Then there were three! (labradorite griffins…)

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      Well, like a dummy I already signed “Labradorite Griffin” on the bottom felt pad, so I guess that’s what they’ll stay named! Everyone is calling them that anyway, it might be more confusing to change it.

      I dunno when they’ll go up on ebay… we never know when stuff is gonna go on ebay! 😆 It’ll be at least after the first of June I think. It takes at least a week to ship them to Windstone.

      Auctioning these is the best solution for us- if we offered them at a set price.. well, that price would have to be pretty high! 😯 These take a LONG time to paint each! They are not painted with the same method as production pieces. And then those that were at work or not at their computers when they got offered would be upset. Auctioning is the most fair way to offer them, that way the buyer determines the price they want to pay for it. I just literally cannot paint enough of these to fairly offer them as a direct sale.

      Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at
      My art:


        I like the name. I would just be calling it the Lab Griffin anyway, so it works out fine for me, and im sure for most of the others, too.


          DarkLadyPhoenix wrote:

          I would like to see “surprise auctions”. Put maybe 5 at a time with a BIN of less than some of these stupid numbers that these auctions have gotten to- a little less than a grand? ‘cmon now.

          I will be lucky to paint 5 of these a year! 😆

          Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at
          My art:


          Here! Here! Ski
          Windstone has a great marketing strategy, in my opinion as a collector. LE should mean just that and not like some of these so called “collectibles” that are mass produced, sorry but 1/10,000 isn’t exactly LE. If collectors are willing and able to pay a premium price for a Real and Rare piece of art then so be it.
          I was lucky enough to get one of the first OW prototypes and I can gar-un-dam-tee that he is never going to be sold. Since I am pretty sure that I will never be that lucky again, I’ll just wait and watch for the next BIN deals! 🙂


          Beautiful, beautiful work, Nam! 😀

          Heh, if I sold my car, maybe I could afford one…and save on not buying uber-expensive gas at the same time! 😉 😆


            Hey, Adaneth! Welcome to the Forum.

            Where are you in Minnesota? I’m there too.


            Now how do you do it! Fab as always.


            skigod377 wrote:

            I like the name. I would just be calling it the Lab Griffin anyway, so it works out fine for me, and im sure for most of the others, too.




            Hey, Adaneth! Welcome to the Forum.

            Where are you in Minnesota? I’m there too.

            Thanks! Yep, southeast Metro area. I love your website, so you’ll probably get an order from me sometime…might save a few bucks on shipping! 😉


            Welcome, too, Adaneth. I like your avatar. What’s it from?



            Welcome, too, Adaneth. I like your avatar. What’s it from?

            🙂 Thanks! The avatar is from I picture I made of some characters from my (amateur, unpublished) books.


            Superb as always Nam! 😀 Welcome to the forums Adaneth! 8) Cool artwork. 😉


              Wonderful job Nam!

              While hiding somewhere in my head I'm on the lookout for white oriental dragons! Please let me know if you know of any available. Thank you!


              *double drool* Really beautiful!

              Does one of them have blue by the sere or is that the flash? Or is just on one side?

              Did I mention I’m changing my name to Melody?


                ddvm wrote:

                *double drool* Really beautiful!

                Does one of them have blue by the sere or is that the flash? Or is just on one side?

                Did I mention I’m changing my name to Melody?

                It’s just the lighting. They’re very close to one another, I have to look at them closely to tell them apart and I painted the darn things. 😉

                Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at
                My art:

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