
Summer 2010 Swap Complete!

Home Forums Miscellany Swaps Summer 2010 Swap Complete!

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  • #809740

      YAY..my gift arrived today and I love it, it actually arrived a few days ago but it was dropped off at my neighbours house and they have not been home all weekend. I had to work late tonight and they just dropped off… 😉 I love my gifts ! Thank you! I know we are not suppose to post who got us cause that way everyone else who hasn’t recieved their gift yet won’t be able to figure out who got them… 🙂

      I will try to post a pic tomorrow but I think I have to stay late tomorrow as well so it will probably be later on tomorrow night1

      Thank you again for all of gthe wonderful gifts… 😉

      😳 I hope i have enough time to send mine out tomorrow as it still have not left…mine might be going out a day late if I can’t get to the post office before it closes tomorrow… 😳


      Crimson Vision

        A reminder; all gifts should be mailed today at the latest. I saw a few posts talking about delays; please try to plan ahead for these (if possible) if participating in future swaps.

        If anyone needs me to contact their swapee to find out if they got their gifts yet please PM me and I can be your go between. 🙂


          Mine is shipping out tomorrow (if my dad can pick up the form I need at the post office), so he can mail it tomorrow for me. I planned ahead, but I don’t have much control over the shipping of out of print or hard to get items, and I didn’t realize that the post office windows didn’t open as early as I need them (haven’t been awake this early in the morning in 4 years). :shrug:


            Dragon Master wrote:

            sorry still don’t know how to down load pics which was why I included the link

            kai ^.^ how about you making me your trusted henchman and e-mail it to me and I’ll do it for you 😀

            Crimson Vision

              Another FYI; my Father in Law was in a serious plane crash on Sunday and currently has only a 20% chance of survival; we just found out as they couldn’t get contact numbers off of his phone. I won’t be able to reply or check up on people’s packages as quickly as usual for the near future. My swapee’s has already been mailed.

              Sorry for the shortness & buzzkill but thats where I am at.


                Thank you for letting us know what is going on BUT take care of you and your family first
                I’m SOOO sorry to hear this
                I wish the best for you all


                  ZOMG! *BIG HUGS* Crimson. I’m sure everyone will understand and make due and be patient in waiting for their packages. Sending healing thoughts your father-in-law’s way that he will be ok in whatever manner is best for him. 🙁

                  *BIG HUGS* again.


                    best wishes crimson… I hope that things turn out well…


                      I’m so sorry Crimson. Hugs to you and all your family!!


                        Oh, I’m so sorry that your Dad-in-law is hurt! Please, take care of your family first! *hugs*

                        Windstone collector in remission. 😉


                          Oh Crimson, I’m so sorry to hear about your FIL.

                          I truly meant to get my package out today, but had some things come up that too longer than expected to finish. By the time I got home, the post office was closed. I will get it out first thing tomorrow morning.


                          I am so sorry Crimson! Be there for your family, and check on this later. *hugs* My prayers are with your family.


                          I’m so sorry to hear about your father-in-law. You have more important things to focus on besides the swap. Please take good care of yourself and not to worry about this. Please feel the care and concern coming from the WE forum and as you can, please keep in touch. 😮 😥 🙁


                            Just got back from dropping my package at the post office!


                              I am so sorry to hear about your father-in-law but take care of your family first and let the rest of us take care of whatever we can here – Remember Family First.

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