That's a really big dragon…

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    So did anybody else realize just how massive the SK really is??? I just saw the rainbow next to the emp in the pic Ms. Melody posted in the gallery and… wow. I knew it was big, but… WOW! 😯

    Just had to comment on this, I think I’m still shell-shocked a little 😆 I’d like to see the curio it would take to hold that girl, even with the hollow core. The PYO “mini-keeper” ain’t gingerly, either. That might be the one I end up trying to paint…



      Megani-chan wrote:

      So did anybody else realize just how massive the SK really is??? I just saw the rainbow next to the emp in the pic Ms. Melody posted in the gallery and… wow. I knew it was big, but… WOW! 😯

      Just had to comment on this, I think I’m still shell-shocked a little 😆 I’d like to see the curio it would take to hold that girl, even with the hollow core. The PYO “mini-keeper” ain’t gingerly, either. That might be the one I end up trying to paint…

      I had seen her before, so it was not a big shock this time. I am still wondering where I will put her, though. We are all gonna need reinforced shelves. Those glass shelves sure aren’t gonna cut it!! Maybe she can sit on the floor… next to the rock dragons…?


        Huge, isn’t she? x_X I saw her at the factory and nearly fell over. The picture made me re-fall over because my memory had dwindled.

        Haha yeah, she’d need to sit on a table or something, lol.


        She just might have to. Everybody who wins one will have to take pictures and demonstrate their creative SK placement.

        She’s so big and nice I just wanna hug ‘er…


        skigod377 wrote:

        I am still wondering where I will put her, though. We are all gonna need reinforced shelves. Those glass shelves sure aren’t gonna cut it!! Maybe she can sit on the floor… next to the rock dragons…?

        That’s what I was thinking! The floor is probably safest.


        Megani-chan wrote:

        The PYO “mini-keeper” ain’t gingerly, either. That might be the one I end up trying to paint…

        I thought you said “ain’t gingerbread” there mmmmm… gingerbread….

        But yeah she’s huge! LOL I’d just put her outside any curio case, right now I don’t have one for my Windstones though I’m thinking of sneaking them into my mum’s new hutch in the dining room LOL


          I knew it was big, but seeing the photo…O_o
          He’s MASSIVE!!!


            No wonder it’s THAT heavy 😯 …………… Wonder if I’ll ever have the money to get myself one far less my Male a second and my Mom a third! 😉


            Yeah, we have seen pics of her in a different color. She is huge. I don’t think I would put her on the floor because she might get damaged. I will put her on the ledge of the fireplace. hehe


              I’d put her in the drivers seat of my car and take pictures! 😀 LOL!

              Got a busted Windstone?
              *OPEN for repairs*

              *SEEKING GRAILS*
              Arc-en-ciel Emperor
              Siphlophis Male Dragon
              Calypso Hatching Empress
              Ivory Moss Sitting Baby Kirin
              Tattoo Mother Kirin
              Emerald Tabby Male Griffin
              Tie Dye + Orion Hatching Royalty
              Indigo Rockfish + Flame Tabby Little Rock Dragons
              Dragon Quail + Obsidian Frost Old Warriors
              Betta Sun Dragon + Male Dragon
              Dreamscape, Orion, Poison Dart, Fireberry, Spangler + Tigerberry Dragons


                Yeah, but can she see over the steering wheel!?


                  Just sit her on a book or too and I bet she’d be tall enough to drive!! 😈 😈


                    Megani-chan wrote:

                    So did anybody else realize just how massive the SK really is??? I just saw the rainbow next to the emp in the pic Ms. Melody posted in the gallery and… wow. I knew it was big, but… WOW! 😯

                    Well, that made me look, so thanks. Any chance someone with an SK could measure the footprint? I’m curious if she’d fit in any of my display spots….


                    dude, mine will be here in about a week and I *plan* on putting her on top of my short bookshelf, but gosh…she is sooo huge. I can’t put her on the floor. I have 5 dogs and one of them is the KING of peeing on anything on the floor and that CAN NOT HAPPEN!

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