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  • in reply to: Urgent E-Bay allert #608543

    Looks like a real Windstone to me. I think the seller just needs to be “ejumacated.”

    in reply to: Kitten! So cute, yet…so blind.. #606200

    demyx- I sure do! I only have one myself for now. he’s totally evil. Are you part of Den of Angels too?

    darjeb – That’s an amazing partnership you have going! I do hope it keeps both of you safe.

    in reply to: Kitten! So cute, yet…so blind.. #606196

    Demyx wrote:

    I’ve got a small colony of caecillians (wiki them for more info), and let me tell you caring for nearly/blind things can actually be pretty damned adorable. And as the owner of a yearling cat who has only 13% of one remaining kidney, here’s a good luck that your little one lives long and healthy!

    (link note: some people think they’re gross, and akin them to worms or leeches (EW). Anyone who sees them in person immediately thinks they’re cute, though, so I think you have to see them moving to get the full picture)

    I sure hope she does too, she’s far too adorable.

    I’ve seen those before! Just once, I always thought they were cool. XD

    And by the way, nice Demyx BJD. 😀

    in reply to: Welcome azurielle! #590996

    Welcome Azurielle!

    I didn’t know you had the Windstone obsession too!! XD

    in reply to: Kitten! So cute, yet…so blind.. #606193

    Her mom is ours too. We were in the process of getting all the males fixed and we suspect that one of them pinned her before they went in.

    Yeah, we definitely don’t want it to continue, but now that the boys are fixed and the girls don’t go outside we don’t have to worry about kittens anymore.
    Girls are next to get spayed after the shots are done.

    in reply to: Fleas #606484

    You can also try a different flea preventive brand. We use Revolution on our cats and it covers a little more than frontline and advantage, since those two stopped working on our cats after a while too.
    You can get it from your Vet as long as they carry it.

    in reply to: Kitten! So cute, yet…so blind.. #606190

    I’m definitely gonna be taking lots of pictures of her. She’s too darling.

    darjeb- Tha’s an amazing story. We’ve not had any blind pets yet, just Homer’s (big dog/ mix) hearing is starting to get bad. You have to speak loud and/or repeat his name/commands a few times for him to hear.

    She already knows where the food bowls, the waterbowl, and the litterbox are. She follows sound pretty well, like when you’re walking by, she’ll follow. I can flick my nails together and she’ll come to that.
    I just don’t think she’s caught onto her name too well yet. XD

    in reply to: Kitten! So cute, yet…so blind.. #606184

    Thankas everyone!

    Nam- Believe it or not, she doesn’t try to eat anything (aside from the typical eating-litter-for-the-first-time). Our house is pretty much kitten proofed already from the previous litters, too. 🙂 Our biggest concern with her right now is the stairs, so we’ll have to fix up some short gates so the other cats and the dogs are able to jump over it with ease.

    She actually does pretty well. She does bump into things, but I think her hearing is sharper than normal since she slows when she gets close to something. We’ll be taking her in again soon for a full check up when we get an appointment set for some other cats for their booster shots.

    We’re going to spoil her soooo bad

    in reply to: Kitten! So cute, yet…so blind.. #606173

    This is the newest kitten, and very last addition, of our cat bridgade.
    Her mum, Quasi, was born with one eye, but she was born with no eyes. She’s healthy otherwise, though. At first we were thinking her eyes were gonna open late, but being a week after the normal it was realised she doesn’t have eyeballs. She has the empty sockets and her eyelids are sealed except for the tear duct that still works. She has great hearing and sense of smell for a kitten so young, too.

    She’s been called several names. Mojo, MeGo, Squint, Scoot, Shorty…. I think we all settled on Tu, after we got a card from the clinic listing some of the cats that needed boosters. (“name! and name, name, name, name, too!”) But we had to give it a unique spelling. XD

    Dadoo didn’t like the idea of yet another cat, but with her being blind, we think it would be hard to find her the right home where an owner would properly look after her. So, we’re keeping her and taking care of her will be so much fun. Gotta get her a bell collar though…. I can see her attaching to someone fast. Hell, she loves sitting in my lap.

    What are your thoughts on having to raise a kitten (or other pet) like this? 😯

    in reply to: air brushes again… #604066

    Good grief! that price on the gun… I got mine much cheaper than that at my local Jerry’s Artarama!

    If you get it, it’s easy to take apart, very few parts might I add. But you must clean it after every use and make sure it’s dry before putting it back together.

    But that’s a good price on the compressor (exact one I have).

    I use Golden Fluid acrylics and Golden Airbrush medium to thin the paint, it’s a 1:1 ratio mix.

    When I got mine, I used BADGER Air-Opaque paints for practice. They’re already thinned down.

    I hope you’re not giving up, so goodluck!

    in reply to: Ukranian eggs –progress shots & done! #601560

    Those are beautiful!

    I remember doing them in high school! Though, we blew the eggs out (what dizzy-enducing fun) and just kept the empty eggs down with crossed sticks and clothes-pins. I wish I still had mine..

    in reply to: Harry Potter book #602420

    I’m curious to read the books, but I won’t go out and buy them. XD I’ll just toddle myself up to the library instead.

    in reply to: Old Green Curlie???????? #599084

    I’d love to be able to get an Old Green Fledgie since I missed out!

    in reply to: Dragon*Con #598867

    I’d love too, but I’ll be going to Anime Weekend Atlanta later that month. :/ And I’m looking forward to that with my friend, Celesse.

    Maybe next year!

    in reply to: The "Who am I" Game #587586

    Blackdesertwind wrote:

    Not sure if the color is emeral but it is the forearm of a coiled dragon Male with orb…. but NOT the mother with gold egg.
    Is it? I don’t have one so I can’t tell for sure.

    You got it right!

    Wow, I didn’t think it would be so hard o.o;

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