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- This topic has 114 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 18 years, 3 months ago by NirvanaCat13.
November 30, 2006 at 9:16 am #511942
Hey, I didn’t want to pester them about Windstones very much. I kinda wanted to be seen as “not horribly annoying.” I asked about a couple of things when they came up in conversation, like the poads and the possibility of other fledgeling colors, but griffins never got brought up!
November 30, 2006 at 9:35 am #511943Ah well…thats ok. I sure do like those poads. Its cool that the fledges are actually coming out in green!
November 30, 2006 at 4:52 pm #511944Spark, I’m sorry your friend would rather believe a fictional TV show (Yes it’s not a real life television show, i’m aware) than you, and that she can’t understand that every convention has it’s weirder extreme elements that have nothing to do with the majority of the con goers. CSI is sensational but it definitely doesn’t pretend to be the ten o’clock news so for someone to think of CSI as an expert on furry is silly.
I’m sorry if my trying to explain CSI’s side of things upset you, it’s just that I’ve met some of the people involved in the show and they are good people. If you don’t watch or like the show, that’s your perogative entirely. CSI is responsible (to a point) for what they create, that I agree, but also people watching have a responsibility to verify the information they get from television, especially if it’s a dramatic show like CSI or ER or whatever. I hope your friend figures that out and stops being so unfair to you.
November 30, 2006 at 5:41 pm #511945SPark wrote:…………………………
It’s a TV show. It’s not about really fighting crime. Real CSI labs don’t do HALF of what these guys do in the show. They’re not about realism, they don’t care! They’re just about making a good show.
And I’m sure they managed to find a few real furries to talk to, but they obviously ignored everything but the sensational ones.
I don’t really care if they WERE trying to be accurate, because the end result is my having people think nasty, awful, perverted thoughts about ME and the job I love and adore and want to do for the rest of my life, because of CSI, and MTV, and other media. I will never like it. There’s no way to spin it or talk about it, or explain it that will make me happy with that show. They have made me have one of my best friends in the entire world think that I’m a sick pervert who gets off on cartoon animal costumes*. I spent a good hour trying to explain I’m not, and she still doesn’t quite believe me.
That rather understandably upsets me.
*I don’t actually care if somebody does get off on animal costumes, it’s a free country, but I DON’T, and I think that the details of one’s sex life should stay in one’s bedroom, not be shared with the entire world.
Ok, ok, time to throw in my $50 worth….
I do Ren Faires, this is, I believe, on par with Cons of all types, furries, comicon, ect. We get dressed up in costumes, make products that could or were made centuries ago, put on armor, carry weapons, do mock battles etc. It’s a time for all of us “weirdos” who don’t wish to conform to society but have to, to get together, be ourselves and have fun. There is a lot of sexuality involved (how can there not be when a girl in a corset can use her own clevage as pillows..) but we usualy save it for after hours, and it’s usualy the same groups of people. There are a LOT of people who don’t understand us, IT’S BECAUSE WE ARE BEING OURSELVES, WE ARE DOING SOMETHING DIFFERENT, we all believe we were born to the wrong era, so we re-create it. I believe this is the case with all “groups with strange interests”. It’s about finding your own, finding others who share your outlook on life. EVERY “group” is comprised of human beings (however much some of us don’t want to be humans) from all walks of life, from all levels of perverseness. There are Rennies who give the rest of us a bad name, the ones who get drunk and start waving a sword around (meant in more ways than one), some that get a too carried away with slobbering over a woman, a guild member who gave a 11 year old a seriously loaded pot brownie and had him stumble home to his parrents stoned (this happened about a month ago). My point, is that there are people involved in every group, you get the bad with the good, religious zealots, Rennies, Carnies, soccer moms, workaholics….it doesn’t matter, most of us are harmless, we do things because we belive in them, want to have fun, live. The bad apples are the ones who give us bad repputations, and they are out there.
