Unicorn Gargoyle – REPAIRED pg. 8

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    Wow, that is cool. Do you get to keep the unicorn as well? I would leave him a positive on, but also put that there was a problem but he worked it out with you.


    They didn’t ask for the unicorn back! So I can repair him. I think I may glue him together and resculpt him this week still – but repainting will have to wait until Mom’s back so she can help me match the color.


      This is awesome! I would also leave a positive explaining that the problem was resolved smoothly.

      Can’t wait to see the fixed unicorn.

      Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
      I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


      I left him positive feedback. I can’t believe how quickly that went!
      Now I’m tempted to turn around and spend those $130 on another Windstone… 😕


      That is cool you get to keep it as well.

      I say DO IT DO IT. hehe Need to add any Rainbow in your collection? hehe


      Actually, yeah… 😳 But I’m trying to finish my OW and Spectral collections before I buy any other painted dragons. (The BG coil completes my coil collection and the BG fledgie was paid for over a month ago.) So I’ll try to resist for the time being and save this to put toward a Special 10 Spectral off E-Bay.


      Come on, I know you wanna. Don’t resist. 😛 😆


        That’s wonderful news, GB. I’m sure between you and your Mom, the Uni will look as good as new: -)


        dragonessjade wrote:

        Come on, I know you wanna. Don’t resist. 😛 😆

        Dragoness, no fair. 😆 Now I’m going to go find that post of yours about the rainbow family…


        Greater Basilisk wrote:

        dragonessjade wrote:

        Come on, I know you wanna. Don’t resist. 😛 😆

        Dragoness, no fair. 😆 Now I’m going to go find that post of yours about the rainbow family…
        hehe. 😈


        They’re pretty, but I’m just going to resist. Besides, $130 wouldn’t cover either parent once you add shipping. I hope they sell well to someone else!


        Aw, darn. Must harrass you some more. 😛 😈


        It took me forever, on and off, to finally get this guy repaired. Here’s the “before” pic again:

        And after:

        I intended to match the color, but the clay I used in resculpting made that too hard, so I repainted it. My choice of black and flame isn’t frightfully imaginative, but the stone texture of the gargoyle would make detailed painting, like I’m used to dong on the PYOs, hard. Slatherings of paint was about the only way to go. On Sunday I put on the last touches. The red sheen over the black was an afterthought, but it really helped. Now the gargoyle is up on my closet, looking down over my bed together with the Guardian Dragon gargoyle and the Roaring Sentinel.


          Very nice!!! I like it!!! 😀


          I’m not to gung-ho about it, really. You can see the repair lines in the right light. Oh well. Being a repaint, I can’t and won’t resell it. And it is an eye-catcher on the top of the closet. At least it didn’t go to waste.

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