Spring Green Gold SK!

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      WOW, SHE ABSOLUTLY GORGEOUS !!!!!!!!!!! I wish I could afford to get her 😥 but I know that she will sell for alot.



      She’s already out of my price range, and I am holding out for the Autumn leaf anyhow, but if it never goes into production, I’m never gonna have one, which is sad, since I am saving a space just for her in my curios.



        how much is she at now??


          Dragon Master wrote:

          how much is she at now??



            MAN, too bad my insurance money won’t be here for a couple months I might actually have that much extra…drats…

            she is the BEST SK EVER so far….WOW…..hmm…now I need a plan to sneak into the winner’s home and sneak out avec dragon…yes…..that’s a good idea…..yessss……. 😯


              WolfenMachine wrote:

              MAN, too bad my insurance money won’t be here for a couple months I might actually have that much extra…drats…

              she is the BEST SK EVER so far….WOW…..hmm…now I need a plan to sneak into the winner’s home and sneak out avec dragon…yes…..that’s a good idea…..yessss……. 😯
              this is only a good plan if it’s not my house!!


              I think I actually like her better than the red gold. I really hope Olimpia makes more in this color, because I’d like one. I just love those eyes.


                She looks a lot like the old green to me, except more monochromatic….very beautiful, and it’s a very good green to go on a dragon! ^_^ Hmm…I’m still waiting for my one true SK love….

                "He that breaks a thing to find out what it is has left the path of wisdom."
                -J R R Tolkien


                  ddvm wrote:

                  Hmmmm….what can I sell, what can I sell? Anyone want a Subaru Forrester? Wait, no, I need that to get to work. Hmmmm….too bad I haven’t reproduced – I would consider selling my first born. Goes off to ponder…

                  😈 😈 😈 I know what you could sell…

                  "He that breaks a thing to find out what it is has left the path of wisdom."
                  -J R R Tolkien


                  Good thinking, Arlla. 😆

                  I like this Spring Green much better than the old green. It’s shinier. 😀


                    I just can’t justify spending that much money on a sculpture… for multiple sculptures of course- but for one I can’t even try and convince my brain. They are very awesome looking though. I do like the red one better though…


                    I think I like the red gold better, but this is still a spectacular dragon. It’ll be fun to watch the bidding take off! 🙂

                    Granted that the dichroic eyes don’t work well in the smaller eye sizes, but might they work as pupilless Spectral eyes? Not to disregard the Spectral eyes as they are–they’re great–but I do wonder how these would look . . . ? After all, with no pupil to mess things up, maybe the dichroic layer would look really neat. Just a thought.


                    Arlla wrote:

                    ddvm wrote:

                    Hmmmm….what can I sell, what can I sell? Anyone want a Subaru Forrester? Wait, no, I need that to get to work. Hmmmm….too bad I haven’t reproduced – I would consider selling my first born. Goes off to ponder…

                    😈 😈 😈 I know what you could sell…

                    *plays dumb* What would that be, Arlla?

                    Anyone recoginize the quote, slightly mangled “You’ll have to pry her from my cold, dead fingers?”


                    I’ve seen that quote plenty of times, but where does is come from originally?


                    That is absolutely gorgeous!

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