Spring Green Gold SK!

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    Greater Basilisk wrote:

    I’ve seen that quote plenty of times, but where does is come from originally?

    I was quoting Men in Black


      I forgot to check out the eyes this morning.DUH 😳


      ddvm wrote:

      Greater Basilisk wrote:

      I’ve seen that quote plenty of times, but where does is come from originally?

      I was quoting Men in Black

      That can’t be the original source. I’m sure it’s way older than that. 😕


        according to http://www.uselessmoviequotes.com/umq_m008.htm
        Men in Black was the only source it came up with but I know I have heard it before too


          😯 OMG… was just on eBay and saw her…*drool*
          She’s close enough to old green in the pics to satisfy…
          It would really REALLY hurt, but I have several K$ on my CC…
          I just started that second job, even though my 1st has rumors floating they may change my shift, which means I’d quit…
          but if SKs never make it to production, and this color won’t ever be redone (won’t buy a solid SK unless it’s old green or close to)…
          What can I sell, eBay isn’t productive at the moment…
          what to do… 😯


            pipsxlch wrote:

            😯 OMG… was just on eBay and saw her…*drool*
            She’s close enough to old green in the pics to satisfy…
            It would really REALLY hurt, but I have several K$ on my CC…
            I just started that second job, even though my 1st has rumors floating they may change my shift, which means I’d quit…
            but if SKs never make it to production, and this color won’t ever be redone (won’t buy a solid SK unless it’s old green or close to)…
            What can I sell, eBay isn’t productive at the moment…
            what to do… 😯

            There CAN be more of these in the future. She is not a one of a kind


              Yes, I know, there MAY be- but then again, there may NOT be- it’s left open ended, not like with the whites where we knew there’d be more. It’s just the old green is my true color-love, and there almost certainly won’t be an old green, or maybe anything else (including another spring green) that resembles it so well…I like the dichroic eyes, but can live without them if it would help me acquire one…
              If only this had come up a few months from now, when things should be more stable 😥 😆
              Anybody want to buy my firstborn? (and yes, I am joking)


                can’t take the first born since I can barely keep myself in order I do nto want to be responsible for screwing up someone elses life


                  can any post a pic of her here??? NOT an e-bay link so we can just see her in all her glory here


                  pipsxlch wrote:

                  Yes, I know, there MAY be- but then again, there may NOT be- it’s left open ended, not like with the whites where we knew there’d be more. It’s just the old green is my true color-love, and there almost certainly won’t be an old green, or maybe anything else (including another spring green) that resembles it so well…I like the dichroic eyes, but can live without them if it would help me acquire one…
                  If only this had come up a few months from now, when things should be more stable 😥 😆

                  Considering how well this first one is doing so far, I think there’s a very good chance that you’ll have an opportunity to try for one in a few months. 🙂


                    I tried to look at the eyes on the e-bay gallery here and read about them but could not really see them


                    Here’s a link to the pictures…hopefully you can see them…


                      I’m blocked from this sight at work


                        Here ya go, DM.
                        I’m lazy and just copied the locations rather than saving, resizing, and then posting. I hope you can see them that way… if not, I’ll try again.


                          Wow… look at that smile in the first pic 😆

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