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  • So it’s been a little while since I’ve seen a Toasted Pearl curlie, but the main difference (in my eyes) between the Nutmeg and Toasted Pearl is that Nutmegs are coppery while Toasted Pearls are silvery-pearl colored. There is not any white or silver or anything that resembles pearl on the Nutmeg dragons. 🙂 If I had to categorize the two, I would put Toasted Pearls in the same category as more white dragons– like old white, pearl or glacier– while I’d put the Nutmegs closer to Autumn Leaf.

    I dunno if that helps, but the store makes the Nutmeg guys look like they’re just a bad/dark photo of the Toasted Pearl– which isn’t the case at all!

    They are all special snowflakes. Perhaps we should make a Certificate of Difference for those of you with undiscerning family members… lol. 🙂

    in reply to: Question about the Young (Peach) Poad #852865

    They are typically in the very bottom, if that helps! 🙂

    in reply to: List of Grab Bag Young Unicorn Names! #852863

    What about that one with the really long crazy name?

    Are you referring to “Umgeschemelicanschmaelop”? It wouldn’t fit on the pad, unfortunately. 😀 I will be very amused if rumor of this name make it onto the forum…

    in reply to: Show your Collection, v.6! #851673

    Hannah, and all other people who have received gimpy Gothic Unicorns:

    Those white flecks look like the dust that can sometimes get onto pieces from the paint booth. If you rub it, will they come off? Often, when I find this defect, I pick at the spots with a fingernail and they just pop off without harming the piece. If they are stuck on, it’s possible that they were clear-coated over.

    This should not have gotten past inspection, and neither should the chip in that other one’s hoof. I am frankly astounded that we missed such obvious problems. Please keep in mind that every piece is inspected at least twice, usually by two different people– I inspect them when I put in the eyes/horns/jewels etc., they are inspected again by whoever puts the pads on, and often they are looked over once more before going into the box.

    In the case of these black Gothic Unicorns, they were all looked over by me (and many of them sent back to be fixed and inspected a second time afterward), and then looked over by my brother, Griffin, as we padded and tagged them. He is quite possibly the pickiest inspector we have, so it is extra confounding that we missed so much! 🙁

    I just wanted to give you an idea as to how careful we are with these things– we are not, by any means, carelessly sending out defective product. Most of my day is spent inspecting items and touching-up defects, or sending them back to the painters and scrapers to get fixed. I don’t know how careful Windstone has been in the past regarding perfection in our pieces, but we try to be pretty dang picky nowadays.

    Again, if you ever find defects, please let us know! Call or email Susie immediately, and we will find a way to fix the problem. It is important for us to know about these things, too, so we can see what we’ve been missing and identify issues with our production process.

    in reply to: Show your Collection, v.6! #851672

    Ouch. I’m glad I checked in on this thread to see what new stuff peeps have gotten. I never check new stuff when it comes in. The issues posted here made me run to check my silver OW since he’s the last one I’ve picked up and my crown jewel.

    Wouldn’t you know it. 🙁 And I really don’t want to have to send him back to wait on another, it could be a while before they’re restocked. The chips have been painted over, so surely someone saw them? *cry*

    GAH. Hi, this is Chessie– I’m one of the inspectors. I have no idea how this got past us! Yes, it has been painted over, but that does not necessarily mean someone saw it. 🙁 Because we manufacture these on a production line, it is easy to zone out and work automatically while painting. Every once in a while, I catch painted-over chips and bubbles and whatnot, and send them back to be fixed up– this one, unfortunately, we missed.

    We will NEVER, EVER knowingly send out pieces with such defects. When we do, it is a complete mistake. Please, please contact Susie– we will do everything needed to make it right and correct the problem.

    When I started naming them, I was hoping it would snowball into something like this, but I didn’t realize just HOW popular these guys would be! I’m so stoked that each one gets a profile… Originally, I wanted to include a little story with each one, or a list of “likes” and “dislikes”, so they each had a personality… but then I realized what a lot of work that would be, and also how silly it is to speak for the unicorns when they can very well tell you their stories themselves. 😀 I’m just glad that they’re still getting special attention.

    Oh, and “Fuge” is misspelled. I goofed. It’s supposed to be “Fugue”. I don’t know what I was thinking.

