were the gold laps a limited thing?

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    vantid wrote:

    The new batches of pf gold have more brown on them and in the darker areas of the brown there is some purple interference paint. It looks really lovely.

    And if I were to place an order with a vendor for that purply brown gold dragon how can I specify I want the ones with the purple interference paint on them?


    I don’t know! Ask them to check, hopefully they will be nice enough to do that for you. The emperors are only in the new gold though, so no worries about that.


      yes you can. They have the mother and father and the emperor ready to ship now. I just ordered a father and an emperor 😀


      vantid wrote:

      I don’t know! Ask them to check, hopefully they will be nice enough to do that for you. The emperors are only in the new gold though, so no worries about that.

      I don’t know if the person I hav ein mind already has them in stock or not. But any new orders will be with the purple?


      Again I don’t know. I’m sorry! There could still be the older color in stock out there and could still get pulled, I don’t know though. Perhaps Wolflodge can hook you up?


        am I invisable?


        wolflodge100 wrote:

        am I invisable?

        Did I miss something? Are you a Windstone seller??!


        wolflodge100 wrote:

        am I invisable?





          wolflodge100 wrote:


          Well Holy S**t I didn’t know that. As a supplier of Windstones can you ask the Windstone shipping department to ship you something with the purple highlights or is it just “hit or miss”?


            wolflodge100 wrote:

            yes you can. They have the mother and father and the emperor ready to ship now. I just ordered a father and an emperor 😀

            yes I can specify!


              Akkkk! So confused! Ok, so there is the regular gold, which the ones on evilBay are painted in?, and you can get the whole family in in stores. Then there is a gold/brown/violet family as well??


              Nirvanacat13 wrote:

              Akkkk! So confused! Ok, so there is the regular gold, which the ones on evilBay are painted in?, and you can get the whole family in in stores. Then there is a gold/brown/violet family as well??

              gold/brown/violet is the new gold :p I must have them.


                LOL You guys are funny.


                  What was the old gold?? I thought Gold was the new color?

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