Windstone Visit

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      WolfenMachine wrote:

      Oh so a little bird? Is he bright pretty colors? 🙂

      He is not a little bird. He is a big bird


        there is actually a picture posted by nirvanacat ( I thought it was vantid)…..over in the thread where nirvana talked about her visit…..

        and you can see the big bird


          How awesome, DM! I wish I could have been there!


          Thanks for the report, DM! That sounds really neat.

          Did the color scheme for the peacock emerald hybrid dragons that you saw look like the ones that Melody did for the old warrior and the secret keeper that are posted in the ebay sales gallery?


            I do not know if there are any posted but I have to say I looked at them and thought they where peacock at first. I do not remember a lot of emerald. The ones I saw where vibrant blue though. Vantid was like Oh No you could not see much of a difference


              hmmm…I wonder if the hybrid will look different from the peacock to the average shopper? But then, the average person probably doesn’t buy Windstone anyway… 😆


              AMEN 😆 😆 😆 8)


              Dragon Master wrote:

              I do not know if there are any posted but I have to say I looked at them and thought they where peacock at first. I do not remember a lot of emerald. The ones I saw where vibrant blue though. Vantid was like Oh No you could not see much of a difference

              Do you mean they don’t look like the peacock emerald ones at this link: ?

              There’s a peacock OW right next to the peacock emerald OW on that page — and in those pictures the two color schemes look quite different…


                I was looking at that picture too…but several people have said that the two color variations are hard to tell apart…wish Melody would post a new picture of the hybrid….


                Yeah, from the comments so far I’m wondering if the current version of the peacock emerald hybrid looks completely different from the ones that have been on ebay…I hope not because I really liked that color scheme…


                  me too….I think I’ll go start a new topic in ‘ask Melody’ and ask her to show us a new picture…care to join me?


                  I’m all for that!


                    mimitrek wrote:

                    Dragon Master wrote:

                    I do not know if there are any posted but I have to say I looked at them and thought they where peacock at first. I do not remember a lot of emerald. The ones I saw where vibrant blue though. Vantid was like Oh No you could not see much of a difference

                    Do you mean they don’t look like the peacock emerald ones at this link: ?

                    There’s a peacock OW right next to the peacock emerald OW on that page — and in those pictures the two color schemes look quite different…
                    Not from what I remember. Of course I was in ah at everyting but Vantid did make her comment that it was difficult to tell teh difference and I have been arould Windstones for a number of years


                      Hey guys! Pics of the new hybrids are now posted under Melody’s Gallery. Take a look! They are preettyyy……


                        SilverArrow wrote:

                        Hey guys! Pics of the new hybrids are now posted under Melody’s Gallery. Take a look! They are preettyyy……

                        Well as I said I do not rememer them having so much green but maybe I was getting them comfused with Rainbow. It was an awesome day

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