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    Lokie wrote:

    Will non-trekkies like this movie?

    If the person in question has any liking for any other science fiction movies that have space ships, thrilling adventure, and great special effects, the answer is a resounding “Yes”.

    Both my son and daughter loved it, and neither are trekkies by any stretch of the imagination. As I mentioned earlier, Ted had to ask which one was Spock. And Miri knows of Star Trek as a cultural phenomenon, without having watched the TV show. I suppose she may possibly have seen one of the Next Gen movies.

    Anyway, although a non-Trekker won’t get that warm feeling of recognition when a familiar name is dropped, it’s certainly not necessary for you to recognise those names in order to enjoy the movie.


    The Castle [Dave wrote:

    “]As I mentioned earlier, Ted had to ask which one was Spock.

    Oh, Dave, where did you go wrong? 😆


    I did a character search yesterday evening. When I saw that Simon Pegg was Scotty, I just *had* to go. Right then. Honestly, I thought it would ruin the magic of Star Trek to reinvent it. However – I think it was an excellent movie.

    Chekov’s accent was *just right*.

    And Bones was always my favorite character from the original series, and the guy who did Bones was great! I actually believed that it was a young Bones. Same with Pegg actually, he didn’t seem to be doing a replay of Scotty, he was Scotty.

    And I didn’t get the beagle reference either. And I’ve seen the Enterprise series (with the ever present Beagle belonging to Archer). Now that I think of it….. I am HIGHLY amused. XD


      I thought the movie was great, but I never did much like Kirk. He always seemed like a pompus, sexist jerk, so the character in the movie was fun for me. I am not Trekkie enough to argue about the background or flaws in the movie, but overall I totally enjoyed seeing everyone when they were introduced and really enjoyed both the comedy and the action in the movie. Ohura and Spock romance took both me and my mom by surprise but we loved it. We will watch that one repeatedly. As for Vulcan blowing up… I was under the impression that Spocks species was rare and thought that Vulcan blowing up explained that. I dont know if I am remembering it wrong from the original series or what, but SOMEONE on the Enterprise was always suprised when one of his species showed up. If it wasnt Spock who was it?

      For non Trekkies; My husband didnt have one whit on Star Trek knowlege and he enjoyed the movie. 🙂


        Jasmine wrote:

        But it is really, really, really annoying to have a bunch of guys sitting behind me in the theatre constantly going…”they would never have done that”…”that didn’t happen in the first series”…”that shouldn’t have happened”… I finally had to turn around and say, “What part of alternate reality don’t you boys understand?”. That finally shut them up though I could still hear them muttering quietly.

        Glad I wasn’t sipping anything when I read that. Too funny… XD

        Glad they made it an alternate reality. Saved me from having an apoplectic fit of nit picking. Thought the characters were great. Either spot on, (McCoy) or close enough to be very believable IMO.

        But why the bleep did they have to destroy Vulcan? Such a cool planet, and now there’s only enough of my favorite Star Trek species to fill a small town (in that alternate reality anyway). 😥 There are so many other ways to create plot-relevant angst and strife like blowing up another planet instead…

        Despite that (and a few other little things), IMO it rocked.


        ddvm wrote:

        The Castle [Dave wrote:

        “]As I mentioned earlier, Ted had to ask which one was Spock.

        Oh, Dave, where did you go wrong? 😆

        I’m giving him room to find himself, instead of pushing him to re-find me. That’s my sorry… I mean “story”… and I’m sticking to it.

        He enjoyed watching all the Buster Keaton movies and shorts, though, so I’m doing my part for passing on the essentials. And he liked Star Wars.

        Give him another year and I expect he’ll blossom into his own style of nerdiness. I mean, he already writes Naruto fan fiction, so he’s way ahead of me on that.


          Thanks for the replies, Dave and DDVM. I think I’m sold; I’ll go check it out this weekend 🙂


            The Castle [Dave wrote:

            “] “What part of alternate reality don’t you boys understand?” Well, clearly a whole bunch of Star Trek die-hards, who surely should know better, just simply didn’t grasp the “Alternate” part.

            Just a minor correction here Dave and Jasmine. It was not an alternate reality, it was an alternate timeline. There is a big difference. Alternate reality implies that you have two different realities existing at the same time. Star Trek did many, many episodes based on that. They were all done very well. Alternate timeline means the current timeline was erased and no longer exists. That’s what I object to. Alternate reality, I’m fine with. Alternate timeline, I am not.

