March 2018 raffle prize

This is “Fire Quartz” the  March 2018 raffle prize. He is a pink and fiery orange male dragon with silver eyes and trim.

If you would like a chance to win Fire Quartz, and haven’t already entered this raffle, you can enter by sending me an email with  “March 2018 raffle” in the subject line. Include your real name, forum name and address in the body of the email.

I made a new email address for raffle entries.

email to:

If you have already entered using my other email :  reptangle @ gmail .com,  no problem. You don’t need to re-enter. I’ll enter you from that email address as well.

3 thoughts on “March 2018 raffle prize”

    • There is a May Raffle for a Grand Unicorn called Goldenrod. We sent out an email announcement about it last week and there is a topic about it in our forum (in the Community tab on our site). You still have time to enter!

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