The dinner report (aka. gossip from Melody)

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      Chessapeaka wrote:

      Greater Basilisk wrote:

      I think John Alberti is the husband. In fact, I’m pretty sure. After all, Chessie’s last name is Alberti. Yeah, he must be the husband. In Copyright 101 he says so. I think.

      Dude you guys have no idea how hard I’m laughing at this…

      John Alberti is the husband and dad. And hey, guess what? There’s another one, too… Griffin. My younger brother! I keep trying to get him to join the forum, but he says he wouldn’t have anything to talk about. I personally think he’s afraid of so many Windstone collectors compacted into such a small area, but then again, he might just be shy or trying to avoid his older sister. Haha.

      Anyway, it’s funny to hear my dad referred to as “the husband”. That’s just one step short of calling him “It” or “The thing”. XD

      Right, and SPark! It was awesome meeting you! That was a very cool experience. SilverArrow was fun to meet as well, it’s just plain fun to have get-togethers like that. Thanks for coming!

      Thank you for the invite. I had a great time! It was wonderful to finally meet you and your family in person. You guys are awsome!


        lamortefille wrote:

        I don’t know the first thing about furry people or furry conventions, but I can tell you that I wouldn’t take either CSI’s or MTV’s take on them. My sister raves about CSI, so I tried to watch it one night – I made it about 10 minutes. They were trying to convince me that some dead girl had been swallowed by an obviously rubber snake. NO offense to anyone that enjoys the show, but I found the whole premise, not to mention the props, pathetic. I never said anything to my sister – that’s just my opinion – and that’s why they make vanilla, chocolate, strawberry, etc. The bottom line is that people are going to believe what they want to believe, regardless of that facts. Hype, gossip and furry sex sells. I fully expect to see “Nirvanacat13’s Cleavage Booted Off The Island! Exclusive Pictures!!” on the front page of the next issue of the National Enquirer. 😀

        ZOMG ROFLMFAO If I knew how to photoshop I’d SO make a front page of that to post here! (anyone wanting to attempt, I can try and convince the bf to let go of some clevage shots!)


        SPark wrote:

        A furry convention is full of people running around in costumes, having fun. But it is NOT full of people having sex in the costumes. I just have to say this. It drives me crazy because people think I make my living making perverted sex suits. My suits do not have strategically placed holes! I don’t do that! 99% of furries don’t do that! And why did they have to make the show all about the 1% that do?

        This is a really sore spot with me, because stuff like CSI and that MTV show have people who don’t even know me thinking that I’m some kind of nasty person that like bestiality, and I’m not!

        The episode didn’t say that it was full of people “furpiling” or what not, it just mentioned that as a seperate private event. And 99% of people don’t murder but CSI is the kind of show that’s going to focus on the extremes and since it’s set in Las Vegas, they always highlight kinks and sinful behavior. The aim of the show is to display and solve different crimes, they don’t have an anti-furry agenda, they have an anti-crime agenda.


          Heee, “furpiling” Here’s a SHOCKING video that shows what “furpiling” actually is!

          (I’ve NEVER actually heard any real confirmed stories about the other kind of furpiling. Maybe it happens, maybe it doesn’t.)

          And as far as I can tell, CSI has a “sensationalist” agenda. They’re not anti crime, they just want to seem shocking and strange. I hate that kind of thing, it’s shallow, and stupid. And whether CSI has meant to be anit-furry or not, it has REALLY hurt the reputation of the furry fandom.


          That was a great video.


            What do furries do when they get together like that? Is it to sell, or promote? Or just to show off costumes and party?


              skigod377 wrote:

              What do furries do when they get together like that? Is it to sell, or promote? Or just to show off costumes and party?

              Mostly party. Also attend panels and discuss art, writing, costuming, animal activism, etc.

              There’s buying and selling in the dealer’s room, and quite a few come to get art, books, and fuzzy stuff that’s hard to find. But mostly it’s for the partying.