            Ski, Vulcans were not rare in the movies or the series. Their planet did not blow up before. This was something new.

            On another note, I was fortunate to meet many of the Star Trek actors, including Leonard Nimoy, DeForest Kelly, William Shatner, James Doohan,George Takei, Brent Spiner, Lavar Burton, Marina Sirtis, John DeLance, just to name a few. It was a pleasure meeting them. They were all very friendly and in many cases more than willing to sign autographs.


            starbreeze wrote:

            Just a minor correction here Dave and Jasmine. It was not an alternate reality, it was an alternate timeline. There is a big difference. Alternate reality implies that you have two different realities existing at the same time. Star Trek did many, many episodes based on that. They were all done very well. Alternate timeline means the current timeline was erased and no longer exists. That’s what I object to. Alternate reality, I’m fine with. Alternate timeline, I am not.

            Star Trek often did the version of alternate reality where in the end everything turns out the same, because each episode had to be understandable in terms of the other episodes. If you blew up Vulcan during the episode, by the end of the episode Vulcan had to be restored because it was a static concept within the story arc.

            What we have here is an alternate reality story that is left open at the end of the show, with every indication that it will remain that way. The original time-line still exists, though, because this new time-line is predicated upon it.

            Clearly this is an alternate timeline story, but I see “alternate timeline story” as being a minor subset of “alternate reality story”. This one is (in my opinion) a good alternate timeline story and therefore, by definition, a good alternate reality story.


            starbreeze wrote:

            On another note, I was fortunate to meet many of the Star Trek actors, including Leonard Nimoy, DeForest Kelly, William Shatner, James Doohan,George Takei, Brent Spiner, Lavar Burton, Marina Sirtis, John DeLance, just to name a few. It was a pleasure meeting them. They were all very friendly and in many cases more than willing to sign autographs.

            Wow…that is awesome!


              starbreeze wrote:

              Ski, Vulcans were not rare in the movies or the series. Their planet did not blow up before. This was something new.

              Any idea what race it was on the Enterprise that was rare? I really do remember that one of the crew members was of a rare species, but for the life of me, I cant remember which one.


                Thanks for the recommendations; I finally watched it and give it thumps up. So did all my non-trekkie friends =)

                I did see it with other ladies, and in the car ride home afterwards, we had an interesting conversation about an observation. All the prominent female characters in the movie were either maternal or someone’s girlfriend/love interest. I do understand when the original concept for Star Trek was written that’s the role women played on TV and there is nothing wrong with being the “mom” or being some man’s eye candy, but I just hope in the sequel there is a strong female character (one who kicks a little butt).

                Also, I can’t imagine anyone else but Zachary Quinto playing the role of Spock. Even Leonard Nimoy. I know from the cheers in the audience that people really identified with Leonard Nimoy when he made an appearance, but since I didn’t grow up watching him in that role, I kept thinking during those scenes, that’s NOT Spock. Bring the real Spock back . 😆

                Adaneth wrote:

                I also had trouble because my brain recognizes Spock as Sylar from Heroes so I keep expecting him to do something villanous. 🙄 😆

                I love Sylar, so I didn’t think I could get past Quinto as Spock, but less than half way through it, I forgot all about Sylar. Now everytime I look at Sylar, I’m going to think of Spock 😆


                skigod377 wrote:

                I dont know if I am remembering it wrong from the original series or what, but SOMEONE on the Enterprise was always suprised when one of his species showed up. If it wasnt Spock who was it?

                I’ve been thinking about this. (Yes, I need to get a life. 😀 ) I think it was uncommon for Vulcans to serve in Star Fleet when Spock was serving aboard the Enterprise. Or at least it was uncommon for them to serve with a human crew – wasn’t there an all Vulcan starship that was destroyed? It’s been a long time since I’ve seen the original series. But I think ski is right – Spock serving on the Enterprise wasn’t usual. But he paved the way for other Vulcans to serve on non-Vulcan ships. I think.

                I was trying to think what other species was rare and only came up with the Orions – there is a slave girl in The Menagerie and then they think the assassin in Journey to Babel is an Orion. And it turns out that Uhura’s roommate in the current movie is an Orion!


                You’re right, there is an episode that mentions an all-Vulcan ship. It was the ‘Immunity Syndrome’–so you’re not the only one in need of a life around here! 😆

                A lot of aliens are rare in OS episodes just because of cost. Those obnoxious Tellurites, for example! 😀


                  I could also have been thinking of the newer enterprise under Picard. Im a little spacey lately. (no pun intended)

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