Welcome Jim Upton!!

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    I’ll just wait for John to put it up here somewhere.

    I just read the FAQs and maybe one day I’ll have time for that. I don’t know if it’s permitted to send you to another web site but I could post that address if the moderator says it’s OK.


      It’ll be really neat to see pics!


      Jim Upton wrote:

      I’ll just wait for John to put it up here somewhere.

      I just read the FAQs and maybe one day I’ll have time for that. I don’t know if it’s permitted to send you to another web site but I could post that address if the moderator says it’s OK.
      I am pretty sure that would be fine as long as you post it in the Community or appropiate Secton. And Nambroth might be away so I am not sure if she will see this. You might want to PM if you want to be really sure. 😀


      We’ll get there eventually.


      Well, in the meantime, welcome! Now you have an avid audience and some of us, really, still don’t even know what it is we’re waiting to see! 🙂 (But I’m curious! …. and impatient, guess I’ll try google! 🙂 )


        Welcome. I can’t wait to see those pics.


        If you Google Jim Upton DragonMaster you’ll find me.


          Welcome Welcome
          Well in this world I’m Dragon Master (DM to my friends here) I hope that will not get very confusing?? I’d LOVE to know more about that weaving also. I’ve done carpet hooking before and LOVED it


          Dragon Master, You are one of the reasons I used my real name. I saw that Dragon Master had already been used. I would not duplicate it even though I capitalize the D and M with no separation. I also like having people that do not know me, recognize who they are talking to.

          I sent John an explanation of the process that I expect he will put up when he does the picture of the weave. If not in time I will try and explain it.


          Oh wow! Your work is amazing! Welcome! I would love to know how you do that.



          While hiding somewhere in my head I'm on the lookout for white oriental dragons! Please let me know if you know of any available. Thank you!


            WELCOME. I am probably the oldest forum member at 66 but I greatly enjoy it. The members are friendly .


            Happy to meet you darjeb. Hope it’s a title you won’t mind loosing. I’m 71. Glad to hear the young’uns will cut us a little slack.


              Jim Upton wrote:

              If you Google Jim Upton DragonMaster you’ll find me.

              I did not find any art work??


                😀 Welcome! Very neat… I saw the pictures on hirods.net.

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