                Cool. Its nice to hang with folks when you have something in common besides drinking…but when you can put them together? Thats the best.


                  Yeah, furcons are great! The people you meet there are always interesting, one way or another. And I, of course, do wonderful business and make scads of money.

                  Heee. And I guess there IS the “other” kind of furpile, now that I think of it. My usual con roommate always brings his boyfriend, so, er… there /are/ moments when I’m careful to knock before going into the room. (But they don’t wear fusuits when they’re doing that. I somethimes wonder if anybody ever actually wears a fursuit wile getting it on. I mean… you die of sweat just standing still in an air-conditioned room while wearing one. How on earth could you, er… yeah.)

                  I’m a little hyper today, don’t mind me!



                  Wow….TMI about the roomie :p


                    Hey, at least I didn’t go into details! *grins* It could always be worse.


                    SPark wrote:

                    Heee, “furpiling” Here’s a SHOCKING video that shows what “furpiling” actually is!

                    (I’ve NEVER actually heard any real confirmed stories about the other kind of furpiling. Maybe it happens, maybe it doesn’t.)

                    And as far as I can tell, CSI has a “sensationalist” agenda. They’re not anti crime, they just want to seem shocking and strange. I hate that kind of thing, it’s shallow, and stupid. And whether CSI has meant to be anit-furry or not, it has REALLY hurt the reputation of the furry fandom.

                    Look Spark, all I know is that the writers of CSI actually consulted a number of people involved in the furry fandom and got their feedback and approval about the script for the episode. That kind of dedication to research speaks to an intention to be as accurate as possible within the constrains of the show.

                    And the heightened sexuality displayed in the episode can be found in anime/comic conventions as well as furry conventions, it’s not the norm obviously but every year I work at a few different conventions and some people get carried away. There’s a joke that anime/comic cons are like “prom for nerds” and some people DO see it that way. They are given this opportunity to be surrounded by hundreds of other people who understand and share their obsession and for some it’s a heady experience. Add to that the cosplay aspect, which is very similar to wearing a furry costume and we do even get a few mascot costumes at the comic/anime cons, and people do really feel like they are wearing the mental equivalent of a prom dress. And i don’t think there is anything wrong with acting out of all that adrenaline and hormones, as long as they are safe about it and are adults!

                    I’m sure some people watch CSI for the brief moments of graphic violence it portays when describing crimes, it took me a while to get used to it or anticipate when to turn my head, but i myself watch it for the logic and the science (not literally but the idea of using chemistry and biology and other methods to solve a complicated puzzle) as well as their exploration of different elements of human psychology and sociology. They are most definitely anti-crime since the entire point of the show is watching criminalists solve crimes and capture criminals.


                      SPark wrote:

                      Hey, at least I didn’t go into details! *grins* It could always be worse.

                      yes… details is very good….I have a very sensitive stomach…..




                        It’s a TV show. It’s not about really fighting crime. Real CSI labs don’t do HALF of what these guys do in the show. They’re not about realism, they don’t care! They’re just about making a good show.

                        And I’m sure they managed to find a few real furries to talk to, but they obviously ignored everything but the sensational ones.

                        I don’t really care if they WERE trying to be accurate, because the end result is my having people think nasty, awful, perverted thoughts about ME and the job I love and adore and want to do for the rest of my life, because of CSI, and MTV, and other media. I will never like it. There’s no way to spin it or talk about it, or explain it that will make me happy with that show. They have made me have one of my best friends in the entire world think that I’m a sick pervert who gets off on cartoon animal costumes*. I spent a good hour trying to explain I’m not, and she still doesn’t quite believe me.

                        That rather understandably upsets me.

                        *I don’t actually care if somebody does get off on animal costumes, it’s a free country, but I DON’T, and I think that the details of one’s sex life should stay in one’s bedroom, not be shared with the entire world.


                          Soooooo….any ideas when the new griffin family will come out? C’mon! You got to talk to them!!

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