What to do when the cuteness no longer outweighs the behavior

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      My posts keep disappearing ?!

      Things are getting better all the time. The dominance issue with the toys/bones has morphed and the pup is more interested in playing tug-o-war than he is in stealing Hank’s stuff for himself, which is a lot less annoying.

      Having said that, I dont think the puppy is done trying to assert dominance over my old boy. When we’re out for our daily hike, Hudson is all over Hank. Nipping at his sides, biting his tail, jumping at him/on him…Hudson spends most of the time walking sideways in front of Hank, and doesn’t let him go by. He’s like that annoying dog from the old cartoons “hey spike!? Hey spike!? Bounce, bounce, bounce” Sometimes I cant tell if Hank is chasing him because he’s had it or if he’s playing with him. Im 99% sure he’s not playing. The puppy is faster and more agile and I THINK he wants to be chased. Once Hank starts running after him, Hudson just dekes him out and gets a tail-bite in before running the other way. Its been good exercise for the old guy, but Im wondering if its healthy play. We have to distract Hudson by throwing sticks. He forgets about Hank for 30 seconds, drops the stick, so we throw another one. And around and around we go with this.


      It’s not always like that; they do love each other…some of the time 😉


      Wanted: "Dragon Fruit" Male Dragon ~ "Fire Berry", "Paradise", "Dragon Fruit", "Tie Dye" ~ The brighter, the better!


        You sure do have a handful with that puppy of yours!! I think with all the excitement of going for a hike, Hudson is wanting to play and be annoying. I also think he senses that he’s younger and may feel that urge to take over. It’s good that you’re interfering and making sure that you’re the pack leader. That last picture is so freaking cute!!!


          I should correct my last post. The second paragraph was supposed to say “I STILL think the pup is trying to assert dominance…”. Now it makes more sense lol!!

          Yes, I have my hands full for a couple of hours every day…he is a Dane, and still a baby, so there’s a lot of sleeping going on during the day.

          You should see what the puppy does when Hank takes one of his toys, or bone, or stick…he has a tantrum like a toddler!!!! His bark changes and everything. You can see that he’s having a fit! I have to laugh. He does the same thing if they’re horsing around and Hank nips the puppy’s ear or something, the puppy gets mad at him, and its almost like he’s telling Hank off.

          Wanted: "Dragon Fruit" Male Dragon ~ "Fire Berry", "Paradise", "Dragon Fruit", "Tie Dye" ~ The brighter, the better!


            Hahaha,he wants to play Ang..I have raised lots of dogs and the more you talk about his behavior the more I am convinced “most”of his behavior is trying to get Hank to play.Think about it,his age,he isn’t feeling “male so to speak”yet,he is young.He is however acting like a bored puppy trying to get Hank to play.He doesn’t understand Hank is old and doesn’t have to energy of a child.He is teasing him to get a reaction.Remember the Fox and the Hound,how the puppy would mess with the old dog to get him to play?I believe it is the same thing. Imagine him as a little dog,stealing toys,wanting to be chased,etc..I think you will see him becoming dominant first at feeding time.I could be wrong but be patient,remember he is a young teen right now.Full of life and gets bored easily.Just my opinion but let him be a pup, that’s what he is,just a HUGE one.Keep up the training, don’t let up,just remember he is a puppy.They will be fine.

            Every act matters.No matter how small💞
            (Wanted......Toaster Dragon)
            Male Hearth....one day🤞Dream on.


              That is so freaking cute!! They’re such toddlers!!! Mine is the same way with his foster sister…he has a fit when she has a toy he wants! Since they’re both around the same age around a year old they’re equally matched as to physical level. They’ll spar and nip at each other and bark at each other; it’s really comical


                Hahaha,he wants to play Ang..I have raised lots of dogs and the more you talk about his behavior the more I am convinced “most”of his behavior is trying to get Hank to play.Think about it,his age,he isn’t feeling “male so to speak”yet,he is young.He is however acting like a bored puppy trying to get Hank to play.He doesn’t understand Hank is old and doesn’t have to energy of a child.He is teasing him to get a reaction.Remember the Fox and the Hound,how the puppy would mess with the old dog to get him to play?I believe it is the same thing. Imagine him as a little dog,stealing toys,wanting to be chased,etc..I think you will see him becoming dominant first at feeding time.I could be wrong but be patient,remember he is a young teen right now.Full of life and gets bored easily.Just my opinion but let him be a pup, that’s what he is,just a HUGE one.Keep up the training, don’t let up,just remember he is a puppy.They will be fine.


                Luckily he hasn’t shown any aggression in the feeding department. They eat at the same time, in different parts of the house. When they’re both done eating, Hudson comes out and licks Hank’s bowl lol!

                Wanted: "Dragon Fruit" Male Dragon ~ "Fire Berry", "Paradise", "Dragon Fruit", "Tie Dye" ~ The brighter, the better!