    Ah ha! Mystery solved! Hmm… maybe I can fix it on the pad without it looking bad, if not, it’s a cute story to go with him (and it’s spelled right in German at least, so it’s not *really* incorrect! *nods* *lol*). 😉

    If you do decide to fix it, let me know so I can change it on the master list!

    No problem, Hannah! I will do that. Er, but unfortunately, it will have to wait until Monday, because I won’t be back at work until then. The list is on one of the computers there.

    I love, love, LOVE the fact that you have cataloged all of these guys. It means I can keep track of who ended up with my favorites! ^___^ Also, I suppose I should have a disclaimer: The unicorns really named themselves. I just wrote them down after listening to their whispers. -_^

    Hey guys! I finally remembered my password for this forum! Anyway, I was the one who named all these unis, and if you would like me to post the entire list of names, I can. Or I can send it privately to Hannah, since it is pretty long for a forum post. 🙂

    I am so glad that you guys are enjoying these. I loved working on them!

    Oh, and “Fuge” is misspelled. I goofed. It’s supposed to be “Fugue”. I don’t know what I was thinking.

    If you don’t know what your uni name means, try googling it! That’s what I ended up doing for a lot of these. If you have a question about one of the names, send me a message and I can probably explain it (if I remember).


    in reply to: Melody will be incommunicado for a while #824404

    Hi Everyone,

    This is Chessie, Melody’s kid. I’m here to let you guys know that my mom has been down in California dealing with a family emergency, which is why she hasn’t been responding to any of your Ask Melody questions or her email. We aren’t sure when she will be back, but for now she has very little computer access. Please direct any pressing questions to someone else, and we will do our best to answer them.

    Thank you for understanding!


    in reply to: Amythyst OWS?! On Blog #776801


    in reply to: Suspend Reality Day #751859

    A friend and I decided it would be fun to create a new holiday, because there aren’t enough opportunities to play with imagination. It’s called Suspend Reality Day, and is on March 31st (the day before April Fool’s). The idea is to dedicate the day to playing make believe, reading a book, watching a movie– anything that suspends your reality for a period of time!

    I thought some of you might have fun with this, and we’re trying to spread the word. There is a facebook event page, if you want to socialize about it, and you can find it by searching for “Suspend Reality Day”. I know a few folks here I’m friends with there have already joined! Hee. And of course, if you’d rather not join the facebook group, feel free to participate however you like. It’ll be fun!

    in reply to: Synesthesia #751717

    I find it so interesting how synesthesia takes on different forms with different people…. for instance, I would never judge a word by its first letter. Instead, I go for either the emphasized syllable or the letters that are the most noticeable, like “yll” in “syllable”. And even so, that only sets the stronger colors in the word– there will still be others mixed in afterward. “Syllable” is salmon pink, pale blue-green, and scarlet with a mottled brown-green-blue at the end. It’s a very pretty word in my mind, hehe.

    Now I really want to go read some Nabokov.

    in reply to: Would anyone be interested in ACEOs? #751837

    For a while I have been toying with the idea of creating an Etsy account in order to sell some ACEO cards I’ve made over the last year or so.

    Here are a few examples: — Feeding Cats — Stripey Cat

    These aren’t necessarily the exact ones I would be selling, but I was wondering if anyone would be at all interested if I were to start an Etsy store front? Most of the items would probably be ACEOs (ACEOs, if you’re unfamiliar with them, are small pieces of art, done the size of a baseball card), but I would maybe put up bits of jewelry or other drawings I have done. The ACEOs would be listed at about $17 in order to cover shipping and Etsy fees.

    Thanks for your input, guys. 🙂

    in reply to: Ok, I'm Twittering 😉 #745264

    frozendragon wrote:


    yeah.. but there’s already the forum.. so why go to another site for a Windstone announcement?

    if stuff was announcing over there.. I’d miss it..

    there’s just too many different sites to do too many different things.. I don’t have time for all that..

    No no no, we will still be announcing things here! The Twitter feed is not going to become the only way you’ll get announcements, it’s just ANOTHER one. We hope to attract some more customers by getting the word out on as many sites as possible, because, quite frankly, it is a constant battle against a bad economy right now and we have to do something. Hopefully the Twitter will be fun for some, but if it’s not your thing, don’t worry about it! You’ll still get announcements here.

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