
Unicorn Gargoyle – REPAIRED pg. 8

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      I do need to pack it up again. It’s all over my floor. 😛
      I guess the minimal upside is that I don’t need to figure out where to set it for a while.


        See…the ray of sunshine in every cloud 😆 😆 😆


          Oh yeah *nods*- think positive. 😀 I’m thinking I have a good chance of keeping it since its overseas from the States. I hope I’m right.


            There you go 😉


            I think your letter was very good, and its too bad that the seller wasn’t more cooperative. Ski can advise you better about USPS claims, but I know for a fact that UPS will reimburse whoever files the claim (either the buyer or the seller can file the claim). It seems logical that USPS would also reimburse whoever files the claim (which would be the seller in this case).

            I’d suggest that you confirm what the USPS policies are in this regard. And if you find that USPS will reimburse the seller, then you should inform the seller of that — he has no excuse not to refund your money immediately, and hopefully that’s what he does. But if not, then I think you should tell him that you’ll file a dispute with Paypal or your credit card company to get a refund.


              Thanks, Mimi. I’ll check into the USPS policies and then get back with the seller and you guys.


                It just hasn’t been a good time for windstones through the post office lately. I just got my griffin and his feet were shattered. He’s so pretty I don’t want to claim the insurance and see if Whippit wouldn’t mind fixing him for me.


                  Oh Peg, no!!! Your poor griffin!!! How awful!!! It does look like Windstone shipments aren’t doing well this week. I’m glad I’m not expecting anything.


                    Oh, how awful. I’m sure whippet can make him good as new! 😀


                      Well I’ve contacted the seller first to see if I can get some money back on him. I would have never paid $130 plus shipping for one in this shape to begin with. Hopefully they’ll give me some money back without me having to claim the insurance and then I maybe I can send him on for repairs. He doens’t even have any dust on him!

                      I hope things work out for you too GB!


                        Another casualty? This is not good I hope they can all be mended.

                        I Would love an Old Warrior one day.. any Old Warrior!


                          I know Cai completely fixed and resculpted the feet on a griffin she got, and I couldn’t tell the difference. You could PM her too.


                          Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at gmail.com
                          My art: featherdust.com


                            Nambroth wrote:

                            I know Cai completely fixed and resculpted the feet on a griffin she got, and I couldn’t tell the difference. You could PM her too.


                            Only thing with her is she is in Australia. Boy do those feet sure look like mine though. I wish I had sculpting skills, but I can barely make a pot out of clay. My artistic talents run more towards following counted cross-stitch patterns. You can almost display the backsides of my pieces they are SO neat.


                              Oh Peg, I’m so sorry! I hope you get at least part of your money back. Sellers who don’t package are just the pits. 👿 Keep us posted on how things go with yours.
                              I put the shards of mine together today, as many as I could. It ends up not looking too bad, except for a completely shattered hip on one side. I’m sure I could do something with it if I get to keep it. I wonder what the seller would say if I said I’d try to repair it and asked for a partial refund. What do you all think?


                              The first thing I thought when I saw the photos was-

                              “They’d have a heckuva time fixing that thing.”

                              Why? The top half is the bigger break. It’s WAY bigger. That little bit with the hind legs and the base is going to have to support a LOT and the only thing keeping the top from wobbling is glue or expoy putty- and while I swear on the wonders that epoxy putty works on Windstones…well…who knows. I think this would be a serious repair job to undertake simply because of the places it was broken, the shape, and the weight.

                              Sorry, that’s me working out the logic in my head. I’ve trained myself to visualize how things would react in obedience to simple physics (which is the only type of physics I know. P:)

                              Good luck, whatever you decide. You’re holding up better than I would. I would be frustrated as heck.

                              EDIT: Yes I know I’m being a downer today with my logic. Sorry. 🙁

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