SP you are focusing on CSI as giving Furries bad names, well, the same could be said about the episode about the rave party, or the eppisode where the wife hired her ex-navy seal bf to kill her husband in a swimming pool….Yes, they pick out the “bad” groups of people, but they do it consistantly, from all walks of life….Furries, teens expirimenting with drugs, jealous wives with rich ex-husbands, complete strangers who happened to push eachother over the edge, little people….Yes it is sensationalism, trying to put on a good show, they try and incorportate science in an interesting way. If you say they give Furries a bad rap, then you have to say they give the whole human race a bad rap. Which, in short, is what they do, it’s just a different group of people each time for the sake of something new to get people to watch.
Honestly, I hope they do a show about the Las Vegas Renniasance Faire, that would be hella cool. Yes, it would show the “bad” side of Rennies, but who cares! People will think what they want, the people who know what Ren Faire is about will still come, some won’t come anymore, others will come because of it….It all ballances out.
You know the value of what you are part of, enjoy that, enjoy the good times you have, expect that there will be biggots and zealots and those who won’t listen. Maybe one day people will understand, become more tollerant, maybe not. Above all else, be secure in who you are don’t give a crap what others think, or what a show portrays, it is still just a show, people who are shallow will forget in time, and those of us who see it as just entertainment will know the difference, will know that there is a difference, and if interested, find out what that difference is for our own growth.
November 30, 2006 at 5:42 pm #511946sunhawk wrote:Spark, I’m sorry your friend would rather believe a fictional TV show (Yes it’s not a real life television show, i’m aware) than you, and that she can’t understand that every convention has it’s weirder extreme elements that have nothing to do with the majority of the con goers. CSI is sensational but it definitely doesn’t pretend to be the ten o’clock news so for someone to think of CSI as an expert on furry is silly.
I’m sorry if my trying to explain CSI’s side of things upset you, it’s just that I’ve met some of the people involved in the show and they are good people. If you don’t watch or like the show, that’s your perogative entirely. CSI is responsible (to a point) for what they create, that I agree, but also people watching have a responsibility to verify the information they get from television, especially if it’s a dramatic show like CSI or ER or whatever. I hope your friend figures that out and stops being so unfair to you.
If your friend doesn’t figgure it out, and doesn’t understand who you are, then is that person really a friend???
November 30, 2006 at 5:44 pm #511947God, I feel like I’m on Jerry Springer….
“You need to ditch that two timing biggot and get youreslf a new man!” ROFLMFAO
j/k that was kind of in poor taste….ahh well…..
November 30, 2006 at 5:49 pm #511948I was gonna say the same thing about the friend. I watch CSI and didnt think of all furries as weird when I saw that episode, though I figure there are some out there. Same with the beauty queen episode where the mom kills the other moms daughter. There may indeed be normal ones out there, but they dont make for good TV. Your friend either is pushing your buttons since you are obviously so easily riled about it, or they are a crappy friend and you should ditch them anyway.
November 30, 2006 at 5:54 pm #511949It’s interesting to follow this thread. Makes me glad I don’t have a TV.
November 30, 2006 at 9:13 pm #511950Nirvanacat13 wrote:Ok, ok, time to throw in my $50 worth….
I do Ren Faires, this is, I believe, on par with Cons of all types, furries, comicon, ect. We get dressed up in costumes, make products that could or were made centuries ago, put on armor, carry weapons, do mock battles etc. It’s a time for all of us “weirdos” who don’t wish to conform to society but have to, to get together, be ourselves and have fun. There is a lot of sexuality involved (how can there not be when a girl in a corset can use her own clevage as pillows..) but we usualy save it for after hours, and it’s usualy the same groups of people. There are a LOT of people who don’t understand us, IT’S BECAUSE WE ARE BEING OURSELVES, WE ARE DOING SOMETHING DIFFERENT, we all believe we were born to the wrong era, so we re-create it. I believe this is the case with all “groups with strange interests”. It’s about finding your own, finding others who share your outlook on life. EVERY “group” is comprised of human beings (however much some of us don’t want to be humans) from all walks of life, from all levels of perverseness. There are Rennies who give the rest of us a bad name, the ones who get drunk and start waving a sword around (meant in more ways than one), some that get a too carried away with slobbering over a woman, a guild member who gave a 11 year old a seriously loaded pot brownie and had him stumble home to his parrents stoned (this happened about a month ago). My point, is that there are people involved in every group, you get the bad with the good, religious zealots, Rennies, Carnies, soccer moms, workaholics….it doesn’t matter, most of us are harmless, we do things because we belive in them, want to have fun, live. The bad apples are the ones who give us bad repputations, and they are out there.
