Welcome Jim Upton!!

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    Dragon Master; travel in the footsteps of travistie.


      They call me DM here for less typing. I found some. It looks very neat and seems like it would be very time consuming


      It does take a little time but when you enjoy what your doing it goes by quickly.


        I cant wait to look that up!! It sounds very cool! So… I am assuming you like to fish? And you have your own book? 😯 YAY! A another celebrity in our midst!! 😀 Its very nice to meet you. I will google you later. 😉


        Skigod; I’m no celebrity. Just a guy that loves what he’s doing. Yes, I like to fish but sometimes I think I like teaching rod building and thread work more.

        Thanx everyone for a warm welcome.


          Your work is beautiful, Jim….and welcome to the Forum: -)


            Jim Upton wrote:

            Skigod; I’m no celebrity. Just a guy that loves what he’s doing. Yes, I like to fish but sometimes I think I like teaching rod building and thread work more.

            Thanx everyone for a warm welcome.I couldnt find any website but I did find another forum with a pic. Makes me want to ask… what is threading or weaving?? I think it was called that… A guy asked if one of your rods was a decal or if it was weaved? Sorry if thats not the word. I am guessing that that is kind of an insult. The others had a good laugh at him. 😆



              You are most welcome here! And yes, you are allowed to link to another website as long as it is family friendly. 🙂

              Do enjoy your stay!

              Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at gmail.com
              My art: featherdust.com


              Thank you Nambroth.

              Lamortefille; Thread art; inlays, cross wraps and weaving are done on fishing rods as an embellishment, like engraving or checkering on a shotgun. Some people can’t believe that it’s thread and think some of the weaves are painted or a decal. I would take that as a compliment. You can see some of my work and that of others at http://www.hirods.net There are other forums but they require registration. If you go there, click on gallery and then on my name.


                Those are awesome!! AND I SAW THE LAP DRAGON!! How perfectly you did it!! What a great job 🙂 It is hard to believe that it is thread.


                Is this one something you did?


                It looks simular to a Windstone.


                  Jim Upton wrote:

                  Thank you Nambroth.

                  Lamortefille; Thread art; inlays, cross wraps and weaving are done on fishing rods as an embellishment, like engraving or checkering on a shotgun. Some people can’t believe that it’s thread and think some of the weaves are painted or a decal. I would take that as a compliment. You can see some of my work and that of others at http://www.hirods.net There are other forums but they require registration. If you go there, click on gallery and then on my name.

                  Yes, I saw your work and I can tell it is very intricate and time consuming work…but the results are beautiful! Any rod like that would be hung on my wall where nobody could touch it – it would never see water or bait! 8)


                    Welcome to the forum 🙂 Your rods are beautiful!


                    dragonessjade wrote:

                    Is this one something you did?


                    It looks simular to a Windstone.

                    Jim Upton wrote:

                    You can see some of my work and that of others at http://www.hirods.net There are other forums but they require registration. If you go there, click on gallery and then on my name.

                    Those are awesome. Have you ever done a pool stick before?


                    Dragonessjade; No that is a copy of my work. The guy that did that has a friend that made a pattern for him with his computer and flipped the image. After doing two, that one and another, a different pattern, he said he would never do another. He does fish not Dragons. It gave him a new respect for the work I do.

                    Most weavers want patterns that don’t take too long to complete. Four to eight hours is about all they want. My work takes thirty to ninety hours plus to complete. Many more thread changes and better detail but a lot more time.

                    Have never done a pool cue but have done golf clubs and never want to do another. Actually if you have ever seen some of the intricate work done on pool cues there might be a place for the weaves but the taper is a lot greater than that on a rod so it might be a bit of a problem unless it was inlet.

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