
Why I've been MIA or My turn to let some of it out

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      Snapdragon wrote:

      Yeah.. but … see, I show up, and Khym is all smiles and giggles. He loves uncle.

      And then I flirt with Lupin and make her all giggly.

      I don’t know how to fix Mark.


      Maybe you should try flirting with him too… 😈


        Ok so newest update on us.. Sorry for mostly only popping on when the proverbial stuff hits the fan…

        Khym has actually been doing really great, I think the Gymboree has been helping him alot, it really is doing him a world of good. I call it his Physio Therapy and I mean it, so does his Pedi. His !st Birthday Re-party however went sooo well honest, none of the guests showed this time. Oh well he got to impress his instructor (at a little over 14 months) by doing things most of the kids in Levels 5 & 6 (ages 22-36 months) are just learning to do if they even can do. (ie running on a soft, rounded, moving surface, the thing looks like what it is a giant inflatable log, and an adult sits on either end normally bouncing the kids in front of them, but Khym runs back and forth between us unassisted). His Pedi also thinks that we may be correct in believing his “Episodes” have to do with his teething, and has given us the all clear to start Potty training, he’s been showing most of the signs since he was about 7 months. The only sign he doesn’t is the fact he doesn’t actually talk. (use words)

        This week has been pretty bad, but I’m waiting for # 3, well that’s if #2 is Actually #3, Like I classify it. We shall see though.

        Start #1: Monday I had an Aunt Die, and all she wanted was to see Khym. I will not be able to get to her funeral even though she was one of the main reasons I’ve been trying my damnedest to get Home for the last few years.

        #2: Tuesday Male Lost his Job. Note he hadn’t been back to work long enough from school for us to get back on top of the bills. Gymboree has now Been canceled and it’s looking like so is Christmas. My pay with the Bonus we get from the Gov’t for Khym will just barely cover rent. Not The heating nor Electricity nor the Phone nor the Car gas, nor car insurance, nor the food bills. Nor any of the other bills that we have. Though the bonus to dropping Khym’s Gymboree is it’ll make it easier to Potty Train. Male had bloody well better get a new job even part time immediately.

        #3: Today (Wednesday) I had an Uncle die, and I know I wont be able to make it out for either funeral.

        WHEEEEEEEEEE Thanks for letting me dredge up an old Bitch thread.

        DM I don’t know why you’re getting red boxes for our pics all the comps I’ve used I can get them.


        Oh wow, it all comes at once, doesn’t it? I’m sorry; all I can do is wish you good luck. 🙁


        Oh, Lupin I must have missed this when you first posted! I am so sorry about everything that has happened! I know what it’s like to have the hubby lose his job and to not pay any of the bills because we just went through it, but the good news is that it’s the holiday season, so people are hiring more right now! *hugs* and I hope little Khym is doing better! Prayers your way!!


          I’m sorry things are dumping on you right now. But they say bad things come in threes so I think you’re done for a while. Hopefully something good will come your way now.

          Looking for Blue Fawn Baby Kirin
          Sanguine Oriental Test Paints, kinglet
          Sun Dragon Koi #3


            *Huge Hugs!!*


            Hey I found this recruiting place when I was at NAIT they were advertising there, and it seems they do more then just student work – permanent, temp, etc….


            It’s at least worth checking out… they do stuff in Edmonton, so…



              Thanks guys, it does mean a lot to us to know you guys are there when/if we need you to just be a Ahh hemm ear…if we need it. 😀

              Male has gotten a bit of a positive news he’s officially been “Laid Off” so that means we can get EI, we have a Direct Contact Number for the Trade union so that we essentially by pass the front Desk, and at least a store that’s in the same parking lot, and on the same side as we live and AP is, is very interested in hiring him on, well at least for seasonal. Now hopefully my Mom and he will both be able to get a job by Friday, if not sooner. And hopefully we’ll be able to justify our World of Warcrack again soon!!

              Khym has been having a fairly minor episode yesterday (Saturday) and today (Sunday) don’t know if this is just a plain old ordinary one or if it’s a side effect to having had his Flu shot on Friday. 😕 We discovered that Flu Shots are completely free here for anyone who is living in the same house as someone under the age of 24 months. Which is good because Khym had only had his Dr appointment so we could get the all clear on Monday.

              Setsuna I really wish in my family that bad things came only in 3’s, cause usually they run in 3 X #’s. 😯 I left out that My Nan and another Uncle are both having vicious battles with their Diabetes and the Uncle almost lost his this week. There’s more on top too just hovering there waiting to fall, but I’ll muck through it and Drag my Male through ’cause he’s not used to this. When we were first together his good luck won out a lot, he was my Good Luck charm, but now…. Well I knew it had to be too good to be true!! lol!!

              Oh if it’s not too much to ask, can we have prayers and what ever else for his Father, ’cause he goes in tomorrow for Open Heart surgery in Montreal.


                Gosh! Lupin, that’s just so much all at once 🙁 I’m glad Khym’s doing good, though. That’s one huge positive in all this.

                Big hugs!

                Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
                I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


                  Wow, you have a lot on your plate:( Lots of good thoughts heading your way…


                    Ok So Grandpere’s Heart operation went good. Though he sounded a little tired more than 24hours later still.

                    So that’s the Good News.
                    Badish news is that khym’s been having something similar but not quite like his “episodes” since Saturday. (What kinds unnerves me is that he had his Flu shot on Friday, but that’s looking more coincedental) BUT his Neurosurgeon confirmed this morning that his Shunt is starting the slippery slope to failure. WHEEEE!!! For at least the next month he’s now going in every week to be checked out. Hopefully Christmas won’t be harmed to badly by him having to go in for Neruosurgery!! *SIGH* But why it isn’t all bad is ’cause we do know it’s happening.

                    Oh and Male is on Trial run (sleep deprived since at Hospital all day and Night Yesterday, and again this morning so forgive me) for a new company, same trade.


                      Reviving this old dead thread of mine to post a bit of an Update!! Still a bit of a Doom & Gloom one, but still, I need to let it out & my Windstone Family I hope is still here, even if the old-timers (& those of us in between) are scarce.

                      So My day was “Entertaining” to say the least. My son was having one of his “Episodes” they look alot like his VP Shunt is going into failure, or now that he’s able to let us know that his head hurts, also exactly like a Migraine, & the fact that they disappear when he throws up(normally) really makes us think “Migraine” rather than “Shunt”. BUT today he “Decided” that he wasn’t going to get better after he threw up. I got home & into bed around 1:30am, fell asleep closer to 2am. This all started at 3:30am. So those of you who already have kids know that when you know your kid’s going to be throwing up (especially in your bed) you’re not actually sleeping even lightly. at 11:30am I knew for sure something was a little more off than normal, so started calling his Dr.’s. End decision at Noon was that I was bringing him down to see his Neurosurgeon for 1pm. Normally before during his “Episodes” he’d start perking up or be perked up by the time we got to the hospital. Nope today he even wanted to just lay down in his stroller(we have the LRT which is essentially a tram-Subway thingy right out our door, & one of the stops is right in front of the Pediatric Hospital, so that takes about 20-25 minuets instead of a guaranteed hour in the day, & no having to find parking, also easier for emergency personnel to get to us if the shit hits the fan, I just push a button next stop there’s people, in the car I’m waiting for an Ambulance to find us & then load him up, having to leave my car on the freeway) & as we hit the Hospital Doors he once again threw up. He hadn’t eaten anything nor drank anything(he refused it all) since before 8pm last night(exception of Tylenol at 5am) so when he’s thrown up today it’s only been Bile. My poor baby. Any way he got sent down to get a fast MRI, & was so cute after they were done, but they used at least 4 straps to keep him down & still as well as 2 of their techs.(when they let him up he was cheering & saying “Yay Khym free, Yay Khym, all done, Khym good boy.”) But the results were that inside his head looks fine & normal, but then they measured the outside & his head has only grown a cm from almost exactly a year ago, which for a hydrocephalus baby, who’s never had his skull any larger than normal, nor his shunt picked at all(especially for the # of scares we’ve had) is very highly unusual. SOo they’re wondering/worried about a really rare condition where the skull doesn’t grow quite as fast as it should, & that causes pressure build up, with no visible signs. BUT that means if he’s not any better in a day or 2 he’s got to go back, & they’ll probably insert a pressure monitor (his Neurosurgeons preference) or do what’s more or less exploratory surgery on & around his Shunt. *SIGH*
                      So since I’m at work & Dadda is looking after him right now, he was telling Dadda he wanted a Pizza Pop, well once Dadda had it ready he didn’t want it & had a couple sips of water, & threw that back up. We’re now giving him a Migraine treatment of Advil & Gravol. & apparently if it’s doing anything, it’s making him sleepy, but honestly we can’t tell that for sure, ’cause of how he’s been all along.

                      Good news is we’re trying to get a new house, bad news on that is apparently someone else is also interested in it, & we’re not pre-approved for a mortgage, nor do we have the down-payment for certain, but we may be able to scrounge something up if we could otherwise get the mortgage.

                      Our Dalmatian is still going strong at 13 almost 14 years old. But she has given us some health scares with her Kidneys, probably all due to her first bladder infection when she was 12 years old. BUT Khym has her quite scared of him, he loves on her too hard, & tries to play with her, & she doesn’t like playing cars when she’s at the bottom of the steps & he & the giant truck are at the top. 😀 Actually she really doesn’t like to play cars or catch with balls that are bigger than her head, even if they are soft & light.

                      Khym knows how to get into the fridge, kitchen sink, & upper Kitchen cupboards. My long term chocolate & other goodies stash no longer exists.

                      The cat has actually started snuggling up with Khym when he’s not completely asleep, Still snuggles on occasion with Dadda, but not so often.


                      Glad to know you’re still alive and kicking, Lupin.


                      Glad to hear from you! 😀 Sorry things are still so hairy over there though. 🙂 Hope things pick up soon for you. It’d be nice to hear about something good happening for you Lupin. *crosses fingers and toes for the house for you*


                        Sorry things are still rough for you, Lupin. Hugs to all of you!!

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