The Secret is Out! (5/1/08)

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  • #695623

      since Im visiting GB outside the states, I decided to wait till I got home to order a SK…I really hope Melody paints some in Red Flame…I want one in that color or Flame sooo bad. But I figure there is a better opportunity to get a red fire one.


      Dragon87 wrote:

      gryphondreamer wrote:

      I know what you are saying about the price, khat. That is a months rent and utilities for me.

      That’s almost 2 months rent, utilities AND food!

      But then again, I’m living with 3 other people so my rent is like, $300. And utilities are about $75. And food comes up to maybe $100/month. Maybe. So, about 2 months of rent, food, and utilities. Windstones will make me poor….

      I was kind of wondering there for a couple of minutes how you had such cheap rent in Edmonton, LMAO. It is nice to see another albertian on board, we have the north, the middle and the south.

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