The "Heck Yeah!" Thread…

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      I have today off AND my internet is working right now, Heck Yeah! Unfortunately, I need to clean, so I can’t enjoy it much. Oh well 😆


        Heck Yeah! I won an award last night at our cast party! 😀


          Woo Hoo!!! Congrats to you bayoudragon!

          twindragonsmum 😀



          This is gonna sound super cheesy but heck yeah, my engagement photos went well, the weather cooperated (it was nice and sunny, and warm for December). I was nervous about them (considering the money that went into them). 🙂


            my husband got bummed while we were standing at the counter this morning at the doctor’s making the copay on his CC. I told him that in spite of the no holidays, I’m so thankful that I get to spend them with him when it could have gone otherwise.


              I’ve Conned my Mom into get both the Male & I Cataclysm for Christmas. 😀
              I believe she even got Him the Collectors. 😆 (I got the BC Collectors, Next Expansion I’ll get the collectors again, unless the Bug-Boo is playing.)

              Buggy is Learning to read with Monday-Friday Half hour Help from Super Why! 😮 He’s now essentially taught himself (before we discovered Super Why) at 2.5 his Capital Letters, & starting the Sounds/syllables of the individual letters, & now at just over 3 Years his Lower Case letters & the Combined Sounds, as well as Identifying the sounds when Said by others.


              You’re reading the message of someone who just got a friggin awesome raise! I’m making $2.75/hour more then I was before – now I’m making $17/hour! Tradeoff? Well, I’m gonna be starting at 3:45am…. LOL But hard to argue that kind of a raise, right? 😀

              HECK YEAH! First time I’ve really felt like celebrating in MONTHS! 😀


              Congrats, Dragon87, that’s awesome! 😀


                Woot! 😀


                  I survived my first week of work and will have a paycheck next Wednesday!


                  Congrats, pegasi1978! 🙂


                    I just solved the Rubik’s Cube by myself!!! Heck ya!!!
                    On a lesser note, I just got my 3rd raise this year! Now I’ll go whine about how much stress my job causes me… 😀


                      I took my last final today! I feel I’ve passed my classes with pretty good grades and am so glad to get this semester done. So now some rest and onto Spring! 😀


                        LadyFirebird wrote:

                        I took my last final today! I feel I’ve passed my classes with pretty good grades and am so glad to get this semester done. So now some rest and onto Spring! 😀

                        *high fives LadyFirebird* Me too! College Algebra *twitch twich* I am NO good in math. A’s and B’s in English, Psychology, Anatomy-anything-but math-I’m just hoping to pass. And next semester Im taking 2 online classes so, although I prefer “in person” type classes, that will save me an hour each day communting-and I can sleep late-Heck Yeah!!


                        Phoenix wrote:

                        I just solved the Rubik’s Cube by myself!!! Heck ya!!!
                        On a lesser note, I just got my 3rd raise this year! Now I’ll go whine about how much stress my job causes me… 😀

                        Woo hoo!

                        And woohoo to Pegasi, and the others too! Good news from you guys is always nice to hear. 😀 Makes me a little happier.

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