I am getting confused further… I feel terrible at this point.

    in reply to: Ready to have kids? #531919

    Retracted… my apologies for sounding like a *@#$%^ 😛

    in reply to: Ready to have kids? #531917

    Retracted… my apologies for sounding like a *@#$%^ 😛

    in reply to: Ready to have kids? #531916


    Yes, you make some good points I can agree with, especially about the pressure of the status quo. I think it would be sad to have parents who don’t want you… bad enough having a parent who doesn’t want anything to do with you after you’ve ‘grown out’ of the blind baby devotion stage and start thinking for yourself.

    I really think it’s important that everyone just try to understand others’ views, or at least not attempt to change them or insist they just don’t know any better. That’s all I’m getting at, really. It’s the same for any ideology or belief really. Like religion too… I may not share belief in a god all the time, but I am perfectly happy to let others have their belief in one and enjoy being included in their rituals by my own choice (so long as their practising that belief does no harm to others!)

    in reply to: Ready to have kids? #531915

    Retracted… my apologies for sounding like a *@#$%^ 😛

    in reply to: Ready to have kids? #531910

    I suppose I mean my vehemence with a bit of tongue-in-cheek, so certainly don’t take it too seriously. However, I do know myself very well, and have absolutely no desire to have children (and for reasons having nothing to do with the hassle or difficulty, as well).

    I like to think I know what I am ‘missing’ by perception and much soul-searching, but don’t feel that it is something at all missing in my life, personally. I feel I know plenty about love and have much to give to other people and beings around me that I consider ‘close.’

    For example, animals and such are more like children to me. I feel the nurturing aspect towards them, whereas for human children I honestly feel almost nothing at all. I also like to donate to causes for human beings around the world (despite my meager living), including children, so I don’t know that I feel I should be considered selfish simply for not wanting children. 😕

    I think there are just different people in life who get that feeling about offspring and get a high off of it, and those who don’t have this response at all. I think it is likewise important for people who love children to not judge those who don’t have a particular attachment to kids, and try not to insist to them that it is everything in life and that they are nothing without having tried it. I have been told time and again that I WILL change my mind, and WILL have children and like it, but to those people I say, they obviously don’t know me very well. I even had a guy tell me I had to and WOULD change my mind, because it’s my duty as a woman to have kids. I felt like telling him ‘Thanks!’ for pushing women’s rights back several decades for suggesting I can’t make decisions for my own life however I please and however suits me best.

    I see no purpose in my having kids when I don’t really care about them that much–besides a basic protective instinct because they are more fragile and helpless than adults, and because people expect me to be doting to them (and would ostracise me if they knew I had no real feelings for them). What kind of life would that be for a child whose parents really don’t want them much?

    I certainly am not trying to attack anyone, just trying to bring another viewpoint on the matter to the table. I think, like all things, both sides just have to accept that the other is happy with their choice and in most cases will have valid reasons for them (I feel some non-children and some pro-children people both make decisions for very wrong reasons sometimes). I completely accept other peoples’ wishes to have children, and don’t go telling them about why I think they ought not to have had them. Those reasons apply to me alone, and I apologise if my commenting on my preference makes anyone else feel they are being judged. It is certainly not my intent.

    They are free to do as they please without judgement by me; all I ask is the same in return.

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