Look at this cake! It is Snerl, and he is smiling! Just like me!
We were all stunned to find this gorgeous surprise in the break room yesterday! A magnificent cake with the Windstone logo on it, along with a hefty box of incredible cookies. This really made our day!
Thank you so much to the kind people who arranged this special treat for us: Drag0nfeathers, Hannah, Wampus dragon, Ladyfirebird, Stephanie, Siberakh1, Koishii, Grayfire arts,Kiya1215, Bayoudragon, DDVM, Chrisherself, and Syn

5 thoughts on “GOODIES”

  1. Your break room has a betta! Not edible of course, but that alone makes yours better than a lot of other break rooms out there! 🙂 The cake and pumpkin are both awesome too.

  2. [quote=Zelda]Your break room has a betta! Not edible of course, but that alone makes yours better than a lot of other break rooms out there! 🙂 The cake and pumpkin are both awesome too.[/quote]Yeah , that is “Fish” he has the most personality of any betta I’ve ever known. He sees and responds to ( and wants to fight with) everything that happens in the break room! He wanted to kill that cake for us.We got to it first!

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