SP you are focusing on CSI as giving Furries bad names, well, the same could be said about the episode about the rave party, or the eppisode where the wife hired her ex-navy seal bf to kill her husband in a swimming pool….Yes, they pick out the “bad” groups of people, but they do it consistantly, from all walks of life….Furries, teens expirimenting with drugs, jealous wives with rich ex-husbands, complete strangers who happened to push eachother over the edge, little people….Yes it is sensationalism, trying to put on a good show, they try and incorportate science in an interesting way. If you say they give Furries a bad rap, then you have to say they give the whole human race a bad rap. Which, in short, is what they do, it’s just a different group of people each time for the sake of something new to get people to watch.
Honestly, I hope they do a show about the Las Vegas Renniasance Faire, that would be hella cool. Yes, it would show the “bad” side of Rennies, but who cares! People will think what they want, the people who know what Ren Faire is about will still come, some won’t come anymore, others will come because of it….It all ballances out.
You know the value of what you are part of, enjoy that, enjoy the good times you have, expect that there will be biggots and zealots and those who won’t listen. Maybe one day people will understand, become more tollerant, maybe not. Above all else, be secure in who you are don’t give a crap what others think, or what a show portrays, it is still just a show, people who are shallow will forget in time, and those of us who see it as just entertainment will know the difference, will know that there is a difference, and if interested, find out what that difference is for our own growth.
Thanks for that Nirvana, you said it much better than my sad efforts did ^_^ I agree completely
November 30, 2006 at 10:06 pm #511951*shrugs*
I still will never like the show. End of story. It badmouths everyone and adds nothing positive or good to the world.
And it’s not accurate about ANYTHING nor does it promote fighting crime. (I mentioned this to some friends of mine who do lab work, and they all scoffed at the idea of CSI being dedicated to accuracy. Apparnetly there’s not a single thing in the show that’s truly accurate to how real SCI teams and real examination labs work.) The show’s sole purpose is to get people to watch it so the makers will make money. They’re not in it for altruism, nor are they in it for education, they’re in it for cash. They may be nice people, no doubt. I’m in costuming for cash, and I’d like to think I’m still a nice person!
I’m not trying to crusade against it. Watch it if you like. But don’t think it’s accurate about anything, and don’t believe what it says about anybody, because it’s not.
(That’s what got me going here, was Sunhawk claiming that it was trying to be accurate. Nothing personal against her at all, but that’s a buncha balogna.)
November 30, 2006 at 10:17 pm #511952SPark wrote:*shrugs*
I still will never like the show. End of story. It badmouths everyone and adds nothing positive or good to the world.
And it’s not accurate about ANYTHING nor does it promote fighting crime. (I mentioned this to some friends of mine, and they all scoffed at the idea of CSI being dedicated to accuracy. Apparnetly there’s not a single thing in the show that’s truly accurate to how real SCI teams work.)
I’m not trying to crusade against it. Watch it if you like. But don’t think it’s accurate about anything, and don’t believe what it says about anybody, because it’s not.
(That’s what got me going here, was Sunhawk claiming that it was trying to be accurate. Buncha balogna.)
*shrug* We just have different opinions about accuracy and science. I’ve seen them make stuff up and i’ve seen them be as accurate as I know about the subject. It’s usually hit or miss in terms of being exact to the science in question, as they attempt to make cohesive whole within the constraints of an hour. They have to edit some stuff out or modify it to suit the medium.
