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      crowfeather wrote:

      Thanks Yeral, I feel a little better knowing what vanilla is. I have a lvl 14 worgen lock she’s pretty cool although she sounds very much like a male with the gravel voice lol.

      Oh my gosh I know! I love the look of the Worgen females but their voices bug me a little. I used to joke that the Undead females sounded like lifelong smokers, but the worgen fems almost sound worse! 😆

      The only thing that makes me sad about the Worgen females is that they changed their faces about a month before Cataclysm hit the market.. they used to have much more difinitive features instead of the same basic face with different markings, they used to have violet eyes, blue eyes, green eyes, etc. And they all just looked MUCH differently. If you’re interested in seeing pictures I have a bunch saved on my computer from before it was changed. They looked a little smoother and a little more fox-like, so I think they changed them to be more wolfy.. however, they lost 90% of their personality in that change 🙁

      I really hope they do something about that eventually, but I’m not holding my breath..

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        Yeral wrote:

        Kujacker – I actually am a huge nerd and I love to hear people ramble about WoW 😆 it’s funny because you and I seem to think in the same way but opposite! What I mean is that I totally agree about people playing humans/dwarves/gnomes because it’s a fantasy game after all, and those are all very much the same type of thing (humans, short humans and very short humans!). However, up until this expansion I played almost exclusively Blood Elves, which honestly are the most human looking Horde! 😆 Also, I only have ONE male character, and that’s my Tauren Druid, and only because I can’t stand the Female Tauren run. I know, it’s really picky! I’ve also been in love with Female Draenei since they came out but I hardly ever get to play mine because my boyfriend prefers horde. I do too, but darnit I wanna play a worgen!

        … haha we really are the same but different! XD I LOVE the female taurens all around, run included. I can NOT stand the female draenei run (or body for that matter).
        I have one BE, my male pally. I honestly love the male BEs (they are FABULOUS insert flamboyant accent), but I only have one (and don’t want any more). I hope I don’t sound mean or rude, but the female BE is my most disliked toon in the game.
        I have 6 female tauren. omg I didn’t notice haha. On my main server I have my two cow druids, a cow warrior, and my cow death knight. On Winterhoof I have my cow hunter and cow priest. I have a single male tauren, and he’s my shaman. If blizzard ever makes heirlooms able to cross realms, I’ll make a cow pally. I made one in beta… and I loved her 🙁 But I’m spoiled with heirlooms… I leveled my cow hunter to level 73 without them and my cow priest with 53 without using them. Leveling is so slow without them. 😥
        If you wanna play some alliance toons, just do it! I don’t know how you and your BF play wow, but if you’re in the same room you can still talk. Or, if you’re “real life friends” in wow, you can talk cross faction and realm. Oh, and when I leveled my ne druid, I’d get a friend of mine (who only plays horde) to help me with quests. It was interesting to see an (old style) ne and (an 80) tauren druid running around together doing quests. It was even better when other alliance wanted to group with me, and I had to explain that this horde following us was helping me to quest haha.


          Oh thats awesome Kujacker!! Back when there were no realIDs and all that I made an alliance hunter on the server that we were playing on (Horde) and my boyfriend and our friend and I would all get in vent – they helped me do Ring of Blood by killing everything for me, it was pretty fun, and funny. Since we were on a PVP server at the time, my “payment” to them was finding random lowbies to grief >< Yeah, it was evil, but I had been killed SO many times by the alliance on that server when leveling that it was hard for me to feel bad 🙂

          Also I’m not hurt at all that you hate the BE females 😆 Everyone has their own preferences, it’s no skin off my back 🙂 I also should really just play a Worgen if I want to, you’re totally right. Once I get most of my most recent PYO’s done I think I will 😀 I just feel bad sometimes because i really haven’t played much recently so I have this thought that I should play with my BF when I actually do.. but come to think of it I doubt he would feel hurt if I was playing a worgen anyway!

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            Someone asked me to post these so here they are – some of the old Worgen female faces. It’s not all of them because honestly I was just saving the ones that I thought looked good, but it at least gives you a good idea of how much they changed them and how they all look far too similar now 🙁

            The image is pretty big, its almost 900k, so it may take a second to load >< Instead of uploading each individual picture I just put them all together with some examples of hair style/skin color combinations and one DK face.

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              I’ve never played WoW (or anything like it), but I am curious…what is ‘ganking’ slang for in the game? To me it means ‘stealing’…is that what it means to you? What are they stealing, if so? o.o


                kitsunelady wrote:

                I’ve never played WoW (or anything like it), but I am curious…what is ‘ganking’ slang for in the game? To me it means ‘stealing’…is that what it means to you? What are they stealing, if so? o.o

                Stealing your character’s life and your time! 😆 It basically means when someone of a much higher level than you kills your low level character. There’s no reason for it other than for the higher level person to get a kick out of hitting a low level character once and seeing them die. It’s a real pain, especially when you get back to your body and the high level is waiting there for you to resurrect so they can kill you again >< I've had this happen to me for up to a half hour or 45 minutes at a time, someone just waiting for me to pop up so they can kill me again. THAT particular thing (when someone kills you over and over) is called "griefing" though.

                It’s a little infuriating 😆

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                  Yeral wrote:

                  kitsunelady wrote:

                  I’ve never played WoW (or anything like it), but I am curious…what is ‘ganking’ slang for in the game? To me it means ‘stealing’…is that what it means to you? What are they stealing, if so? o.o

                  Stealing your character’s life and your time! 😆 It basically means when someone of a much higher level than you kills your low level character. There’s no reason for it other than for the higher level person to get a kick out of hitting a low level character once and seeing them die. It’s a real pain, especially when you get back to your body and the high level is waiting there for you to resurrect so they can kill you again >< I've had this happen to me for up to a half hour or 45 minutes at a time, someone just waiting for me to pop up so they can kill me again. THAT particular thing (when someone kills you over and over) is called "griefing" though.

