The "Heck Yeah!" Thread…

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      That pendant is a great idea and memorial, Dragoneeer_88. I’m glad you found it. I got a tattoo of my Pip girl (and want one of my Doomer), but the pendant is easier to enjoy for you really. I got the tattoo long enough ago that it was important that it be in a hidden place if I wanted to continue to hold a job.


      What a remarkable, special pendant!!
      Thank you for sharing both the source link and the finished pendant!!
      It looks identical to your beautiful little girl; glad you have it.
      Warm Hugs !!


        That’s wonderful! I’ve been waiting for the review. I’m going to get one of my first cat, if I can find the picture I have in mind and get a good scan of it. I hope it works as well for a solid black animal.

        My keyboard is broken. I keep pressing "Escape", but I'm still here.


          After close to 10 years, I finally am getting some of my Windstones out on display, and hopefully will soon have them all out! Woohoo!

          Plus I got the hatching dinos for Christmas, thank you hubby!


            pipsxlch – That’s wonderful! Hopefully you can post pictures when you’ve got them all displayed and organized :)!

            I’ve started the new year out right with a personal trainer. I’m so excited to get my butt back into shape, and to start feeling like myself again! 😀


              There has been so much pain and strife already this year  that I wanted to share a ray of sunshine.Some of you know I had a health scare and no insurance, therefore no tests to check for damage.A friend here brought something to my attention and made me delve deeper.Voila!!Got it!Jeff came home yesterday and told me we are now covered with insurance I can go have my heart tests.This forum and all of these wonderful people may have just saved my life.Thank you.

              Every act matters.No matter how small💞
              (Wanted......Toaster Dragon)
              Male day🤞Dream on.


                Oh yay Bodine! It is always scary to know something ius wrong but not to be able to afford to have the issue looked into. I hope all your tests come back with results that are easily treatable!

                Looking for:


                  Glad to hear you can get the tests you need now, Bodine!

                  My good news is is that my dad’s doctors have ruled out pancreatic cancer. This is a huge relief! He still needs to have a surgical biopsy on his lung (this Wedsnesday) but even if that turns out to be cancerous it’s much better than pancreatic cancer that spread to the lung (what they initially expected and very bad news). He’s in good spirits, and we’ve all got our finger’s crossed.

                  Seeking Test Paints & GBs ! Please get in touch if you'd trade/sell. I'll remove pieces from list by owner request
                  ANY Red Eyed Unis
                  ANY Test Paint Bat
                  The Purple/Yellow Baby Uni of Awesome
                  Male- Snow Leopard TP
                  White Lighting Male, Pony, Colt and Grand - I have Mom, Baby, & Young
                  Ponycorns: Golden Zebra and/or Spotted Skunk
                  Mother: Okapi
                  Gothic - Mahogany
                  PEGS: Male Midnight Calico, Male Bloodstone, Mother Starlight Rain
                  DRAGONS: Male Coyote


                    That is such hopeful news Natasha!

                    I really hope all turns out well with further testing and I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you all as well!

                    Looking for:
                    "COSMIC SHIFT DRAGONS and KI-RINS" and the "OCTOPUS TANUKI TEST PAINT #1"


                      Bodine:  I’m really glad you were able to get the insurance.  It’s scary to not be able to find out if something is wrong.

                      Natasha:  Great news!  Here’s hoping that the lung tests out good too, but you are right about the lung cancer too.  My dad had a tumor removed from his lung several years ago, and has been doing fine.  Anything that has spread to a different organ is already nasty.


                        After two years, it seems I may have finally found a job that pays a living wage! It’s not an easy job in that I’ll have to work a 28 day shift cycle in a factory, but I can’t be picky! I’m not sure if it’s a temp job. I certainly hope it’s not. I’ll know for sure by tomorrow afternoon. This opportunity comes just in time considering the negative developments of last week…and the past two years really. Thanks to everyone that wished me well in my “whine” post. The positive vibes may have worked!


                          That”s so wonderful, Dragoneer! And hoping ask goes well with your dad, Natasha; my BIL had to have a whole lung removed due to cancer but 2 years later he”s doing great!

                          I am so blessed to live close enough to Kennedy Space Center that I was able to watch (and hear) the Falcon rocket launch this afternoon, and its boosters land. Such an awesome experience every time!


                            GO FALCON! That is awesome!

                            Dragoneer-I have worked factories more than once and though it has it’s down sides,all of them,what job doesn’t,but at least it is steady,set hours,weekly paycheck,usually some kind of insurance plan,room to advance,QC jobs are pretty good,never doubt yourself.All factories are looking for good people and it is a job so be proud,right?Good luck!!

                            Every act matters.No matter how small💞
                            (Wanted......Toaster Dragon)
                            Male day🤞Dream on.


                              That’s awesome, Dragoneer! Here’s hoping it is a long term job.

                              My keyboard is broken. I keep pressing "Escape", but I'm still here.


                                Thank you! I think it’s safe to say I am among the employed now and I’ll finally have the opportunity to catch up on some things! 🙂 It’s not a temp job unless I make a major mistake within the first 30 days. Haha! It will be a bit tough at first with 12 hour rotating shifts. That’s okay. I’m just thankful to have a job at this point. I should start by the end of the week. They’re waiting on some paperwork to come back.

                                The Falcon rocket launch was fantastic! Honestly, I was most impressed with the successful landings. That was awesome!

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