I still don’t understand how you think it doesn’t promote fighting crime since almost every criminal in that show is portrayed in a negative, usually-unsympathetic light and they are caught. The forensics and police are *always* smarter than the criminals. It’s a modified cop show.
If you don’t like contemplating the negative aspects of human society that’s your decision. But i find it a little unfair to tar and feather the show because a friend of yours used it as an excuse to treat you unfairly. I can respect the fact that you don’t want to watch it but if you aren’t a fan of the show, how many episodes did you watch before you decided they always get it wrong? Did you watch more than the “Fur and Loathing in Las Vegas” episode?
November 30, 2006 at 10:43 pm #511953I can’t see any point in debating this further.
I could make all kinds of arguments, you would just ignore or counter them, and we’d still disagree. You love it, I don’t like it, never shall the twain meet, etc.
November 30, 2006 at 11:09 pm #511954SPark wrote:I can’t see any point in debating this further.
I could make all kinds of arguments, you would just ignore or counter them, and we’d still disagree. You love it, I don’t like it, never shall the twain meet, etc.
Since we both have and would do that, that does seem to be the case.
November 30, 2006 at 11:14 pm #511955SPark wrote:Heee, “furpiling” Here’s a SHOCKING video that shows what “furpiling” actually is! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1YpYswGtg5s
(I’ve NEVER actually heard any real confirmed stories about the other kind of furpiling. Maybe it happens, maybe it doesn’t.)
And as far as I can tell, CSI has a “sensationalist” agenda. They’re not anti crime, they just want to seem shocking and strange. I hate that kind of thing, it’s shallow, and stupid. And whether CSI has meant to be anit-furry or not, it has REALLY hurt the reputation of the furry fandom.
LOL! It’s just like an anime convention, but everyone in animal suits! I finally found a place where I belong! LOL!
I know I jumped into the thread WAY LATE! I just read the past 5 or 6 pages and had to catch up.
I am new to the furry fandom and am in the process of making my first suit =) I don’t have a fursona, but I think that will be my next project. I don’t understand why people would think it’s perverted. I think it’s fun! I’m actually really antisocial and have a few issues with large groups of people, like when I go to anime cons and stuff. But I feel kind of safe in my cosplay. It’s like I can forget about everything else in my life for a while and be without worries. I have a feeling my furry suit will be the same. SQUEE! Making them and being around others who enjoy it is kind of theraputic in a way.
Oh! and I STILL so wish I wasn’t on the other side of the country! I want to go to CA and go to the factory too! It must be SO COOL to meet everyone and see all the Windstones and Emus! Metting Mel, Chessie, Vantid, and everyone else…THAT WOULD BE SOOOO COOL! *trying not to sonund like a fangirl, yet failing miserably* LOL!
Got a busted Windstone?
*OPEN for repairs**SEEKING GRAILS*
Arc-en-ciel Emperor
Siphlophis Male Dragon
Calypso Hatching Empress
Ivory Moss Sitting Baby Kirin
Tattoo Mother Kirin
Emerald Tabby Male Griffin
Tie Dye + Orion Hatching Royalty
Indigo Rockfish + Flame Tabby Little Rock Dragons
Dragon Quail + Obsidian Frost Old Warriors
Betta Sun Dragon + Male Dragon
Dreamscape, Orion, Poison Dart, Fireberry, Spangler + Tigerberry DragonsNovember 30, 2006 at 11:39 pm #511956We should make a pilgrimage some year. I wonder how far the factory is from San Jose? Probably still too far.
San Jose is where FurtherConfusion, one of the two biggest furry cons in the country is. I go every year now! And since it’s at least in the right state, it’s the closest I get to the factory, usually. If there was just another Windstone fan who’s from San Jose, we could make a road trip of it, or something…
Someday I really am going to have to travel to the factory. Though there’s some hope that eventually it will move to Oregon! That would be great. Of course by then I’ll probably have moved somewhere else.
I’ll be at Anthrocon this coming year too, I think. It’s on the east coast-ish. Pennsylvania, I believe. You could probably make it to that, Drag0n.
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