YIPPIE!! I got my PYO swap today!

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    hey can i ask ,how do you put a picture onto the thread 😳


      fauxbird wrote:

      hey can i ask ,how do you put a picture onto the thread 😳

      You have to upload the picture to somewhere like imageshack or photobucket and then you can either post the url of the image or grab the img tags to post the picture itself.


      Here is the griffon I did for Leader of the Flocks.

      She just emailed me a little while ago and apologized for the confusion, she thought she had to wait until the deadline to post.

      So we should be hearing from her soon, but since I had pics available, she asked me to post. Perhaps she can add more later.

      I based him on a red-shouldered hawk, and I will tell you, those are tough…lots of banding.

      I added a front view, so you could see what I meant when I said it had lots of banding.



        Oh wow! He’s gorgeous. Congrats Leader of the Flocks!


        Hes GORGEOUS Kyrin! Lucky that person! 😉 😀


        ***waits anxoiusly*** for hers 😯 😈 😆 😆


        Wow! Beautiful job Kujacker I love it, I can just imagine the green on it.

        Kyrin that is a great griffen. Just lovely. I can imagine the bands must have been so hard to paint. Well, so far I’m loving them all.

        I can’t wait for mine.


        I look forward to more pics of Kujacker’s dragon, unfortunately the photos now don’t show too much, but I think I can see where the purple highlights are. I hope the person who got him can get some better shots.

        Don’t you just hate it when the camera won’t cooperate?

        At least with a digital you know it isn’t working right and can keep trying. But it is still frustrating, especially if you try and it still doesn’t work.

        I really look forward to seeing all the cool PYOs as they come out. So far they are all really great.



        yup, they are all awesome! Hopefully, my swapee should get theirs by tomorrow or Tuesday at the LATEST!! YAY!! I cant wait to see how they like it! 😯 😕 😀

        I cant wait to see mine too….**tapps** foot anxiously LOL 😆


        even though i cannot see hte interference, the detailing is great. you have a good eye for colors, too.


        Wow, Kujacker! Those blues are lovely! Was that your first PYO?

        Your griffin is great, too, Kyrin. It looks real with all its color variation.


          Greater Basilisk wrote:

          Wow, Kujacker! Those blues are lovely! Was that your first PYO?

          Your griffin is great, too, Kyrin. It looks real with all its color variation.

          No, he was my second! x3 My first was a purple and black Ki-rin I posted back when I introduced myself :3


          Oh yeah! So many PYOs now I don’t remember who’s painted what. 😆


            She better have a cage ready, ’cause this griffin looks like he’s about to take flight! I’m glad she wrote you, Kirin.

            I love that blue dragon! The shinier, the harder to photograph, though. We have one of these cameras with an AI, so it helps 😀

            Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
            I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


              My person should have theirs this week. Its so frustrating…I cant see any of the pics and my internet is on the fritz again 😕

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