January 2016 raffle!

The raffle winner for this month will have their pick of these two, evenly matched, prizes: an nice grey tiger striped griffin, or a “Water Sprite” Spectral dragon, painted by Gina.

Both of these guys, like all the raffle pieces, are rescues that need a good home.

Jaeger, the Griffin, had a couple broken toenails that I repaired.
Mariner, the water dragon, has an imperfect finish, with a few specks and stuff in it. To make up for it, I gave him a dusting of rainbow sparkle paint. This paint shows as rainbow sparkles under a strong light or out in the sun. It is really pretty, but hard to photo!
This is a free raffle for members of the Windstone forum.

If you would like a chance to win one of these fine creatures, and you haven’t won a previous monthly raffle, send me an email with these exact words in the subject line:

“January 2016 raffle”

– or I may not be able to find your entry!
-Be sure to include the year 2016.

In the email include your forum name, and real name and address.
My email is: Reptangle ( at ) gmail (d0t) com
Dead line for entering is last day of the month, around 6:30 PST. I’ll pick a winner then!

17 thoughts on “January 2016 raffle!”

  1. [quote=Ela_Hara]Jaeger the Tiger Griffin is FANTASTIC! :love:
    Good Luck to those who enter![/quote]

    Indeed! I quite like him too! I know which beauty I’m picking if I get lucky. Jaeger is (forgive the bad joke) the bomb!

  2. Jaeger….I was going to name my German Shepherd that, LOL. Both prizes are beautiful ….. I love Dragons but I also love the tiger strips on Jaeger… I’d love to see a dragon with Tiger strips or Leopard spots that would be awesome. Good luck to everyone who enters!

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