                  That is so freaking cute!! They’re such toddlers!!! Mine is the same way with his foster sister…he has a fit when she has a toy he wants! Since they’re both around the same age around a year old they’re equally matched as to physical level. They’ll spar and nip at each other and bark at each other; it’s really comical

                  That’s hilarious and sounds familiar!!! Lol!!

                  Wanted: "Dragon Fruit" Male Dragon ~ "Fire Berry", "Paradise", "Dragon Fruit", "Tie Dye" ~ The brighter, the better!


                    Hey guys! Yep, I’m bring this thread back to life with a new development. The little guy is 10 months old now, and is turning into a very good boy…when he’s with his own pack. When we encounter someone elses pack, he is a very different dog. The current state of things isn’t helping me socialize him. Two things are happening… when he is in the truck, and we are either in a drive-thru, curbside picking up, getting gas, or someone coming over to say hi – any reason someone might approach the truck – he gets really excited. Like, jumping to the front seat, trying to get out the window excited. He’s 120 pounds and he thinks he’s a little lap dog who can just bounce around the cab. I don’t know if it’s a territorial thing, or what’s going on in his head. That’s one issue, and if that’s not embarrassing enough…if we come across someone else on our walks, I cannot get him to ignore them. They don’t even have to have a dog…could be someone alone, or with a stroller. It’s any stranger really. All he wants to do is go check them out. Ya, he might be a puppy, and who doesn’t love puppies?!? He’s big though, and not everyone is ok being investigated by a strange dog. I can’t get him to sit or stop pulling or ignore them. I have to wait for them to go by.

                    Neither of these scenarios have ever been accompanied by aggression. He is just a very curious boy who only listens to me when he wants to. Does anyone have ideas on how I might tackle this?

                    I attached the picture to help with the visual of 120 pounds thrashing around the inside the truck. Not cool!

                    Wanted: "Dragon Fruit" Male Dragon ~ "Fire Berry", "Paradise", "Dragon Fruit", "Tie Dye" ~ The brighter, the better!


                      OMG!! He is MASSIVE!!! I can offer up a little suggestion for when you’re out on your walks. If you come upon someone else or something that he’s curious about and he won’t listen to you or let it go, put yourself between him and that object to where he cannot see it and make him sit. If you have to lay on him to make him sit do it LOL! But I don’t know if that’s going to work or not, but it’s worth a try. Once he cannot see what’s making him act out, maybe he will stop. And when you reinforce your sit command maybe it’ll stick in his brain?! Poor Hank is being bombarded and overshadowed by his brother!!


                        Hey Sherry! Thanks for your response 🙂 I wish I could say that works. I put myself front and center and try to get him to focus on me but no dice. He just looks around me and keeps pulling. I can sometimes get him to sit, but I dont have his full attention, and he doesn’t calm down. He just wants to say hi to everyone, but at his size, that’s not ok. If I can get him to sit, he’s still not listening. He wont even take a cookie, he’s so bent on sniffin’ people out AND he’s motivated by food. I guess the cookie isn’t as interesting. It seems like such small potatoes when I read it, but if you could see how he acts, you’d want to fix it too.

                        Wanted: "Dragon Fruit" Male Dragon ~ "Fire Berry", "Paradise", "Dragon Fruit", "Tie Dye" ~ The brighter, the better!


                          Angelika. I’ve got big dog too and I’ve dealt with it to some extent as well. Although the bouncing around the truck was one of the things from day one at 8 weeks and 25 pounds I never allowed. I’d reach over and dump em onto the floorboards back then. They all figured out that bouncing wasn’t nearly as fun as sitting still and watching what was going on. They will still bark if someone approached the truck which I am fine with as they are all guardian breeds. As long as they aren’t bouncing when they do it.

                          As for the pulling in public, I would suggest teaming up with some people the dog doesn’t know, and doing some test runs at quiet/ empty area of a park. Place him in a sit as someone approaches, if he even looks like he will break his sit you need to correct him, before he actually gets completely out of the sit and your buddy needs to immediately stop where they are until your pup is sitting calmly again. Once he is calm (may take a while and several tries) your buddy can move toward you again. You’re going to have to do this over and over and over probably for each step closer your buddy gets and for each buddy you can get to help. Pick one buddy a week. Eventually your pup will get that bouncing around isn’t getting him any closer to where he wants to be but sitting still brings people to him. It’s not going to be a short process, especially as he has managed to be rowdy so often in the past.
                          Be extremely persistent and he will get it figured out eventually.

                          He is gorgeous. Good luck!

                          Looking for:
                          "COSMIC SHIFT DRAGONS and KI-RINS" and the "OCTOPUS TANUKI TEST PAINT #1"


                            Thank you for your reply, StormDancer. Judging by how he acted the last time a friend joined us on our hike, this is going to take time. Anyone other than myself, is a toy to him. This is going to take a lot of work, but I’m on it!

                            Thanks for getting back to me with your thoughts guys. I appreciate it.

                            Wanted: "Dragon Fruit" Male Dragon ~ "Fire Berry", "Paradise", "Dragon Fruit", "Tie Dye" ~ The brighter, the better!

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