Windstone mini-convention/meetup – important update

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      If there’s anybody else around BC I’d be willing to carpool. (Of course as of this moment I don’t have a car yet, but it’s a dream.) Probably not though – as far as I know, I’m the only British Columbian here. I think at this point I can say I’m 90% certain that I’d want to come. This is pretty much the best excuse ever to visit Oregon (not that, as my BFF in Texas says, I ever needed a reason haha.)

      Check out my finished artwork at and my sketch/studio blog at



        I just talked to my husband and he said we should do it (because it what I want). We could use our income tax money for the trip. So count me in. Linda


          That is a fabulous idea unfortunately I live in southeastern FL which is probably to far to come but I do love the idea and hope it works out for you.

          After thinking about it even that far I would probably try to come.


            Hmm. Maybe. I certainly couldn’t commit now, but I can look into it for a summer 2016 trip.

            This is my situation too. Perhaps I could save up the money for a 2016 trip. But it’s nothing definite. Oh and just a bit of info that might be useful to people who want to make the trip driving. From past personal experience, I know it takes roughly 10 days to drive from Georgia to California (basically from east coast to west coast). It would be cheaper to just get a plane ticket…unless you plan on sleeping in your car instead of getting hotels/motels.


              Hmm. Maybe. I certainly couldn’t commit now, but I can look into it for a summer 2016 trip.

              This is my situation too. Perhaps I could save up the money for a 2016 trip. But it’s nothing definite. Oh and just a bit of info that might be useful to people who want to make the trip driving. From past personal experience, I know it takes roughly 10 days to drive from Georgia to California (basically from east coast to west coast). It would be cheaper to just get a plane ticket…unless you plan on sleeping in your car instead of getting hotels/motels.

              Relatives. 😉


                It looks like if everyone’s lucky with finances, we’d have a pretty big group! (Which I know fewer people always come than want to come, but I’m still pretty excited!)

                I had the thought that if we end up holding this on the second weekend in July, it’d overlap with the Oregon Country Fair, which is a possible activity for people to do. It’s basically the world’s second-largest hippie festival, after burning man, but it’s a bit more old school. It’s way fun, or at least I think so.

                Pros of going to the fair:
                Tons of artists there with booths full of fascinating hand made things to buy.
                Interesting activities. I learned how to make stone-age beads last year.
                Lots of music and poetry and performances and so on.
                GREAT food.

                Cons of going to the fair:
                The logistics of getting people there would be tricky.
                It’s expensive, tickets are around $30 a person, and then you have to buy food at festival prices.
                It’s so big it’s not really worth going unless the whole day is dedicated to it, so it’d eat up an entire day.

                It could maybe be an optional activity for Sunday, if there’s a smaller group of people who’d like to stay an extra day to go to it?

                Just throwing ideas out!

                Anybody with suggestions for things they want to do is welcome to chime in. I agree that a trip to the Carousel is a great idea, for one.


                Hippy faire! I’m going to have to start saving my pennies for all this!!

                I’m from Southern California. If I drove up there alone, or with a kid or two, what would be the least amount of money I would need for the weekend and the trip up and back and foods and goodies and whatever’s? Is $500 an okay goal? Planning to only stay one night in a hotel up and back,,maybe? Still wondering if it’s feasible financially but I really wanna go!!!


                  While it is unlikely I can attend due to the distance and financial logistics, I had a thought!

                  A “Small items” swap might be fun. Meaning smaller Windstone pieces that are A) Easier to travel with and B) less valuable (vs. something like an old warrior!). Bring as few or as many small Windstones (curlies, pebbles, grab bags, etc) that you are possibly willing to trade, and have fun ooh’ing and ahhh’ing over them while being open to possible trades.
                  Alternatively, a small PYO swap might be fun. Bring one or more SMALL PYOs already painted and do a swap. Or a blind swap (everyone puts theirs in a box and then trades… sort of like a grab bag! Never know what you might get!).

                  Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at
                  My art:


                    Is $500 an okay goal?

                    Well, gas for the drive up is probably going to be your single biggest expense, and that depends on your car. If you know your mileage, you can do the math. (Though assume gas will cost at least a bit more than it does now, it will have gone up, and summer is always more expensive than the rest of the year.) I’d say $500 is probably doable. The hotel rooms would have microwaves and mini-fridges, so you can cut costs a good bit by eating microwave food instead of eating out and such while you’re there, too.


                      Oh, and I love the swap idea, Nambroth!


                      Is $500 an okay goal?

                      Well, gas for the drive up is probably going to be your single biggest expense, and that depends on your car. If you know your mileage, you can do the math. (Though assume gas will cost at least a bit more than it does now, it will have gone up, and summer is always more expensive than the rest of the year.) I’d say $500 is probably doable. The hotel rooms would have microwaves and mini-fridges, so you can cut costs a good bit by eating microwave food instead of eating out and such while you’re there, too.

                      Thanks SPark! I just put $20 in my “going on a windstone holiday” envelope! This is exciting! Hope I can save enough to go!! We are looking at 2016? I might could do this!


                        I’ve been wanting to do a trip either from here in Alberta or B.C. down through some States and see the west coast as well so for me I would do it if I can turn it into an even bigger trip this year or next. Money is also an issue with me but if I sold some pieces and saved up I could do it since I would have the time unless I do go back to work full time. Either way I definitely am wanting to do this at some point soon if everyone can make it work.

                        Looking for rainbow or pink & teal grab bags!


                          Hmm. Maybe. I certainly couldn’t commit now, but I can look into it for a summer 2016 trip.

                          This is my situation too. Perhaps I could save up the money for a 2016 trip. But it’s nothing definite. Oh and just a bit of info that might be useful to people who want to make the trip driving. From past personal experience, I know it takes roughly 10 days to drive from Georgia to California (basically from east coast to west coast). It would be cheaper to just get a plane ticket…unless you plan on sleeping in your car instead of getting hotels/motels.

                          Relatives. 😉

                          -snrk- I wish!


                          I am up for this! Well… if money and job allows. We will see how things are going in my life closer to the time of the meet. But it is indeed something I am very interested in.

                          I haven’t been to Oregon in a long while, this seems like a good enough excuse as any to go! 🙂


                            I would love to come but July is smack dab in the middle of our busy season and no way I could could take the time off. :((

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