tasgrs PYO's (New pics 3/17!)

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    I finally made some time to take some photos.
    Apologies in advance for not great photos…I’m definitely NOT a Windstone photographer. Some of these are decidedly fuzzy…. 😛

    First is my first kirin. I’m calling her Jewel #1. These certainly don’t do her any justice; she is done entirely in a mix of interference colors mixed with base color paint–the royal blue and the emerald green. Her head, mane, back ridge and tail are a mixture of blue, teal, and purple with a dry brushing of gold over her green body scales. She is antiqued with dark teal. Her forequarter scales are teal, her belly scales were purple brushed with gold, and her leg scales are shaded blue to purple.

    And then there is my first Griffin. 🙄 The first one will hopefully show the weird chips that appeared when I put him out to take some pictures, and got distracted. It’s mostly on his claws and left brow ridge…
    I’ve touched him up, and he’s now my static “test paint” guinea pig. I’m working on another griffin with a similar paint scheme to Jewel. Same idea with the mixed interference, but emphasis on different colors.

    I’ll try to find some time to put these guys in the gallery…if I can figure out how….. 😕



      they’re both very nice. But I think I like the griffin bestest. 😉 😆


        They’re both lovely! The griffin looks so natural, and the kyrin so bright and happy! 😀


        2Huberts wrote:

        they’re both very nice. But I think I like the griffin bestest. 😉 😆

        Thanks! Would you tell me why? 🙂 I like the kirin best, but then again I’m like a magpie…OOohh, a SHIIIIIINEY….
        I felt the griffin was a little too subdued, actually. I kept wanting to put more color on him. Have I mentioned I need to practice restraint when using the interference paints?? 🙄


        I like the griffin because he is natural.

        I like the kirin because she is bright!!

        I can’t pick a fave, they are both really nice. 😀


          I think the Gryphon is really nice (no offense to your Ki-rin – I guess I’m the opposite of the magpie, shiny stuff burns my eyes 😛 ).


          They both look great, tasgrs, and I like the kirin best! He’s so eye-catching!


            Lokie wrote:

            I think the Gryphon is really nice (no offense to your Ki-rin – I guess I’m the opposite of the magpie, shiny stuff burns my eyes 😛 ).

            Magpie here, all the way! I love the ki-rin. He ‘minds me off all the natural blue in nature… blue belly lizards, Mountain bluebirds, German Blue Ram fish, Hyacinth macaws, Karner Blue butterflies, Blue Morpho butterflies, my kitty Loki’s blue eyes… Blue is my favorite!




            Okay…so what do I need to improve on? Anything you can see? I’d like to be able to hold my own with y’all when the next swap comes around…. 😉 I know the pics aren’t the greatest. (I’d like to be able to take better photos, too….)


              I hear ya, I like to put interference colours on everything. Hard to restrain myself.

              I like the griffin cause he looks natural but with a bit of bling. 😆


              I like the griffin too, especially the green sheen onhis wings and the shading of his front claws.


                Both of those PYOs are very nice. I love the color scheme on the little kirin but the coloring on the griffn is very nice and natural-looking. He’s my fave of the two 😉 . Nicely done 😀 .


                Okay. I’ve managed to upload some pictures of a few pieces I’ve done since the last time I posted here. And apologies in advance for lousy photography. 😳

                The first Griffin is Garnet Saphire Jewel, the second Griffin is Tanzanite Emerald Jewel, and the Kirin is Fall. I’m working on Winter; that’s the one Kirin with the aqua that’s partially visible in the shot with Fall. I really want to finish Winter, but right now the room I use for my studio is currently occupied by my mother’s obnoxious cat, who hates *EVERYTHING and EVERYONE*, so unfortunately I can’t just integrate her into the household pride. I’m not about to risk a possible attack just in order to paint. 😮 That room has the best light for the better part of the day, too. 😡 Psycho Kitty is here until mid April, when my parents come back from FL. Boy, my inheritance better be good…… 🙄

                I’ve got Spring waiting in his box, along with a Keeper, a small Dragon and a Uni. (I haven’t made a complete decision on how they’ll be painted just yet) and I’m considering adding more detail to the first Kirin I did that was originally posted when I started this thread. He looks too plain to me anymore. 😉


                So, tell me what you guys think? Should I quit while I’m ahead? 😀


                  I really like the giffin…he’s very natural looking… 😉

                  and I also like the ki rin in your last post thats the orangy red color with teh brown eyes… 🙂


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