Then there were three! (labradorite griffins…)

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      Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at
      My art:


        Painting these exactly alike is making me crazy! I must really love you guys!! 😉

        I’ll copypaste what I wrote on another thread about these:

        We’ve decided to do the labradorite griffins (should I rename them? Storm griffins? Cloud griffins? Would that be better or more confusing?? Labradorite is a big crunchy word) as an open artist’s edition. What this means is this:

        “Open” means that there is no set number of griffins I will do in this coloration. I could do 5, I could do 8. However since they take at LEAST a full week to do, I’m the only person that’s making them, they are fully hand painted, AND I gotta work on other stuff (like the family!) they will ALWAYS be rare. I sincerely doubt I could make more than 10 of these a year even if I wanted to- they just take too long.

        They will be signed, numbered, and dated. So that you can tell which griffin I painted first, second, third…. etc. As these are an open edition they will not be numbered like Melody’s limited edition stuff (i.e. 1/25). They will simply have a number, which indicates what number griffin it is.

        Each one will look like the first labradorite griffin in my gallery, but as they are all hand painted with brushes and no stencils are used, and I mix all my colors custom… they will have minor variations. Each one will be subtly unique but still part of the edition.

        As far as we’ve discussed, these’ll only be sold though eBay.

        Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at
        My art:


        They are so beautiful. I’ll never afford them 😥 . But I’ll try my hardest. 😀


          Nam, they’re wonderful!!! Doing the same detailing multiple times would drive me crazy!!! 😀


            you are very talented. I know they will sell VERY well


              I love them!! I will never be able to afford one but at least if you put them on a shirt or something I can have one that way! 😀 We love you nam! Keep up the fantastic work!!!


              Well we love ya back. I like the one on the left a little better. 😀


              Oh, they’re beautiful. I’m glad that there will be more than one, but the odds are against my being able to afford one . I’ll be watching, though!


                Just out of curiosity Nam, of all the PYOs or non PYOs you painted, which one is your favorite and why?


                  Barrdwing wrote:

                  Oh, they’re beautiful. I’m glad that there will be more than one, but the odds are against my being able to afford one . I’ll be watching, though!

                  *Passes you some sweet of your liking* Can I join you?


                    pegasi1978 wrote:

                    Barrdwing wrote:

                    Oh, they’re beautiful. I’m glad that there will be more than one, but the odds are against my being able to afford one . I’ll be watching, though!

                    *Passes you some sweet of your liking* Can I join you?

                    Me too? *passes the ice cream*


                      Is there any ice cream left? I’ll be watching too 🙂


                      When I saw the subject line all I could hear was Count from Sesame Street repeating the lines. Does that show how old I am or what? 😆

                      Anyway, I am so glad there isn’t going to be a set number and I pray I am in a position to get one, because I really really love this color combination you’ve done on these.



                      nam, you have outdone yourself. stay sane while you are doing this!


                      You know, I wish these griffons could be the club sculpture, but unfortunately it wouldn’t be practical. But I can still dream!


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