                  It’s a little infuriating 😆

                  Well that’s mean. o_o;; Don’t they have anything better to do, like go on a quest or something? Sheesh. Reminds me of this friend of a friend who used to go into some game (Diablo maybe? idk) with his character that was leveled as high as it could get and all kind of weapons and armor and such…but instead of killing newbies, he’d kill the people that were killing them for fun, and then give the newbie all the mean person’s stuff. 😀


                    kitsunelady wrote:

                    Well that’s mean. o_o;; Don’t they have anything better to do, like go on a quest or something? Sheesh. Reminds me of this friend of a friend who used to go into some game (Diablo maybe? idk) with his character that was leveled as high as it could get and all kind of weapons and armor and such…but instead of killing newbies, he’d kill the people that were killing them for fun, and then give the newbie all the mean person’s stuff. 😀

                    Hahah! That’s awesome of your friend! 😀

                    In WoW you can’t actually take each other’s items when you kill them, so at least there’s that.. but yeah, it’s pretty pathetic that people just go around killing lower level characters for hours on end – just for fun.

                    I guess there are all types of people in the world – and in the world of warcraft 😆

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                      XD I unfortunately have been ganked for close to an hour or what felt like an eternity. I got so furious I logged out without retriving my body. I decided I will make a new character ( toon) and so that was the birth of my Altoholic lol. I finally had goten my first toon up to lvl 80 ( before the expansion) and thought now let people mess with me lol, well I have no dexterity for the mouse keyboard combo * they still messed with me * I dont think it really matters if you pick a pvp, pve, or rp realm there is always someone that likes to be a bully. I’m kind of glad they wont let you loot other players or else it would be so much worse. But if your curious kitsunelady, dont let the * ganking* discourage you from trying the game it is pretty fun when you have time to play and it can be very addicting.
                      Yeral, I think the Worgen females you posted are cool, I wish they had kept it that way with more color schemes.


                        I agree with that crowfeather! They really should have at least kept their eye colors different – the male worgens all have different eye colors still >< maybe someday they will fix it.. sigh…

                        And yeah – my boyfriend and I moved ourselves from a PVP server to a PVE server, and it has really made a difference with leveling as far as ganking goes. You just have to make sure that you’re aware if you pick up a quest that flags you for PVP! People do find other ways to make your life hard, like purposely taking mobs that you need, but I’ve found that those people are much fewer and farther between than on PVP servers. We’ve definitely been enjoying leveling much more since moving!

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                          Some people also get you to become flagged by standing right on your last killed mob, so in hopes of when you right click to loot it, you’ll attack them.

                          I admit, I’d had my fun with ganking lol. Rarely, though. Mainly when people are attacking Halaa hehe. I once terrorized two alliance toons with my balance cow druid for like 20 minutes before I let them go (they were trying to run away, so I just let them go with some /bye emotes).
                          Generally I let pvp marked lowbies by. I really don’t care about killing them. Only a few times have I killed a lowbie just because. I never camp them and I always emote /sorry before killing them lol. I DO defend people though. If I’m in Hellfire and see higher levels killing those lower levels doing the pvp capture quest, I WILL kill those people, no matter their level. Nothing like landing on your proto drake and seeing those people go “oh crap” and try and make a run for it hehe. Not to mention I almost always use my warlock when in Hellfire. Fear ftw.
                          I will camp someone that’s camping a friend of mine, though. They had it coming. Thankfully this doesn’t happen often.

                          Speaking of the Hellfire pvp quests. My horde only friend needed to capture them, but they were all horde at the time. So I took my 80 NE druid and captured them so he could re-capture them. Oh man, if you wanna see people going “wtf” that’s the ticket heheh. Had to tell someone not to kill him once too, thankfully the guy was cool with it.

                          Yeah, I liked the older female worgen’s too. But I see why they changed them, the old one’s look more fox than wolf imo. I absolutely love the NPC female worgen’s voices. Sadly, the playable female’s voice is AWFUL. Why blizzard why.
                          I didn’t know males had different eye colors, though. Never paid attention.


                            Yeah, I think the male eye colors are different because they never changed the look of their faces before Cataclysm came out. I’m still really holding out hope that they will implement the different eye colors on the females, because that’s the part that I miss the most 🙁

                            Your PVP stories remind me of my days on a PVP server! 😆 I do know of another trick that people on PVE servers use to get you flagged, but it’s a lot trickier than standing next to a fresh kill ><

                            I won’t even get into how many times I have been guilty of griefing people who were either bothering friends of mine or bothering me. It took up a good quarter of my gameplay time.. I can’t say it enough, I’m so glad to be on a PVE server!!

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                              So what’s the best PVP character and spec? I hear Paladins, but also Priests.


                                Warriors, Feral Druids and Frost Mage. Ret pallys and Disc/Holy priest are really weak for PvP atm.


                                  I hear DKs are OP for pvp right now too. I don’t pvp much, and only in battlegrounds if I do.

                                  BTW Yeral, I dislike dueling, and the only duel I ever accepted was from a level like… 25. I was on my 80 lock (just saved Camp T from morons attacking it). I just let him attempt to hit me for awhile before my felguard swiped him one lol. I actually have a “no duel” addon. If I get challenged, it ignores it for me and sends them a tell.

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