Then there were three! (labradorite griffins…)

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    Thanks! Actually I was drooling over them again *pauses to wipe monitor* and noticed the one on the right also has a little flash right on the beak.

    Amazing job, Nam.


      I am putting the base coats on a bunch of these today. Well, griffins that is… another male, some mommas and some chicks. I can only paint a few at a time. I airbrush them white before I start painting with brushes; keeps the gypsum from making it look weird. All the color and detailing is paint-brush-work, I can’t get the airbrush to work with me to save my life. It’s an old clunker though. I should probably wear a respirator mask, I think I’ll be sneezing white for a week. 😯

      Off I go to do some more.

      Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at
      My art:


        Poor Nam!!!!


        We love you, Nam! 😆


          They look like Tundra Griffins to me! I hope I can afford one of them someday!!! SO BEAUTIFUL!!!! We all LOVE ADORE and TRULY APPRECIATE ALL YOUR HARD WORK NAM!! We all worship you 😉

          Got a busted Windstone?

          *OPEN for repairs*

          *SEEKING GRAILS*
          Arc-en-ciel Emperor
          Siphlophis Male Dragon
          Calypso Hatching Empress
          Ivory Moss Sitting Baby Kirin
          Tattoo Mother Kirin
          Emerald Tabby Male Griffin
          Tie Dye + Orion Hatching Royalty
          Indigo Rockfish + Flame Tabby Little Rock Dragons
          Dragon Quail + Obsidian Frost Old Warriors
          Betta Sun Dragon + Male Dragon
          Dreamscape, Orion, Poison Dart, Fireberry, Spangler + Tigerberry Dragons


            You guys are too sweet! I’ll try and share my EPIC PROGRESS with you!! 😆

            When I was in school, I painted and drew gryphons a lot. My art teacher used to tell me that they were pretty, but I’d never land a job or career by painting griffins all the time..

            Fate has a sense of humor!

            Will she get sick of painting griffins?!

            Will she throw things out the window?!

            Why hasn’t she recycled the booze bottles in the right hand side of the photo?!

            Tune in next time to find out!!

            (Here’s my eyeless ghost griffin army! This is after 2 days or work… base coating and starting to apply some of the simple areas of color. From here I’ll let them dry and box up all but the one I’ll be painting so that they don’t collect dust.)

            Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at
            My art:


              Ok, those are really creepy without eyes. But now we know how you do it! I see that Smirnoff Raw Tea 😉 …


                These are just plain beautiful. And to help you stay sane….***goes to store for Smirnoff Raw Tea*** ***Must sent to Nam***


                  oh how cooool!!! that really is awesome, being able to paint all those windstones.

                  I am just itching for the auction on Black Pearl to end so i can order my next pyo’s and get to painting more.

                  progress shots would really be cool.


                    That is such a cool pic!!! I’m not sure if the finished male is the General addressing his troops or if he’s just showing off. 😆


                      Hehe… you should contact your old art teacher and tell her 😈

                      I can only imagine the orders being given by the finished male to the others. The little ones are like little zerglings (starcraft), only less squishy sounding and with high squeaky minion voices. 😈


                        Ohh I like the blue dragon in the background. He looks like an ice dragon.


                          does the triangle of eyes mean anything?
                          I know it’s a stupid question but thy look kewl there


                            *sigh* I may have to postpone my saving up for a Secret Keeper and save up for one of these instead…


                              How awesome. You have alot of work ahead of you. I must agree… you are much appriciated.

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